America in one picture

America in one picture.

Attached: 016629FE-24FE-4AA8-872C-EA44982FB77E.jpg (2947x1471, 851K)

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nah a fat redneck in some sort of f150 is still the most common sight

btw what type of fucking creep are you to take that picture sneaking down in the booth.

Seems like everyone is civilly enjoying themselves at a restaurant.

Now let's see you cool guy

>creep taking a picture of people without them knowing at a restaurant
I'll say

ITT: hypocritical moralfags who will complain about niggers behind closed doors

There's only one True America; the rurals. It's awesome here.

Attached: America.webm (1280x720, 1.06M)


Oh, hello Re**it. I see you are new here, you actually wanted . You see, boards are much like "subreddits", they all fulfill different purposes, and often have widely varying posters with various opinions which may not be shared with other users.

America in one picture
real edition

Attached: 1-bluemarble_west.jpg (2048x2048, 579K)

not on my watch op.
not on my watch

america is a fucking continent retarded nigger

Are you in spicafornia?

No picture exemplifies modern America more than this one.

Attached: The Making of an Amerimutt.jpg (1280x854, 211K)

Yeah a continent of hellspawn mulattos

You first aspie ; )

There's some truth in this.
Where are the landwhales?

Attached: ahahhaha.jpg (558x424, 64K)

And their kids
1/2 white
1/4 asian
1/4 black
>if girl she will probably be cute as fuck

>no father in sight

Confirmed toll paid. Always the same.

she won't be paying shit, some other poor beta cuck will be doing the paying.

those kids are cute

Sometimes I'll go to the mcdicks near me and I'm the only white person in the store

America is doomed. White male zoomers (literally the only right wing faction among them and even then they aren't real conservatives) can't save us.

Attached: america 2017.jpg (528x660, 78K)

Stop creeping on kids you fucking pedophile

Yep. We're basically doomed to become a rundown brazil-lite cesspool.

Shut up you pasty white cunt, America is heading in a great direction you're just mad that ugly white men don't run the show anymore.

The reason Brazil is fucked isn't because of the races of the people and it's retarded to imply such a ridiculous thing.

>Race is just a social constru-

Attached: file.jpg (1050x1400, 1.46M)

Yea it's definitely a great direction when teachers get fired for making their students stand up for the Pledge of Allegiance.

>America is heading in a great direction

Attached: mfw an autistic.jpg (558x558, 20K)

>t. 5'2" diarrhea brown squat manlet spic with tattoos on his face

Brazil (like most of Latin America) is mostly fucked because of America. However their nig/native population isn't all that helpful either.

Those aren't kids, those are nigglets.

I bet if she asked those kids to pledge allegiance to fortnite they'd go apeshit.

what're you on about? as a Brazilian citizen I can safely say our biggest problem is poor fucking people and corrupt government

What has happened to my nation i..i...just

Attached: 1542533659466.png (1800x1200, 1.58M)

America has always been bad and non-white. We had a bit of a "golden age" right after world war 2 but once that ended (courtesy of Nixon) it reverted back to what it was before.

The standard of living metrics seem to paint a different story friend. Your experiment of diversity suprise suprise has consequences.

Attached: duh.jpg (112x125, 2K)

>if girl she will probably be cute as fuck

Attached: le 56 percent face.jpg (600x800, 82K)

America hasn't been "bad and nonwhite" and still isn't you little cuckboy pessimist faggot (probably a Euromutt larping)

>implying that "diversity" is why white people are killing themselves with opioids

Attached: naruto moegi3423.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

I can't wait until a ragtag band of diversity hires and women try to get neo-America to the moon or Mars in an attempt to replicate the glory white men achieved in the 1960s and fail spectacularly due to incompetence and the futility of their sweetest delusions. That is if our science programs aren't strangled completely to death by the fiscal burden of the brown and black welfare state.

>America has always been nonwhite
Yeah maybe before we killed off the Indians

Yes, that's true, but America was getting progressively better throughout its history until that point, and now it is declining.

That's a tranny. Just look at that hairline.

They do it because doctors are just drug dealers with fancy degrees

The reason the opioid epidemic is happening is because of over prescription and job loss. It's just the cherry on the cake that simultaneously the country is being overrun by people who can never possibly recreate the same functoning society that drew them there in the first place.

Attached: bawls.jpg (615x768, 75K)

That very seriously looks like the offspring of an inbred white girl and an (inbred) nigger.
Regardless, there was certainly much inbreeding involved in at least one side of the family before birth

dumbfuck shit smeared anally prolapsed inbred dunning kruger balding goblins

Nah it's just a typical 12% sub-saharan black 20% irish 4% english 10% german 4% native american 6% pacific islander 9% north african 2% jewish 5% australian aboriginal 7% japanese 9% indian 4% russian 6% southeast asian 2% eskimo Amerimutt (courtesy of 23andme)

Stop insulting mestizos you piece of shit, they do good lawn work for a great price.

this tranny is literally everywhere posting the most retarded mindsoup against muhh evil nazis like its going to do anything

go back you filthy dog fucking shill

imagine having this little shame or regard about acting like a complete fucking chimp, inbred fucking dogshit

you dont have enough testosterone to give me any orders you dilating little twink

>Whites are superio-
See? I can cherrypick too.

Attached: 04236878-4CD7-486C-B08B-06E875BD9F30.jpg (1800x1663, 702K)

I don't see American Samoa.

slavery was a huge mistake

Damn this nigga bringin' up them 1860 photos bruh

Yeah but you can't expand your point because africa is an undeniable shithole and nearly all white countries are great places to live.

nigs btfo again gg ez

you really don't have to go back that far

Attached: pol.jpg (505x394, 72K)

Calm down you spastic faggot.

stop strangling your moms you subhuman dogshit

I'd unironically rather live near those retarded rednecks than the typical African American to be honest.
But the Africans in your other pic are okay. The westernized ones like in that pic are pretty bro tier.

>a picture from the 1910s
that nigeria photo looks like it was taken in a holiday inn

Attached: ha.jpg (660x960, 52K)

>America in one picture.
here ya go op

Attached: post shalom.jpg (700x467, 92K)

Are you just typing random words? Your brain is so frazzled from your sperg-out you can't even type coherently.

you don't deserve coherence, you dserve a bullet

Jow Forumstards are a threat to society, and the blight of the internet

you're like the black plague rats but you smell worse

op here. Im not a Jow Forumstard.
I wanted to get a reaction from both triggered trannies like you and retarded white nationalists. Its fun to see you all faggots wasting your time arguing over something completely meaningless.

>my mere existence makes people's blood boil

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I'm neither a tranny nor a white supremacist dumshit I just have a raging hard on for Jow Forumsshit stinky anus and they bend down all too gladly

You must know that ripping on niggers and casual racism/political incorrectness is just part of Jow Forums culture site-wide, and always has been before Jow Forums ever existed (I know you weren't around back then and just arrived recently). Most people who are offending you don't even lurk Jow Forums. If this sort of thing makes you mad you should probably head back over to Facebook or whatever, you're gonna have a real bad time here. Because no one's going to stop because you got mad, in fact they will probably just do it more. You're working yourself into a rage for no reason.

I'm not seeing Nigeria on this list? It looks like a bunch of white countries and Japan.

Attached: quality_countries.png (805x3704, 1.95M)

You sound like the threat to society. You should take your schizoid meds, nutcase.

>I'm neither a tranny nor a white supremacist
>I just have a raging hard on for Jow Forumsshit stinky anus
Hm so you're homosexual then? You know there is an /lgbt/ board specifically created for people like you to go to?

mexican women even gain weight wrong. All apple shaped.

>being so homophobic you get triggered by rape jokes

I'm the straightest man there is my dude. And /lgbt/ers are unironically some of the nicest people on Jow Forums and a positive influence on the community as a whole.

How much onions did they give you as a kid?

>I'm the straightest man there is my dude.
>I just have a raging hard on for Jow Forumsshit stinky anus
Straight men don't write things like that.
>admits he regularly goes on /lgbt/
So a closeted homosexual. Glad we ironed that out, we're getting somewhere. That would explain the tard rage and sperg-outs over nothing. Repressed gay feelings eating you up inside bud?

Attached: really makes you think.png (640x640, 111K)

you're a faggot and most definitely a twink

Strange phenotype indeed.

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>real edition

Oh user you gullible fool.. you'll believe anything.

School shootings
A standard in America

Attached: Columbine_Shooting_Security_Camera.jpg (364x274, 18K)

Only if you live in a city.