ITT call out people you think browse Jow Forums

clay you madman, you said you'd kill yourself by 25 but that was 10 years ago and i heard you were still alive

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Hi Amar u pedo

My normiechat contacts and chads who view my insta story
Fuck you Andrew Miles
Fuck you Jack Mickelsen
Fuck you Connor Hobart

What's up "nick"

Brooke - if you see this know im sorry like I keep saying in my emails. I can't send more money until after christmas

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wtf that's my name is this clay

What the fuck, my name is clay no memeing.

Must be a cursed fucking name.

>tfw you don't have any friends or know anyone well enough to know if they would post here

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Kat: If you didn't un-ghost Christopher after he started making those shitty threads about you the first time he would have killed himself by now or given up. Now they're worse than ever and I don't believe he's ever going to give up making them.

Hello Ryan S.

you probably know who I am, or have you forgotten me already?

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That's my cousins name

Eliza I miss you.
And no, I'm not referring to one of those orbiting-inducing attention whores.

nope different last name

Why is my socially used name parenthesized? and no capital N?

Shawn C you are a fucking weirdo sex pervert

Hey marc b. How are you doing ?

Andrew, I remember you talking about Jow Forums years ago, maybe in jr. high. That was the first time I heard of it. Unfortunately in my NEEThood, I searched what NEETs do with their time and someone mentioned the r9k board. Now I've been browsing this board frequently on and off for a few years now. Hope you're doing well. I know that we grew apart, but we had good times together. Remember spending all night in your basement fishing on on runescape in 6th grade or so?

Kevin and Andrew, still toking that reefer?

eat shit and die hans

Is that fucking Rusty Gates?

Hey Samir! Did you get a job in IT anywhere yet?

Nasser! Long time no see. We should talk more often. How's...What's the name of the college your went to?

Parker, you're a normie. Stay off this site.

That one spic looking guy in my Personal Finance class. Don't know his name. Russell or something?

That skinny white kid who did the school announcements back in highschool. Don't know your name either, but you just scream robot.

Then there's Cole, Shannon, Delainee (I think that's how you spell it?), Brayden, Rayaan, that whole clique.

There was also Ross and Lucas, who was in biology with me back in junior year of high school.

Sarah might be here? If so, get out

Kameryn (Think that's how you spell it?) Is the only person I know that could be considered a female robot.

That fucking faggot brony Jayce.

All these kids went to the same highschool, which started with a "W". I only closely know/knew Samir and Nasser.

if i know a thing or two about clays, you are indeed cursed, but also immensely blessed

Johan the schizo, Morgan the junkie, Jamal the indian and that one Alaskan mute im still alive and I hope you are all not dead

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Patrick B
Edward W


Yeah that sounds about right, Id wager more cursed than blessed however.

hello suicidal looking cart pusher kid
i want to hug you

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Pierce S.
You're here somewhere.

yo tim

sorry about the lebron james prank. you have to admit it was pretty funny though

francisco you fuck

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Ay what's up Caden

Hey Rachael, did it taste like regret and sorrow this time?

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There's a cute cashier at my local Walmart that I've seen a couple times, probably browses this place.

>lebron james prank
you have to elaborate

any one of the people that go to my friday night magic session could be here
hopefully not the legitimately cute boy though

I know you're here, I hope you're not smoking too much

Is she rubbing her nipples on cam for you as well?You know she does it for free with higgus right?

i hope you're happy cvnk

hey aidan s, alex k, jacob g, love you guys
rosie k/m if you're somehow reading this then get the fuck off of my board you roastie piece of shit

Kevin, you Pokemon-loving spic, where are you at these days? Did jrotc back in high school help you out at all?

WYATT. I KNOW YOU GO ON /tv/ AND /ic/. STAY AWAY FROM Jow Forums THIS SHIT SUCKS. See you on Thanksgiving brother.

Kurt, you fucking shit. I know you're here, and you don't belong here. Go back to /tg/ or whatever.

lad are you off the goop

I beat you at chess everytime G. The only words you see when we meet are GG.

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do you know this persons name by any chance?

I have no idea but he wears a black hoodie

k nvm its not me then


Once again my name is associated with psychopaths.
Fucking hell

Quinn you're an autistic nigger
thanks for not going to prom with me
jk it sucked ass

I dont know anyone

it hurts so much

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I have yet to meet a Kurt in person, but I've heard that Kurt is a guy that will make you say his name before regarding subject matter, followed by shaking your head in his wake.

Quinn is smug shit. I should have punched him in in his mug before he grew tall and left me behind in being short. Sorry I took the girl you had in your sights in jr. high, I know he hated me ever since. On the flip side, he went to college and will have a promising life as I wither in my mothers husbands house.

Kaitlin, you bitch. You probably came here to attention whore, huh? Don't have enough playthings in person, so you have to come here, is that it?
I'm glad I cut you off. The only time I ever think about you is to make sure you can't find me anymore.

Hi police officer who was investigating me posting revenge porn.

Nope. Parker R.

Fuck off, indari you worthless incel ingrate

Jake, I've seen you browsing here before, but are you here you French fuck?

faka amine

youre sleeping right now but i love you

Give me a last name cus you guessed one part right.

Hey spectre, (the true slavic femincel)
Hope your parents get off your back about getting married, shits a scam

Andrew, you should really have better taste in anime by now

>mfw no one called my name
This is a patrician feel.

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Will you are hella gay. Though I guess if you'd browse any board I'd expect it to be /a/.

>ctrl + f
>search my name
>no results

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Geh etzala Arbeiten, Christian.

You're a fat piece of shit, Al. Fucking disgusting. Lose some weight you nasty slut.

Tom you've always been a pain in the pass and I sincerely feel like I recognize which posts are you in this board sometimes because I imagine your annoying voice as the narrator of the same dumb ass posts.


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I know you're here Pepijn E

Vai po caralho J*****as

Hm, surprised nobody has posted that before.

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You got a weird name bro

>the lebron james prank
This is Noodle Incident-level unspecified event.

Izzy/Isabel G, I really hope you arent on here. One of the few people I could talk about Jow Forums and early meme culture with without feeling like I was talking complete fucking nonsense.

If you are though, hit me up sometime, be nice to see what youve been up to since JUSTposting died out.

I don't know if you browse here anymore Nicole but I'm kind of curious on how your life is going nowadays.

Oshy, I havent been feeling getting on the game at all but Gyo came in today and I've been reading that, thanks for the recommendation.

Jae, I really doubt you browse here but if you do I just want you to know that you're really edgy.

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Hey Millie, wrote this four years ago and what I predicted came to pass.

Happiness is hard to find, it's in the places we least suspect and is rarely found in where we mostly suspect it to be. At the beginning of all this I found my happiness in a perky blonde and blue eyed girl, I had looked for a girl like this for a long time.

She didn't shame me, she laughed at my jokes and got my sense of humour, she thought I was talented and had a clear direction in my life and most of all understood me and the way in which I saw the world.

She was to me Divine intervention, a drop of light in a place of abyss. A gift received to help me pass through this world with a smile on my face.

But like anything, light fades eventually.

Ultimately I became bitter; I became this person who forgot why he wanted you by their side. I became nothing less than a liar, a cheat and hypocrite to my own ideology. I don't know who I am anymore, I once wanted to be everything, a good man, a leader and a person of trust, but I've become is opposite. I became a lesser man not only to you but myself, I'm winding down the road to self destruction and I don't want anyone especially you to see me when I reach the roads end. I don't want to lose anyone, but by the end of this I believe I'm going to lose both my best friends and once again be alone surrounded by all but those who care about me. I don't want to write a sob story, I took these steps to get here and was lead by no-one but myself.

I know that this will mean nothing to you; I've said it so many times that saying it again would be another addition to a long list of my broken promises, consistent lies and repulsive behaviour. I'm sorry, I wish I could redo event and change the past but that would be impossible and no wish or prayer would fix what is wrong with me but I can only hope you find someone better than myself.

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Melissa... you always talked about memes so maybe you came here to laugh at robots, too.

Anyhow, even though we only hung out a handful of times, I still miss you every single day. I miss the fun times we had. I hate you had to drop off the face of the earth, only to show back up married and with another kid.

We'd never work out at this point in either of our lives, but us not becoming more that friends still sucks so much.

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Jackson you said you browsed here but your probably bullshiting hi anyway bud

Emma you all ways talk about memes and shit do come here at all

Hannah with the totoro bag I always wondered if you came here sincerely new guy in music jus wondering Incase you do

Out of all the people I'd expect to browse here, it'd probably be your mom lmao #rekt #dab