I deserve a girl friend

I deserve a girl friend.

>I'm white
>I'm healthy
>I'm young
>I'm not a manlet
>I have a nice sized peepee
>I have a nice personality
>I'm a moral person(I'm pro life, I want drugs to be legal, etc)
>I can provide resources and coverture to a wife and offspring

I believe these are objective biological and subjective social reasons why I deserve a girl friend.

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Ah, yes, but do you have the fucking social skills to actually GET a girlfriend?

I probably do. It depends on what you mean by "social skills" desu

>nice personality
>not a manlet
Smh desu senpai-san

You sound like an arrogant asshole.

I'm actually very humble.

>I'm not a manlet
Fuck lankies FOREVER. You are male roasties. Go to

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I will ask them as well.

Girlfriends don't come to you automatically. They are an object you need to aquire. Go out, find one you are interested in, and ask them on a date. If they say yes, you need to show them what you have to offer (the payment for the object), but don't seem pretentious. Once you have the object, it will only sometimes be worth anything more than just that. If you think a girlfriend will fix your problems, you are wrong. They only create many more.

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>They are an object
Females are people. I'm going to disregard your post.

i would tell you "stop posting this you faggot" but that's the attention you crave. oh well. ur gonna die alone. so will i, but it's because i'm an inhuman leech.

I deserve a gf, so I will eventually have one. You recognize your faults, and that is the first step on the road to improving yourself and becoming deserving of a gf.

I hope you find her one day, user.

It doesn't matter what you think they are. The process is the same. If you have ever had a girlfriend you would know.

>Females are people

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Cringe and bluepilled posters.

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what I said is by definition blackpill, get your facts straight pal

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Blackpill is bluepilled.

you don't know what either of those mean. Not only this, but you are a pretentious fucking retard who doesn't deserve shit, just like anyone else. If you want something, work for it. Don't cry about how success doesn't come to you. I hope you never get a gf and die a virgin.

You are cringe and bluepilled, newfag.
Normalfag buzzword. Go back to reddirt.

This thread is not a complaint or "cry". Stop projecting, incel.

I garuntee I've been here longer than you. Just because I use words you can't understand doesn't mean I'm a normalfag. I gave you my advice, take it or leave it. Don't be an ass.
>stop projecting
saged, nice reddit vocabulary you weild there retard.

I never asked for your advice, newnigger normalfag. You are a failure of a human, your advice is worthless.
>n-no you reddit not me!

>an Elliot Rodger whiteknight
Please stop posting.

No one deserves a partner retard, you find one like any other person, and work to become their partner.

So what you're saying is literally anyone can find a gf? That is seriously the statement you're making?

He shook, he run.

just steal a stacy from a chad oh wait

I don't want a non-virgin roastie. I'm worried for your mental state that you'd even bring up such an option as a joke.

/soc/ wasn't much better than here. Almost a complete waste of time.

Friendly reminder that this thread has been reposted multiple time and is just a farm for replies that OP can screencap and post to reddit. Don't fall for obvious bait.

>someone made reposts on Jow Forums
>it's reddit!
Cringe and yikes.

>I deserve a girl friend
we all do buddy we all do

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Sorry pal, but women only care about the mating dance, I.E. how funny and charming you are. Money also helps.

Just get a doll if you want a gf. Don't waste your time on biocunts.

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>I'm pro life
Kill yourself nigger lover

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>pro life

Sure shows a whole bunch of morality when you want to restrict woman's rights. No wonder women don't like you.

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Sorry, murdering babies is wrong. You might disagree, and that's okay, you're wrong.

Is that junji ito art?

What rules us now is a soft-headed, mushy, egalitarian, feminine sort of altruism, where we are more inclined to feed the starving picaninnies of Africa than to take account of the fact that every picaninny who doesn't starve to death now will grow up to breed more picaninnies. We feel sorry for the disease-ridden Blacks and Browns of the world, and instead of keeping them and their diseases strictly confined to their part of the world, we bring them into our part of the world so that we can share their diseases - as in the case of New York's current outbreak of West Nile encephalitis imported from Africa.

What we need is a hard-headed, masculine sort of altruism, which makes us as concerned for the preservation of our own racial quality as for the stamping out of the fur trade, the sort of altruism which leads us to sterilize our own defectives rather than permitting them to breed a White welfare class, just as it leads us to thin out the 2-legged population of Africa rather than permitting it to continue encroaching on the four-legged populations.

And you know, whenever I say something like that I can hear the screams of protest in the background. I can hear the softheaded altruists screaming that I am advocating genocide, and oh, isn't that awful. But as a matter of fact, it is their policies which are leading to a far more terrible genocide, with our race as the victim.

When one has a world overcrowded with races competing for a limited living area and limited resources, there will be genocide. The feminine altruists cannot face that hard fact, and their activities simply guarantee a bloodier and more destructive genocide in the end. The masculine altruists, on the other hand, should be capable of imposing a necessary discipline in order to preserve the health of a beleaguered planet and permit its most valuable life forms to continue developing, instead of being dragged down by the least valuable.

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Stopped reading after 5 words. It's like you're trying to use every word with as many syllables as you can think of. Very low IQ post.

If you can't convey your thoughts succinctly, then you're too stupid to care about.

I'm cool with women getting the rights to opt out of parenthood if the man is given the same option. If not, then neither is better.

You're a pussy and a moral coward and should kill yourself. Are those words short enough for you?

I don't care about the opinion of baby murderers. God will judge you.

>believing in (((God)))
So you're a pussy and a brainlet. Religionfag genocide when?

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>I'm a moral person(I'm pro life)
How the fuck do normalfags like you end up on Jow Forums?

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I started browsing /a/ when I was 11.

Hey, you posted this before.

Well you're not alone. I'm in the same boat. I even have nice hair.

I'm guessing you've tried talking to girls in person? I asked a girl last night if she wanted to dance. It didn't work but I tried.

I also have nice hair. It reaches almost to my nipples. I've never asked a girl out before.

Try it I guess.

But I get the feeling most women are kind of intimidated by a guy just approaching them like that. I even tried talking to the bartender to loosen myself up and it was a weird interaction.

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>I probably do
Then why haven't you used them

>Try it I guess.
A bit hesitant desu.
Why haven't I used my warmaking skills? I haven't had the opportunity.

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>I haven't had the opportunity.
Unless you've been raised in isolation you've had a lifetime of opportunity.

I was home schooled K-12 and I've been a hikki NEET since puberty started.


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>I'm not a manlet
>I have a nice sized peepee


You're wrong. I deserve a gf.

>nice personality
lmao hahahhahah

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you're a beta bitchboy weeb who would never been seen at a bar/club hitting on chicks. like me

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I don't drink alcohol and have no interest in whores that abuse drugs, so you're right.

enjoy forever alone then, normies like to party, drugs, and fun and all that

I don't want a normalfag thot. There is nothing fun about drug abuse.

nice >> faggot what did you not want me to see your piss poor response fuck off

you can't even get the fat shy girls at walmart, you're pathetic!

I don't give retards (You)s, and your response has only further proved you are a newcunt normalnigger that needs to go back to reddirt.

this guy seems so angry, words words nigga haha

Fatties are worse than drug addicts. There is infinite information available to humans in the modern age, there is no reason to fall victim to evil.

Please post contact info origimi

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you can't even get the skinny punk girls at the bus stop, you're pathetic!

I deserve a gf #3991

Only contact me if you are girl(female) or know a girl(female) that you can introduce me to.

you're gonna die alone buddy, you've preprogrammed the autism

i've never ridden on a bus. Wait, I have ridden on a canoe company's bus that takes you from the stop on the river back to your car. That is the only bus I've ever ridden on.

ride more buses bitch nigga where do you think the anime couples meet.

I have an email as well. Discord seems like the only way retards on this website know how to communicate in private. I get ghosted every time I get in contact through email.

[email protected]

I am a biological female origimi

I will ride the bus after I learn Japanese and move to a homogeneous high IQ society.

if you ride 100 buses a year, talk to girls on 50 of those rides, 1 girls gonna want the dick. if not, report back and then ill give you more options

Gonna be at least 5 years until I get to Japan.

I'm sorry bro but if that's the case you dont have shit for social skills lol

I can look people in the eye and engage in conversation.

reeeeeposting pussy fag you are clearly the reddit fag i found your gay post all over the site clearly baiting for reddit literally neck cunt

>I'm a moral person(I'm pro life, I want drugs to be legal, etc)
Subjective. Also, morality is about doing, not just believing. How have you made the world a better place lately?

>morality is subjective
>morality is about doing
I subjectively disagree, fedora-kun.

Then your social skills are probably nothing to write home about
fucking lol

My social skills are good enough to convey my feelings to a potential lover.


>potential lover
cant make this shit up

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I'm perfectly capable of interaction with other humans. I was even called "too formal" on the /soc/ thread I made.

>thinks too formal is a compliment
pls stop you are killing me with your delusion

Normalfags not liking the way I talk is a compliment.

this is why you dont deserve a gf only normalfags get gfs the sooner you realise this the easier it will be

i just want to clarify something: deserving a girlfriend and being entitled to one are different things, i think OP has said so himself. if that's the case, what exactly is the point of this thread? okay, so you deserve a girlfriend. and?

My gf and I will be two non-normalfags.

haha this got a legitimate laugh from me
this if why you don't have a gf

>I have a nice personality

Nice one user u almost got me there

It's true, for me at least.

Then you probably don't have social skills. This is especially true since it's clear you still haven't developed a social life after your schooling otherwise you'd have had opportunities to interact with qts.

Yeah, no social skills confirmed. You're either autistic or your sheltered upbringing has you LARPing like one.

you need to better your position in the social hierarchy. you at the bottom, likely

>all that "I am" and "I have"

That's very nice and all, but what have you actually.DONE with your life? What are your talents? What are your accomplishments? Do you just sit at home all day with your thumb up your ass, waiting for Ms. Right to. ring the doorbell, or are you actually trying to make something of yourself? Because I've gotta be honest, you seem like an arrogant do-nothing dickhead to me.

You said a couple threads ago that you had just asked a woman out and gotten rejected. Should have guessed you were lying. How can you say you deserve a girlfriend when you don't even take the most basic of steps to get one?

>it reaches almost to my nipples
you are so fucking weird, your social skills aren't as good as you think

Buy expensive name brand clothes(Supreme, Bape, etc.) and white chicks will immediately jump on your dick.