Gonna kill myself. Not out of depression, just boredom. I'll stream it, just tell me where

Gonna kill myself. Not out of depression, just boredom. I'll stream it, just tell me where.

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Do it faggot, if you're serious then twitch, post the link here but don't title it "commiting suicide" or something like that because then it'll get taken down instantly, just go through with it.


>just boredom
similar thoughts have crossed my mind op. a youtube stream would be okay, but twitch is also acceptable

this post reads like a drooling retard luring a teenage girl to his house, like he can't believe he almost has his quarry and he wants to make sure he gets it

Do it in a cool way please. Like suicide by cop or seppuku

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Can you venmo ur money?

feel the same, fuck all hate you get they are just fucking bored fat fucks who has done nothing in ther life

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>the state of poorfags

let me get ur shit computer when ur dead and all ur stuff

>op abandoned the thread
abort mission

Please don't kill yourself user. I love you in a Jow Forums anonymous fren way

Share the stream, Need to watch someone off themselves so I can learn what the fuck I am doing wrong

OP is a faggot that will never deliver. Slidethread

yeah, i think op baited us. fuck him lol

>Being this new
We have this thread every day

Not knowing this is fake
Fuck off normie

Live stream that shit. I need some inspiration to do it myself.

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the inspirational calculator of truth huh?

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Enjoy your doom.

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I typed out a long post saying this, but was given no reCAPTCHA. I had to delete and it was all for naught. Vote for this

Sounds like my current life. If I have any recollection of this life in that one, then I'd kms again. If another life happened, then I'd become a suicide addict.

sage goes in all fields. All Hail bot overlordos

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