>no vehicle or license
>been in and out of uni
>RIGHT on the edge of getting thrown out
>part time retail job
>disowned by family
>suck at cooking
How do I hop from blackpilled doomer to go-getter?
Fill out FAFSA, keep that job going, go full indie, get a bike, double major starting at community college with one employment major and one desirable major, dont puss out
To expand on that last poit, things like school are a transaction. Not just money, when you start to pursue a degree you've decided to put the work in for the grade and are expecting the knowledge to come with the grade. The GRADE is what you commit to though. The GRADE is easily achievable if you, as part of the transaction, agree to do ALL the work.
thanks user that post is inspiring and im not even 24 yet but i will end up on the doomer path if im not careful
Im 23 and walk the line between doomer and go-getter. Im clearly a cyborg and I accept that but I've ultimately agreed to the cost of success. I dont go out and when I have free time I do pathetic shit like post here, but I went from an F HS student and two time college drop out to honors society just by deciding to put in the effort. Its all acceptance. A man really is the sum of his actions.
good on you man keep going at it so many people on here are so broken its nice to see some optimism
This user has the right idea, life really is just about putting effort in and reaping the rewards.
You just have to DO IT.
nice thread bro.
>+30 here.
>Use to have my own biz.
>Gov fuck my shit up.
>Im in zero, no money no nothing.
>decide to start from nothing again.
>Move to another country.
>start working 12 hours everyday for some fucking assholes, but the cash is good and i can learn shit and make contacts.
>8 months later.
>Im in a biz society with a cool uber wise dude that adopted me as his protegee.
>started my own biz again with his help.
>Still working my ass off, keeping track of a healthy diet and working on my mental health as a fucking monk.
>Only 4 more month till i get my shit going full steam ahead.
Life is good for the ones with will power and determination.
You need to make a plan, you need to stay focus, you need to understand your surroundings and dont let other peoples shit meddle in your way.
Be a fucking samurai bro.
I'm 29 now. Let me tell you how this went for me:
>be 24
>move to NYC from my small University town
>think I'll make friends, have lots of opportunities, interactions, etc
>put myself out there, work hard, get a job
>job pays like shit even with a degree, cuz living in NYC lol
>people aren't interesting or cool, just more normies
>years pass
>lost all these fake friends
>still making shit money
>more lonely and angry than ever, and now, also old.
Anyway, it's worth a try. But know that you might fail even in this, if your life has been shit up until this point.
What is a good major for a 21 year old with a high school education and nothing else?
fuck college, start a biz. College is a fucking meme.
>turn 21 next month
>no car
>dropped out of school
>just got a job, no savings
>no family besides mom
>all of my friends from HS don't talk to me anymore, or I dont to them
life's a bitch and then you die
I think I may be privileged to live during a time of such nice memes. All this time Jow Forums has been around and just now age specific, typicalized Wojacks have been created.
>all these normalfags whining about petty shit
try being a 25 year old neet who's never had a job, has autism and lives on scraps of food in poverty
>work 2 jobs (library part time, walmart full time)
>no savings
>cant drive
>no ged
>terribly out of shape
>used to smoke and do drugs, but quit that
>addicted to porn
what do next?
you never move to nyc straight from college
im probably on the same path even though im a college sophomore at FIT here lol
this is me bois. been getting up at 6am for the last 6 months. work better in the morning. i am moving forward.
I realize this I just don't know what direction to channel my motivation. No particular field enraptures me with interest, I feel like I'm suspended in a purgatorial limbo.
I feel like I'm finally here, ready to better myself. Thank fuck I'm past the depression stage.
I fucking believe in you OP
Don't puss out and fuck everything up
wow youre so unique its insane
i felt this way until i was 22/23, at that point i just picked a path and went for it. year or so later that path branched into something else and i have been following it since. i am 26 now and am completely focused on reaching the goals i set. i guess what i am saying is to just throw yourself into something as long as youre giving it your all, you will end up in the right direction.