When you wake up tomorrow, you're not alone. In bed with you is your opposite sex clone...

When you wake up tomorrow, you're not alone. In bed with you is your opposite sex clone. He or she is physically the same age as you, in the same physical condition adjusted for gender averages, and has all of your own consciousness, memories and desires.

Realistically, what would you do?

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They would be ugly to me and I find female nature to be disgusting
I'd kick them out of my house like the dirty animal that they were!

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Feel bad my counterpart is now a man in a woman's body

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I don't know what you expect me to say other than fuck him

So we'd shyly read books in bed together and talk about them a lot, then cuddle and see who can give the comfiest hugs? Sounds nice.

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I would ask her where she comes from

>fuck him
liar, women are too picky to fuck their looksmatch unless they're 9+/10

Even though I'm ugly i like guys with my hair and clothes style

She would hate me too just like every other woman. So nothing.

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No you would screech and accuse him of rape.

Dirty jewess knows where i keep my gold! Gotta get to it before she does.

It wouldn't be rape it'd just be masturbating since it's me

>implying you'd care enough to speak to the ugly guy in your bed to find out

A gender-swapped version of me would be the most disgusting thing I could imagine
Since she would think so too, and I already have trouble looking at my face in the mirror without being overwhelmed by anger and disgust, we'd probably try and beat the shit out of each other, and it's a 50/50 how it would go because our muscles would be so underdeveloped that the gender gap would proportionally be reduced to nothing

Whore her out for money and force her to clean and cook for me. Kill her if she gets pregnant and sell her organs while am at it. Simple as that.

Fuck myself ofc, what else is there to do. Sounds like a really good way to gain experience

God damn you are such a blackpilled faggot. Why must incels be so retarded

What kind of fucking question is that?
What should it be considered if someone were to actually fuck their clone? Would it be incest? Narcissistic personality disorder? Masturbation? Homosexuality lite?

Put my dick in for twelve generations and work towards more divine wind

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I would logically have to kill her, one of me in this world is enough and a waifuable version of me is even worse

After freaking the hell out maybe offer them some Coffee or Dr Pepper, boot up the ol' gamecube, and talk philosophy with them.

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Fuck them of course
I already look like a faggot, so if I looked like a real female I'd be pretty attractive

>Realistically, what would you do?
Live the rest of my life with her and never leave each other.

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>all of your own consciousness, memories and desires.
Damn you, Op. If those would have gotten adjusted too, we could have fucked like rabbits and lived happily ever after.

As it is, I wish her good luck in her life as lesbo dom and go back to shitposting.

So you would hate fuck each other? and it would be mind blowing.

If we were the same person then wouldn't it be incest if fucked eachother since were so genetically similar?
If so i would still fuck her like crazy but we'd have no kids unless we adoped some

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>Realistically, what would you do?
kick her out or kill her.

Finally have somebody else to make shit with that won't be an annoying faggot about it.

First, I would be grateful I'm not the one that got turned into a woman. Then I would try to fuck my female version, but I'm sure she(I?) would refuse, so at least I would get her to show me her bobs and vegena. We would have an interesting discussion afterwards about philosophy, metaphysics and our future.