There's nothing worse than a white person who tries to speak African American English to be cool but doesn't realize...

There's nothing worse than a white person who tries to speak African American English to be cool but doesn't realize that we have rules in the way we speak.

I see a lot of white kids using "be" wrong. It's not a replacement for "is" or "are" or similar words. Say somebody asks you if you have $5. You cannot respond with "no, I don't be having it". If somebody asks you where you are, you can't say "I be at the store".

"Be" means it's habitual. "I be going to the store" means "I go to the store often." "I don't be having money" means "I never have money."

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Nobody cares about your dumbed down ghetto blaster language. Fuck right off.

I wouldn't say dumbed down. Standard English doesn't have a habitual tense.

The worst is when they don't understand how to use done

If it makes you feel better I'll never ever talk to a real african american nigger in my life.

Nope, it's a dumbed down language based off English. And it's fucking embarrassing.

What makes it dumbed down exactly? Can you point to anything specific which has been simplified?

Why would i want to talk like a retard?

It's based off of Scottish and Irish dialects and multiple African languages. Stick to what you know.

Why not just use language correctly? Or is it too hard for niggers and amerimuts?

We can use the language "correctly". We just choose not to in certain contexts. If we want a job interview, we'll speak general American English. With our friends, we'll speak African American English. We can switch back and forth.

Why not speak the language how its supposed to be?

Because that's no fun. Like I said before, we can speak general American English when it's necessary. But if it's not necessary, why do it?

>literally too retarded to understand why people speak slang in informal settings
really hope you're just larping as retards

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Look at this cute nigger trying to convince us that they can speak normal English.

Well, you take English then you remove all the nuance, subtly and practicality out of the language you get ebonics.

Why can't they just speak English like normal americans?

Yeah sorry, I'm running everything I type through a soul-to-pig translator. I was hoping no one would notice.

Slang is one thing, but if you literally cut out all the important punctuation/grammar just to try and make a language inacessable to others, you're just a fuck.

Take a look at african languages. They have no real notion of abstract thinking and complex linguistic features.

Niggers don't reason well.

Bix nood
I ain't not be wuz kang n shit nigga
Muh dick

>remove all the nuance, subtly and practicality
What do you even mean by this? It's literally just regular english except with some grammatical changes, and a few words taken out, added or pronounced differently.

>just to try and make a language inacessable to others
That's not how it works nor why the dialect was formed, fuckhead. It comes from the fact that blacks were separated from whites more often than not, so we formed our own way of speaking. This is also why Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French exist. Latin speakers were separated and were separated for so long that new languages formed.

>you're dumb because you can't tell the race of someone on an anonymous message board

>just regular english
>just some grammatical changes
>a few words taken out
>or pronounced differently.

Plim-plizzle, my nizzle, don' foget bouts tha six-fo, chuch, dawg up in da hood, chilly my grilly. fo sho.

Ok son.

people from place x talking differently than people from place y happens everywhere

No, you heard masta talking in the other room and said to all your little slave friends and said 'I'm guhna miffpoonance baffrooom, massa gonhna freak'

Seriously tho, are you saying ebonics is it's own unique language that has merit in this time?

ebonics came after english.

>a pig telling me how my dialect started
No I'm saying it's a different dialect that formed that way all dialects and languages formed. Stop being stupid. You're purposely trying to misunderstand what I'm saying.

But it came from people who didn't speak English. The same way Hawaiians have their own way of speaking because they didn't speak English at first.

First of all, this isn't how we speak so your post has no real argument. Second, if it was how we spoke, that would be slang, not AAVE. Everyone has slang. Third, stop it.

Yeah, but for no real reason. Language is supposed to inform and be able to bring people together.

That shit you speak is bastardized english solely mangled for the fact that you wanted to separate yourselves and be different.

That's not a good enough reason to me to inconvenience millions with your baboon speak and generally foster more intense identity politics. Idiot.

Those words are based from English dialect. Shut up.

Sadly it's not that far off.

you realize your post and my post can both be true at the same time right

jesus youre retarded
>that's not a good enough reason to me to inconvenience millions with your baboon speak
do you seriously act and speak the same exact way no matter where you are? do you go outside and greentext+call people roasties in real life?

>That shit you speak is bastardized english solely mangled for the fact that you wanted to separate yourselves and be different.
You're literally making this shit up. Youre like the insecure retards who get mad at Mexicans for speaking Spanish because you think they're being secretive or talking about you. The way we speak comes from us not knowing English and living around Irish and Scottish people for our first 3 centuries in this country. Do you think Irish and Scottish people spoke proper British English? And AAVE is easily understandable to anyone who speaks English. Is it that hard to translate "I ain't there" to "I am not there"? Or are you just that fucking autistic?
English isn't a dialect.

>scottish dialects
No it's not you fucking pleb

Yes it is, you fucking European. Read about American history for a second. The South was mostly inhabited by Scottish people. The South has slavery. The South is where the majority of African Americans come from. Scottish people owned slaves. Slaves learned English from Scottish people.

lmao just proved 100% that japanese is a retarded language

But they were all in the same place. Somebody mentioned fucking hawai and other places. I'm talking about inner city american idiots using ebonics.

Yes, I go around greentexting in real life because that's possible.

But also yes, I behave the same generally where i am. Is that difficult for you?

>Yes, I go around greentexting in real life because that's possible.
>But also yes, I behave the same generally where i am. Is that difficult for you?
Ever wonder if this is why you're on Jow Forums?

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There was a standard language that worked with a much greater degree of precision and general positive outcome and then you fucking people changed it.

>you're like etc.

Try again but use real world examples.

You're right, I meant language.

AAVE isn't exclusive to the inner city. It came way before blacks even lived in the city. It began hundreds of years ago, when the majority of American blacks still lived in the rural South. It's similar to Hawaiian English dialect, how is it not?

Pic related reads like how most of Jow Forums thinks black people speak.

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I think freaking out depending on location/circumstances would be more autistic.

Look at dem niggas ova der, dey is bout to rob that that merceydeez benz

is this proper ebonics?

Changing your behavior based on who you're around isn't "freaking out". It's being normal. I don't speak to my mother the same way I speak to my friends or my boss. Because I'm not an idiot.

Don't say AAVE dude, I had to look that shit up.

Yes, it started all the way back then and it's just as annoying now.

>But they were all in the same place. Somebody mentioned fucking hawai and other places. I'm talking about inner city american idiots using ebonics.
your room, and the place where you work are different places. typically people speak differently at home than they do at work, this is not hard to understand

>But also yes, I behave the same generally where i am. Is that difficult for you?
the vast majority of people speak differently with their parents than with their friends or boss or their teammates online
if you cant understand this basic observation of human interaction you are retarded

Fuck off idiot. You implied there was something wrong with me hence 'freaking out' (i assumed autism). We're not talking about the same things.


I bet you fuck your mother too you fucking cracker.

>don't use other words otherwise I may have to look them up and learn about them.
I say what I want.

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>Yes, I go around greentexting in real life because that's possible.
and dont even get me started on this
are you literally to retarded to understand that the way people "talk" in greentext is way different from real life
>be me
or are you just a faggot thats purposefully misunderstanding what i say for internet debate points

But everyone speaks english at my home and
at work. Nobody is making up languages.

>but also yes
Yeah, i misread how intense i thought he thought my autism was.

Hey, don't get mad at me because something dumb was said then i pointed out how dumb that thing was.


>i misinterpret shit on purpose to win arguments online
good for you
>But everyone speaks english at my home and
at work
a professional using jargon every other sentence and a teenager speaking slang are still speaking english yet they both speak completely differently
try again

>winning online arguments.

I think you're king autism now. Rule justly and fairly.

Even the Japanese have two different dialects, one formal one casual. Stop being autists. The problem is living in the inner city like me the niggers speak ebonics at work too and to the costumers and it's annoying and sounds fucking retarded.

I agree, speaking A A V E in formal settings is retarded and frowned upon by black people with sense. There are exceptions but it's we usually don't like people who do that.

Be normal for what? Why? To make you happy? Sorry I'm not going to pretend to be something I'm not so you can be comfortable.