You know it's true user. How many of you never noticed the hole in the logic here ?
You know it's true user. How many of you never noticed the hole in the logic here ?
Too busy fapping to feminists.
i mean there is no lie, men are predators and women are prey. that's how the game works
*tips fedora*
Women are, objectively and biologically, prey.
feminists are definitely prey
and god damn, are their sjw asses a good fap
Are male suitors not predators?
edgy, and predictable. Please do better in the future.
what logic? most confused?
I hope not, otherwise this modern "dating" with complete independence from parental roles in courtship might be very damaging! How could we have made such a mistake?
Men aren't supposed to be predators.
>sjw asses a good fap
>see colored frog and immediately know not to eat it
>see woman with really distracting colored hair and immediately know she's fucking crazy
yeah man, story checks out
funniest part is that the frog didn't purposely go out of its way to look like that
>implying hair color means what your S JAY WUBA memes says it means.
Also, yes, evolution went out of it's way to do that to the frog. Says more about you than it does the woman with the fairy hair.
>Men aren't supposed to be predators.
Objectively false. We have taken our women by rape and conquest for hundreds of thousands of years at least. Females are prey for men to take and breed just as much as a deer is prey to be taken and eaten.
Nothing like good old pattern recognition to get you out of trouble.
A dumb, easily offended girl took a joke image very personally. Nothing to see here.
Evidence? Most people in documented history got together through some form of romance, arranged marriage or economic advantage. The only people who took women and raped them willy nilly were invading armies or rich people. Both of whom, do not comprise the majority of people throughout history faggot.
But it's not a joke anymore, too many people actually believe this shit. It's stopped being funny, if ever, a long time ago.
Lot of people pissed off about memeing on some dumb cunts with rainbow hair
The cool new thing nowadays is to side with SJWs because the racist misogynist incels are getting too mainstream
Nothing cooler than being a male feminist liberal. Toxic masculinity in 2018? That's gonna be a yikes from me.
wow ur fuckin cool dude. teach me how to be a cool guy who hates things like toxic masculinity!
Do you fap to cuck porn too?
unironically yes. I don't want to be associated with fucking nazis.
That doesn't make you cool, faggot
The first step is to apologize for having been born an oppressive patriarch. After you've found the nearest Womyn and made your apology, that's when you step back and listen. It's super cool to make space for historically marginalized voices, such as those of women and people of color.
After you've done that you should legally change your surname to what your mother's was before marriage. Patrilineal naming customs are reactionary and oppressive, and we must move past them as a society.
If you do all that you should become pretty cool.
Why not just hate both?
Excellent tumbler post OP.
>documented history
I said hundreds of thousands of years, you sub-80IQ brainlet.
Fucking based and redpilled modern male. The only remaining step is to make your gender transition. Cissexism is so ugh.
The point is that they're warning the outside world that they're poisonous. Leave it to feminiggers to constantly victimize themselves :^)
>hole in the logic
>someone was actually so mad they appended a perfectly factual image with this angry red text
thats fucking rich dude, thanks for the laugh
it has nothing to do with SJWs
dying your hair like a fucking anime character is akin to walking around shouting "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, I'M DIFFERENT!" which is a fucking terrible and obnoxious trait for a person to have