
Night gathers and now our shitposting begins
It shall not end until our sleep
We shall take no wife, hold no jobs, father no children
We shall live and die at our shitpost

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Other urls found in this thread:


>queen movie comes out
>amerifats now know freddie was one of our own and cant claim him as an amerifat
take that amerifats

Enzo in disguise getting kicked out will be memed for fucking years.

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3rd for hoping no one irl finds out you watch wrestling

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Got free trial of youtube premium.Watching Origin. Pretty god so far. Episode 4. Always love a bit of sci fi

any crzy men in

Why are so many of us Robots /SinkPissers/?
Why do we find it so difficult to piss in the bog like everyone else?

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In this second episode of Dynasties there's a feature of an incel penguin who, after failing to find a mate, leaves to spend the winter in the sea away from the normie penguins raising their offspring

lads I have a something I have to get off my pecks
I was the first poster that were made those posts about "neighbor's dog raping their wife again"
It twas me that made thems first posts all along

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>Night gathers and now our shitposting begins
>It shall not end until our sleep
>We shall take no wife, hold no jobs, father no children
>We shall live and die at our shitpost
You forgot to add edition
Correcting op is my mission
Wasn't he a paki?
Yeah i posted about it ages ago neethack now you don't have to touch the seat

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No idea what you're talking about.

Don't have to worry about pissing all over the seat or on the floor.
I've not pissed in a sink in a couple of years though.

>Yeah i posted about it ages ago neethack now you don't have to touch the seat
I also let them go in the shower
But I think that reasonably common
>or, at least, not uncommon. Even amongst Normans.

Least you didn't fuck your sister's dog to death lad.

Did you?
Sick fuck.

Na lad. I just spend too much time in these threads.
There was a story of this lad doing it about 4 months ago I think.

>penguin chick hatches then immediately freezes to death
Maybe they should go somewhere warmer than the north pole

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>to death
was it barking?

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a bridge too far mate the idea of pissing myself is disturbing so i aim at the drain if need be

some lod tried to force a meme about raping and being skull raped by his dog

drank a whole bottle of rum yesterday. mum was not happy. I puked. at least I'm young so I don't have a hangover

give me a non spoiler summary/review the IMBd one was is lacking

I remember that. He killed it but had to play it off like he didn't fuck it to death so they wouldn't send him to forever prison for nonces.

Premise is basically that there is a ship bound for the nearest habitable world. There's a colonisation project and this is one of the boats on the way.
People wake up to an empty ship and there is some strange stuff happening. Only a few passengers and nobody else. Involves first contact.

Yeah basically he said he killed it because he was too horny. Basically had a ruptured anus and they had to put it down. Had to pay his sister and for the vet and stuff. Think he said he pretended it wasn't sexual. Hope it was a larp lol

a bit of a space fag so i will check it out it out on legally gray sites

First two episodes are free on youtube without a sign up. Check it out.

>I'm looking for the one you call 'Shippy'

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If youre literally living multipIe lies put your motherfookin hands up

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Do I win anything for admitting it?

Have done and it wears you down and breaks you eventualy lad. What's up?

Confess you deceiver

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Still ill, all this time later I'm still ill and I really can't take another day off. I realised earlier how easily it would be to get something like a staph infection and think it's the flu so you ride it out and end up dying.


This is so mean

Literally watched this earlier today. Was in my reccs.

Same, couldn't finish it though it was too shit.

Yeah I don't get that. Last few months I've just been getting some shitty leddit stuff and fucking buzzfeed tier videos. Why can't they just leave the things I like alone, I want to listen to Fernando and his Quest to become the greatest manwhore and not ''YLYL funny video webm compilation Jow Forums'' or ''Streamer reacts to [reddit drama] with audience''

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Ah nearly home time. Good being an unliked bugger, everone has walked away when i walked to the smoking shelter. Ah nice bit of peace

I'm too drunk to you you all, I love you all
How do you kiss gril lads

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The fact you're asking how to kiss a girl on a robot board only proves you're a proper slathered lad.
Pour out a big fucking glass of water for the morning get some shuteye lad, you shouldn't be talking to us nocturnanons

touch their face to gauge response then put your mouth on theirs

Pls lad I feel fucking lost

I've just had 3 weeks of feeling like shit. Flu for the first week then coughing and feeling shit for the last 2

put your mouth on theirs then say the alphabet

slap their bum then look at the ground repeatedly
at least five times
run away

We must be careful in case this thread gets saged again lads, everyone post
>a confession

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Not gonna cofess but just watched Survivor Series and it was based

What's wrong with us? It's not supposed to be this bad.

I feel shit. never drinking again.

Where are all the pisshead lads?

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Bear Gyrlls one?
Stoner hours

Anyone else have different levels of defence for when they leave their computers unattended?
>level 1 full screen video screen off
>level 2 game open screen off
>level 3 turned off
>level 4 locked screen off

>very stoned
>head to maccies
>walk into glass window thinking it was the glass door I usually go through
>cute girl working the tills giggles and asks if I'm okay
>baked me stares at her for a couple of seconds before laughing a little trying to comprehend what she said
>order 4 cheese burgers, large fries and a cheeky Fanta
>the lass says that's a lot of food for one person then laughs

She definitely knew I was high. Not a good feel. Spaghetti'd out there and ate my burgers on the way home. Also why are fit girls working at McDonald's at 4am? Whats wrong with her? Anyways what are the lads up to tonight

>Bear Gyrlls one?
ah no sorry pro-wrestling


yes absolutely
>level 1 youtube tab instead of Jow Forums tab
>level 2 wikipedia open in new window, no other tabs, everything else minimized
>level 3 same as levels 1+2 but screen brightness at minimum
>level 4 sleep mode, lock screen upon wakeup

>when they leave their computers unattended?

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Not bad at all.
I forgot my level 5 myself
>locked screen off bedroom door locked
Bit sad mate.

Locked as soon as I get out the seat. Nothing else.

both based and dubpilled

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Only have level 1 being my email open in it's own window then on clicked on show desktop. Do have a method for coming off the computer to cover my tracks, resave a pdf file in my work tab so its doesn't link to my reaction folder and click on a ton of random folders in my work folder so my escapades don't show up in recent places.
Using the house computer nocturanlly is awkward, but there are workarounds when everyone else in the house is tech illiterate

My computer is in my room and no one goes into my room but me so I'm fine

Jokes aside I am hideously drunk and I would like something to make me smile
We've really opened up to each other and I feel like a spastic but it's there for the taking

>I would like something to make me smile
This picture always makes me smile I have one more, but only for use of extreme depression

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Ayyyyy there he is! Wish I could crack a few cold one with you champ but until then stay cool brother.

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>tfw can't sleep

Fuck I'm feeling like shit constantly too, at least let me feel dead for 7 hours before I have to face another day

just woke up and my sheets are covered in puke. fuck.

That happened to me once. I just threw my sheets all away I couldn't deal with my failure

Stop being an alcoholic, drink responsibly or not at all.

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Bloody headache AGAIN laddos

>constant flow of thick white foul smelling/tasting snot coming out of my nose and building up in my throat
i want to die

Drink lemonade, it always helps me.

Who /still up/ here.

Was planning on going to sleep early but one thing led to another and I'm still awake watching videos on YouTube.

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i dont have any lemonade cunt

Doing allnighter, probs gonna nap from 10 til 2 though.

>Who /still up/ here.
me gonna pop to the highstreet when it's open

Well, I believe I'm "in a relationship" now. There's gonna be some big problems but I don't even give a fuck anymore

I love you helper user

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what you watching lid?

>I believe I'm "in a relationship" now
nice one lad. Being a bit cryptic hope there's not too much drama

>grew hair out
>looks like shit
>wear hair in a nerd ponytail 24/7
dont even care anymore
im just a based boy with bad hair and shit clothes. this is my life now.

If you're feeling sad and lonely.
No girl to warm your bed.
Just lay and rest easy.
Let some Norm into your head.

Lub u too lid

Just random videos. Last few were about Dolphins.

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Fucking 6.30. Totally fucked up the sleeping pattern now.
Spent the last 6 hours watching this tv show and sporadically checking whatsapp to see what time this girl was last online. Keeps regularly being online. Means she is probably speaking to somebody on whatsapp. As she is chink she would only use whatsapp to speak to a foreigner. Really hurts lol.

Found out my gf has been lying to me. I've been up all night checking in on the thread. Thanks for keeping me occupied Anons

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David Arquette bump

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Queen is overrated

Hope it isn't a serious lie lad. Hope you're ok too.

They arent for everyone but they were a very talented band with some great tunes imo

yeah but peopel kind of worship them
its creepy
like they're ok but not like GOAT

Well they're one of the few bands people can name 10+ songs for and get a lot of play on the radio and boomer parties so they've kinda sunk into people's consciousness. Nowhere near GOAT status I agree. Dying young helps your career too

>tfw gay retard with literally no hope for a career or social life
should i just fucking end it?

I dunno I can only name a few off the top of my head
never liked them much, too loud and flashy

man am i hungry. no money till payday tomorrow though, so STFU stomach. grumbling bastard ye we've another 12 hr to wait till teatime

Oasis > Queen


no-one asked for the retards opinion

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double sausage and egg mcmuffins>fanta>oasis>queen

imho falling down is the only good thing oasis ever did

a cute tranny on grindr is asking to meet up with me.
I think this is it lads, the conditioning worked on me. I'm actually gonna do it.

>beta males
How does it feeling subsisting on onions?

freddy mercury would beat liam gallagher to a bloody pulp irl

Fuck it, can't sleep my mind is too active. Gonna get up and play some Spyro. I'll just have to sleep during the day.

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