
Hey I'm gonna kill myself but I'm not finding a great way to do it.

I wanted to jump off a bridge in the city I live, but it's only got about 135 ft of clearance, which is apparently not a guarantee of death.

I don't have access to any firearms, I don't wanna jump in front of a train because I'd hate to be the fucker who's late for work cuz some shit-stain jumped in front of my train.

I'm prioritizing lethality and pain-free if possible.

Any ideas? Is 135 ft good enough?

Attached: thinking.png (225x225, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Nobody wants to give you advice on how to kill yourself
>Stop speaking about it so casually to look edgy
>Stop seeking for attention on Jow Forums, it's really not the right place

Go get help

I don't want attention, I just wanted some advice. If this ain't the place, no problem, my bad, this thread can die here. I figured that if anyone would know, it'd be y'all.

Just hang yourself. It's what I'm doing and if you do it right, it can be over within 10 seconds or instantly if you do the drop hanging.

this is about as reddit as it gets user, people here are overwhelmingly pro-suicide
OP, at 135 feet, you'll be either completely braindead or dead, in which case it's just a technical difference
all the same I wouldn't advise that

Cool. I heard a lot of figures about "the height at which you 100% die" but being braindead isn't bad either. Thanks!

Yeah that was something I was thinking about but screwing it up sounds like a bitch and a half, and I'd have to find a good place to support the weight; the ceiling of my shitty apartment might not like it lmao

if you're too retarded/mentally ill to buy a gun you're probably gonna fuck up your suicide attempt and be crippled for 10 years.

helium faggot

Why dont you go and travel a bunch? If youre going to die anyway why not go see a bunch of stuff. If you have nothing left to lose go all out and just leave. Drift around.

I don't know how to say this OP, but, don't do it. This is why we're here

As someone who has successfully committed suicide, I highly recommend drinking the toxin dihydrogen monoxide.

Try gassing yourself with an inert gas. Make sure your gas is pure though, since some helium has added oxygen to prevent people from killing themselves with it. You could also try killing yourself with nitrous oxide.

Attached: painlessfastsuicide.jpg (1239x795, 378K)

There are resources and communities online for this, here is not the place

Well it's not that, it's just I live in a place with some strict gun laws. It ain't easy and I don't exactly have a huge amount of time.

Sick, I'll try to get some helium, although yeah, pure helium seems hard to come by. Amazon only sells mixed stuff. I doubt 80% is good enough but I'll see what I can do.

>this is about as reddit as it gets
True. It's a shame that this board has really gone downhill.

Be careful whatever you do. You don't want to end up alive and mutilated or disfigured because you weren't successful in killing yourself.

Do it as far away from a hospital as you can. And make sure nobody finds you until you are gone. Do it somewhere secluded at night, or somewhere hard to access.

Yeah, that probably would blow. Although to be fair, if I end up disfigured, I'll just try again.

Night sounds ideal, not sure where the closest hospital is but I'm hoping for either dead on impact or just braindead.

>but I'm hoping for either dead on impact or just braindead.
There are news articles of people who shoot themselves in the head and still live. They usually end up disfigured, but still mentally aware. It's pretty rare, but it is still considerable.

It makes you think of how fucked up it is that medical workers save these people who want to die and instead condemn them to a life even more filled with pain and misery.
I usually don't feel bad for women, but I feel bad for the woman in link related.

Damn, yeah I wouldn't want that.

I'm hoping for the best but honestly, whatever happens happens. I'll try to land head first or some shit.

Hopefully if no one sees it, if I don't die on impact I'll probably drown.

Don't take this as me encouraging you. I hope you can find a different solution to your problems than suicide.

To be fair, certain people have survived falls from 30,000 feet with only minor bruising.

First of all OP, this is the best and most suicide-friendly forum on the planet for your inquiries: sanctionedsuicide.net/forums/sanctioned-suicide.2/

>I'm prioritizing lethality and pain-free if possible.

Then jumping is definitely the way to go, as it is 100% guaranteed and 0% pain-free beyond a certain height with a hard non-water landing.

If you live in Europe, then do it here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preikestolen

If you live in North America, then do it here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Gorge_Bridge

Either way, you will become minced meat on impact. Your brain will just not be able to remain inside of your skull upon landing, and you won't feel a single thing.

The only downsides is that you have to travel there, and have some serious, serious balls of steel to override millions of years of deeply programmed survival instinct.

Attached: pulpit_1.jpg (450x834, 151K)

Look up dirty kids.

Why are you low on time? What makes you want to kill yourself?

Yeah but not while landing on rocks or asphalt. If you land in snow or a haystack, your chances of survival go up extremely much, even though they are still fairly low.

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