Do you have it in you to disregard a woman's sexual past and love her with all you have?

Do you have it in you to disregard a woman's sexual past and love her with all you have?

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Depends on the kind of sexual past we're talking about.

Of course. No hymen no diamond

Original Source oregano?

Does the woman have it in them to disregard the fact that I'm unable to approach them and basically force themselves into being my gf who likes to cuddle and won't break my heart? Then sure.

absolutely, I care more about her values, her ambitions, her personality, just where she is going in life and seeing if I we can meet in the middle.

I've been super fucking loose in the past, so who am I to judge? As long as there's 100% loyalty in the relationship, and trust, I can look past it.

Why would I want to be a cuck?

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no, since she would never love me, since women are incapable of love and can only feel lust or desirous of material possessions and status.

l don't even know anymore.
My Head is a mess when l try to think about this topic.

idk man, ive been thinking ab this for a while now, but would i really be such a fucking cuck to love a thot? i fucking hate thots too. how can anyone have this amount of time to get laid? im in hs rn, and anyone who gets laid here on a weekly basis has to be a fucking retard.

whats the doujin tho? that bitch looks hot af



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so it's comforting to me that I am male and a good portion of living men right now are completely superfluous. I could just die right now and no women would notice or be affected whatsoever

Yes but there needs to be a talk. Im just not secure enough to ignore it and I need to know from her she's not judging me against those other partners

Yes. I can actually be a very forgiving person.

I really don't care if she's sucked like 50 dicks before she meet me, as long as she is faithful to me, i don't care.

The reason why men prefer virgins, women with fewer sexual partners, etc. is because of concerns about fidelity. If you could absolutely guarantee her fidelity, and she's still attractive, then that's not too bad a choice.

Source of this fine comic strip.

I dont have it in me to love any woman.

More than 5 past partners is pushing it. If she has a kid, I jump ship.

Yeah fuck no m8

I've got a gf now that I've been with 3 years and she absolutely adores me, keeps asking about kids and marriages and says she loves me everyday...and I can't give it back since I'm not her first. Really sucks desu, she's a cool girl and real loyal, like I would love to marry her and be 100% committed but I'd feel terrible for accepting used goods.

Tried talking to her about it but there's nothing she can really do, she fucked up majorly and now we can't have a perfect relationship. I've decided to just keep her for sex basically and if she ever forces the marriage meme, I'll either bolt or fuck 10 hookers to make it somewhat alright

Anyone else know this feel?

>m-m-muh used goods
People who get bothered by this are immensely insecure, in most cases. If she's some hypersexual slut who has a history in the double digits then I probably won't be loving her in the first place. If it's a normal girl with a normal number of previous experiences, why would I not look past it and love her for any reason besides autism.

I thought it would bother me but been getting to know a girl with an extensive (and unabashed) sexual history, and found there was a fuckton more to her than that beneath the surface and ended up catching feelings.

Still a bit iffy on it but surprised how little it ultimately matters.

The real reason is that there's inequity. Virgin men that obsess over having a "pure" woman are just upset over the perceived fairness of their lack of experiences vs those of potential partners that were able to have their fun the way they saw fit. It's the same way the poor look at the rich and say "I'll never be stingy if I win the lottery; I'll give some money to X and Y and Z". Ever seen what happens when a poor person gets rich through hard work and determination? Same shit. Now compare that to the schmucks that "win big"; they almost always lose it all.

You need to break up with her then. You obviously don't give a shit about her enough to commit. If you can't see yourself marrying her, you need to let her go .

No because I'm a beta male. You have to be self aware in these situations, woman will fuck the hots guys in their youth then go for betas when they prioritize stability over looks. I can't love someone with my all when they would have never accepted me in her prime.

Sure, under these conditions:

- she's doing everything with me sexually that she did with them (no withholding shit that she already did with others)
- she will never talk about any of them in any context and will erase all traces of them from her life, physically, emotionally and intellectually
- she has zero contact with them and her life leaves zero chance of her ever talking to any of them again or any of us seeing them
- she loves me and will never leave me or cheat on me or ever talk to any other man ever again

That's not true man, if I didn't care about her, this wouldn't be a problem, its a problem because I cared about her so much it hurts we can't be together, fuck O hate sluts

You're literally stringing her along. She wants to get married, you don't because you weren't her first. You're playing her dude. You said it yourself, you're just using her for easy pussy.

Did you read the last part? I'll probably end up biting the bullet anyways, kind of given up and finding someone actually worth marrying in le current year

Also on another note, what's your point? She literally doesn't deserve to be married in the first place, if she wanted to, she should have worked towards it desu

Disgusting normalshit. Why are you here if you were "loose" and fucking a bunch of women?

No, and justifiably so, simply because of the fact that women don't have it in them to not judge a man for his absence of sexual history.


I believe I could if I had a good enough relationship with them and found them attractive enough, but at the same time I would really like to love someone who has the same relationship history as me, which is none.

I've been thinking about this recently. I used to be 100% anti-slut, and would never be willing to settle down or even shortly date one
But God, I've become so horny and lonely, I just want a gf, regardless of her past.

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Nope. I have morals and standards, and nobody can be an exception.

Depends, you have like 2 or 3 past (serious) partners than yeah I can forgive it, cause that's what I am.
If you use tinder or whatever to fuck random fuckboys, even once, zero interest. Also god help you if you have kids.

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Nope. You are not trustworthy after you have been on the cock carousel too long.

>She doesn't deserve to get married.

Fuck off nigger. You are just as bad as she is if not worse. The fact that you're so upset you're not her first is laughable. The fact that all you care about is being a girl's first days alot about who you are. Kill yourself.

Says*. This is not an original comment.blox

this picture is cute so sure

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No I dont. Whores deserve to become cat ladies


Is it smart to marry a closet bi girl who has never slept with a woman but masturbates and fantasizes about them? Bi but likes and is turned on more by pussy more than cock

No. That's how Alan Moore got cucked.

There's some very reasonable responses ITT. For me personally I don't know if I could ever fully get over it. I feel like I'd try to ignore it as best as I could, but with my trust issues and insecurities that came out the woodwork in past relationships which were exacerbated by things they'd said and done, I don't think I truly could. It would slowly create a rift in our relationship and I could never get over it. I'd always be comparing or overanalyzing. What's more, and yeah, it's judgmental or archaic to a degree, but I do value purity. Not just purity for purity's sake. It's just to me, there is no bigger turn off than a woman who as been around.

dats just me doe

If I love her enough, yeah. But if not, I start to no want to have sex if she was a cumbucket.

Lmao you mad bruh?

Seems like I either upset a roastie or some white knight cuck...regardless, zero fucks given.

FYI going to be banging that whore tonight while you masturbate alone, sucks to be you, faggot

Not saying that it isn't a definite minus, but it's not actually an issue of how many penises they've been a receptacle of, at least for me. It's more about the knowledge that I hold no value, and the very concept of sex with another person is a terrifying thought to me, despite wanting intimacy(of any kind) greatly. I guess my brain rationalizes it, thinking that if neither of us would know what we're doing, neither of us will be dissapointing to the other, I'm already too scared of trying to date again after being berated for not knowing what I'm doing. I can't imagine how bad not knowing how to sex is.
Sorry for rambling.

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>ends up with cuck shit
Well fuck

do people really still believe in love lmao

NPC's all of you

still do here friend.

Of course, what else is there to live for?

you must love pain

3 strikes you're out. No exes as friends.

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As long as she doesn't have any children or diseases from it, sure.

I tried. She eventually broke it off to become a strong independent woman because she thought I'd cheat on her with men. Not joking.

Women literally can't commit to a health relationship.

Well, it's a part of life. What else would you suggest?

I did. She dumped me.