What happened???
I don t get it
What happened???
The more I look at this post, the worse it gets.
How the fuck did you even manage to turn your computer on?
really brah? she cheated on the to-be husband during her degenerate bachelorette party. I never really got the point of these types of parties
just normalfags fagging it up i guess
the groom saw a video of the bride trying to fit literally as many cocks as she could into her while being showed in champagne and decided he didnt want to financially support that leech anymore
it's so women can ride the carousel one last time before getting tied down with their provider.
>it's so women can ride the carousel one last time before getting tied down with their provider.
wrong, its so the women can show off her naked body to the public one last time. She would just do that shit when no one else is looking.
The entire bachelor/ette party concept is pure cancer and does nothing but promote infidelity.
Fuck this society.
I never understood the bachelor parties, it seems extremely disrespectful to do this the day before your wedding.
It is but lucky for me I will never get married because fuck that.
I feel like these parties would make a lot more sense after a divorce.
Of all social customs, these parties make the least sense to me.
probably fucking pagans hijacking christian institutions like they've been doing for hundreds of years
My wifes bachelorette party was all cock based things. He friend made a custom dick and ball pinata that had condoms inside. They broke the bat on one of the balls and had to use a wrench to finish it
well, it doesn't necessarily happen the exact day before the wedding, but it is still a degenerate and debauched modern custom imo
the absolute state of western civilization
I pray I live to see the day it all comes crashing down
>pagan institution
You do realize that the white gown comes from Roman times when the bride was expected to bleed, right?
Virginity was expected until you christniggers weakened the human soul to it's present state.
>sitting downtown, having a coffee
>witness meeting of two groups
>the slender bride-to-be in the female group was led around on a dog leash by her friends while wearing slutty cloths with a lot of holes
>the male group contained the groom who was a very fat and drunk bearded nu-male in a skintight fairy costume with wings and enough make-up to cover two hookers with
>this is supposed to be funny and amusing
Sometimes real life feels like watching Animal Planet
>meanwhile the groom's mfw
>the slender bride-to-be in the female group was led around on a dog leash by her friends while wearing slutty cloths with a lot of holes
>the male group contained the groom who was a very fat and drunk bearded nu-male in a skintight fairy costume with wings and enough make-up to cover two hookers with
I have a very hard time believing actual people would do this irl in public.
Everyone thinks the guy dumped her after her bachelorette party but really she dumped him
So did I and I was watching that shit live.
C'mon user. YOLO! Fuck society am I right?
The degenerate parties are usually just drunken landwhales, they're marauding posses of overweight rapists
Says who!? A bachelor party doesn't necessarily have to be all about strippers and getting drunk, it should be the last chance you get to bro out with your friends like immature and carefree manchilds before the responsibility of being head of a household and probably having kids squeezes all but a few moments of free time out of your life.
However, since most guys are pussies, it becomes about asserting your masculinity by watching naked women you can't touch remind you that you even if you stayed single you couldn't fuck it anyway.
The white gown comes from Queen Victoria's white wedding gown you overgrown abscess.
I used to be like you, but then I saw a few gay weddings and it's just beyond cringe.
idk if you guys saw that faggot who died from injecting too much silicone into his nutsack, but there was a video of a fag wedding and good lord it was awful.