If I try to kill myself with a hipoint c9 will it blow up in my hand?

If I try to kill myself with a hipoint c9 will it blow up in my hand?

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Jow Forums fag here.

Hipoints are not nearly as terrible as people make them out to be. They're cheap guns but they're built to last. Having said that, I don't recommend a handgun for suicide. There's a very good chance you'll survive being shot in the head and simply spend the rest of your life in agonizing pain and disfigured after being committed to a mental hospital.

You're thinking of a Glawk

Another Jow Forumstard here, I concur. While shotguns are arguably cheap and very effective if you don't fuck up and blow your face off and agonize for hours before you bleed out or get fixed up with no face, I don't recommend firearms for suicide.

Jump off a high cliff or something. Don't FUCKING AN HERO WITH A GUN. Stop ruining our shit you assbutt.

if the bullet comes out and kills you will it really matter if your hand is blown apart?

Jow Forumsomrade #3 here
if the gun explodes it's probably because the bullet was fucked up/out of battery/pignosing/whatever so the answer is no, it won't come out

The bullet from a 9mm might NOT kill you. Tons of people survive getting shot with a single bullet from a small caliber like that. And then you're fucked. See Yeah, that's another thing. People like to throw out the number of deaths in America by firearm every year while ignoring the fact that 2/3 of people who die end up dying via suicide by gun. It's people like OP who inflate the stats that are used against us. And it's selfish as fuck.

>listening to military larpers on an image board

Just be a shotgun hero

>I don't recommend a handgun for suicide.
what if u points it directly to ur brain or you put it beetwen ur two eyes?

I've heard a shotgun in the mouth pointed at the brainstem is the most surefire way to kys instantly

there is no greater use for firearms than suicide. No one is going to rise up against the government and do shit. The only reason to have the second amendment is to have a quick and relatively reliable method to kill yourself. There is no other real use for guns other than fucking entertainment.

A 9mm bullet is something a lot of people survive getting shot in the head by. I wouldn't risk it. Especially when euthanasia groups recommend burning charcoal in a small room and just killing yourself like the lead singer of Boston.

>you can survive shooting yourself in the head
What is with this meme? Shoot yourself behind your ear and make sure your body wont immediately be found, and there is a 0% chance of survival

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! couldn't have put it better. The rest is delusion.

That's exactly what i meant

I have the 45 version of this and its my suicide gun. I cannot realistically hide a shotgun from my parents so I had to do this. I have some hollow point rounds for it but I am kind of torn on using them. They are generally better for killing but there is the possibility it wont penetrate the skull well enough. But then a FMJ round might get into and out of the skull but not destroy enough to kill me quickly. Or worse yet even kill me at all.

been debating going up to a cliff tying a rope to my car going to the edge of the cliff leaning out slightly while holding the rope with one hand. Then the other hand fires the gun into my skull, I let go of the rope and fall off the cliff. This way if the gun doesn't kill me it will at least knock me out and the cliff will do the rest. I really wish I could put some plastic explosives on my self as well. I just really really really want to die.

>Shoot yourself behind your ear and make sure your body wont immediately be found, and there is a 0% chance of survival
You'd be surprised how many people fuck this up. It's hardly fool proof. That actor from Seinfeld who shot himself in the head still managed to call 911 after his suicide attempt failed.

Personally, I just wouldn't use a gun at all, unless it's a shotgun. And even then, burning charcoal is the most painless way to go.

PS: If you're still reading this OP, i don't recommend killing yourself at all, if that wasn't clear to you.

Shhh we are trying to talk people out of easy suicide without seeming righteous or moralizing

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>burning charcoal is the most painless way to go
I cant imagine suffocating the be all that painless

Sounds like a wily coyote cartoon

OP here
I guess I won't an hero with a pistol but maybe a shotgun. There's nowhere around here where I could throw myself off of a great height. I'd jump in front of a train but that sounds painful to fuck up too

Putting your neck on a rail is probably the best way. Please don't use guns.

I know desperation creates such thoughts I suppose.

>tfw you'll never eat road runner :'[

You don't feel like you're suffocating. You just get sleepy and pass out, then die.

who chooses a hi-point 9mm? u really suck at killing yourself! git gud scrub! Try tide pods instead! at least then you will smell nice when ur dead.

stream hit

He should have shot twice.

No OP. I can assure you it will only blow your brains out. I know they're good on stray dogs too.

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