Jow Forumsscum genocide when?

Jow Forumsscum genocide when?

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>Redpilled conservative teenager STRANGLES mother to death with FACTS and LOGIC

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This entire thing just reeks of America.

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Joe (((bernstein)))

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You will never work for the New York Times, Joe

we found the next mass shooters and scranton stranglers ladies and gentlesirs

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Proud Boys are the new Punks.

Based and Passionpilled.

>one dumb teen is Jow Forums
Jow Forums is probably the most physically fit board on f4chan. The guys there are obsessed with aesthetics and beating faggots like antifa.

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>Jow Forums is probably the most physically fit board on f4chan
I don't expect it to be much better than the rest of Jow Forums, which isn't saying much.

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>The guys there are obsessed with aesthetics and beating faggots like antifa.

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underrated post

+1 upboat for zero tsu

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is that the fucking brittany venti?

>knowing who that screeching ugly cunt is

just end it pham

if you think anyone but B should get the flute you're fucking retarded.

>you're not allowed to know of people I don't like
fuck off.

>Jow Forums on full damage control mode

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That's Stormfront. Jow Forums has the same shitty body of your average 4chamber, except they take Paul Joseph Watson's onions pills

This is why you don't debate someone who's passionate.

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polfags will never own up to their actions just like blacks and sjws


But seriously why is Jow Forums so popular among spics?

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So these are the saviors of the white race? HAHAHAHAHA so long, whitey

Why don't you stop shooting up republican congressman at baseball practices, huh?

why won't you stop trying to kill? huh? what's your problem man?

Didn't a confirmed Jow Forumstard also shoot up a synagogue recently?

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Republican congressmen unironically deserve to die. They are literal demons.

I'm sorry that you're so unintelligent.

Jow Forums has literally killed more people than antifa. Really makes you think.

I'm sorry that Trump kills kids but people criticize him for being orange and incoherent.

if you think anyone but A should get the flute you're fucking retarded

shut up you dumb fucking pro-austerity boomer

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Yeah but they deserved to die. They were literal demons.

Trump hasn't killed anybody sadly, but I wish he had.

>But seriously why is Jow Forums so popular among spics?

I'm suspecting it's 2nd generation kids, whohave an identity crisis. They aren't "latino" and they ain't "white", so they have to pick something. They double down on "white" nationalist to compensate.

R9k is a Jow Forums board you dumb shill kike.

>Trump kills kids

>Trump hasn't killed anybody sadly, but I wish he had.

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>terrorists' families harboring them got killed
Boo hoo hoo! I'm gonna lose a lot of sleep over this!

Despite the memes spics are nationalistic
After enough mixing Hispanics and whites will create a bunch of nationalist mongrels
America will get Mussolini fascism, but not Hitlerian National Socialism.

More likely that spics have a macho, masculine culture and it doesn't mesh well with whiny leftists who are complaining about PC bullshit and trying to get little boys to wear dresses.

Oh well nobody gives a fuck about bombing ISIS and sandniggers. Syria is going back to a more normal and stable state due to trumps increased military action there so overall it's a benefit for them.

youre right:
What do all school shooters have in common? Theyre full fledged Jow Forumstards.
Nikolas Cruz:
>According to the messages, Cruz said he wanted to kill Mexicans and gays and keep black people in chains. He also accused Jews of trying to destroy the world.

Columbine shooters:
>called a black person a nigger before shooting him dead

Elliot Rodgers
>suspect was very interested in some of the practices and techniques of the Third Reich," the sheriff's report said.
>He also posted a 137-page autobiographical essay that laid out his motives and his racist beliefs.
>"I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. I deserve it more.

Dimitrios Pagourtzis
>had posted a photo of a symbol (Iron Cross) associated with Nazism and white supremacy on social media.

William Edward Atchison
>resident lived a prolific life as a white supremacist, pro-Trump meme peddler
>On YouTube, Atchison admitted he posted anonymously on pro-Trump, white-supremacist sites like 4chans Jow Forums board or The Daily Stormer, but gave up when domain registrars kept shutting down The Daily Stormers domain names. He, along with most of The Daily Stormers community, said the sites were shoa'd, an anti-Semitic slur.

Attempted school shooter
that just got released out of jail
>They said records from his computer also showed racist, Nazi and neo-Nazi propaganda.

Jow Forums and their belief system is a breeding ground for terrorism

>columbine shooters are now apparently Jow Forumstards 20 years before Jow Forums existed

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>people who never posted on Jow Forums are Jow Forumstards
>anyone who's ever racist is a Jow Forumstard
You might as well call Hitler a Jow Forumstard at this point

uh, ok?

Bern(((stein))) just admitted the motive was over his grades. So what the fuck does his political leanings have to do with anything?

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Whenever you ask them why Jow Forums hasn't been deleted yet they always say it's a CIA honeypot but I think it's just Hiro being shit and greedy. If you enable this shit to happen you are a dogshit human being, there is no way around it.

Isn't it odd both Cruz and Elliot had a jewish heritage?

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>columbine shooters were poltards
>elliot rodger was a poltard
>Jow Forums is a breeding ground for terrorists

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Hey closeted homo why did you stop posting in the other thread?

Absolutely nothing
The thing about leftists is that they're all about the collective blame, why else do you think the Soviet Union had a gulag.
Far Rightists kill you for being the wrong race
Far Leftists kill you for thinking the wrong things

Cuz it got boring. What the fuck do you think calling me homosexual is going to accomplish anyway? I already established I don't hate gay people and don't view them as inferior.

Hiro will probably delete Jow Forums if type of violent stuff keeps happening. Remember that the fappening almost destroyed Jow Forums as a whole due to legal issues. I could see Jow Forums getting taken out if this continues to escalate.

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>maybe he'll delete Jow Forums if i believe in it REALLY REALLY HARD

newfags dont even remember last time this happened lmao

>I'm suspecting it's 2nd generation kids, whohave an identity crisis
Wrong! im 1st generation and dont have an identity crisis
>More likely that spics have a macho, masculine culture and it doesn't mesh well with whiny leftists who are complaining about PC bullshit and trying to get little boys to wear dresses.
Wrong! im a faggot who wants to wear dresses

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Who the fuck makes a character attack on a minor, everyone was retarded and stubborn about their views back then...


totally solvable by simple moderation and hiring more staff

the idea you can't keep simple minded invaders at bay by force is ridiculous

Hiro, being the jew that he is, will likely fold after the first couple of lawsuits after a confirmed Jow Forumstard shoots up his junior high school. It's only a matter of time at this point.

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You are not representative of your culture.

Anyways, post pics of you in your dress, faggot

>Who the fuck makes a character attack on a minor,
That minor strangled his own mother to death dude.

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>he thinks jannies get paid

jesus christ LMAO the amount of newfaggotry in this board

Sounds to me like you got BTFO and ran scurrying away. You were all mad and throwing a tantrum then it "got boring?" Sounds like you became ashamed of your behavior and how much information you were giving away (being a closet homosexual for example). I must have gotten close to the truth for you to run.

R9k is a pol board you dumb kike.

Go spin your draddle

Sure thing pal. Whatever helps you sleep at night and avoids you strangling your sister for having a black boyfriend.

This is the last pic I took, Idk if youve seen it

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A couple of confirmed Jow Forums lurkers/posters went on shooting sprees YEARS ago you fucking dipshit faggot ass retard. It doesn't mean anything. People post on Facebook then go on shooting sprees too. Facebook doesn't get shut down. Keep your false hopes up anyway though I'm sure Jow Forums is getting deleted soon after nearly a decade, you just have to keep crying!

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>A couple of confirmed Jow Forums lurkers/posters
He only got like 3 people and Jow Forums isn't devoted to impotently promoting the murder of people like Jow Forums is. Also no one sued Jow Forums over it.

Most of these confirmed Jow Forums shooters happened over in recent years. Jow Forums has a far bigger body count than Jow Forums

>Whatever helps you sleep at night and avoids you strangling your sister for having a black boyfriend.
Hmm, is this projection as well? Interesting that you think about your sister having a black boyfriend. Is this also causing the rage? Repressed homosexuality and repressed racism resulting in massive frustration and anger?
I fuck niggers myself BTW. I love a nice black ass.

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>when your autism is so powerful you end up killing your mom

Jow Forums is about promoting murder of minorities and jews almost as much as Jow Forums is about promoting murder of roasties and chads

you reek of newfag that came here from a buzzfeed article

hmm not a dress but I'll take it I suppose.

I'm well on my way to becoming the Jow Forums boogeyman version of obama.

A canine eating homosexual marxist jihadist with a transgender wife who is also homophobic and secretly performing white genocide.

Lmao? People on Jow Forums talk about killing normalfags and roasties and trannies all the time.
There are pretty much no confirmed Jow Forums lurkers/posters who committed mass shootings. Saying "nigger" doesn't make you a Jow Forums poster you fucking idiot. Doubt most of them even know what Jow Forums is.

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This is the stupidest thing I've seen in 15 minutes.

No there were several other shooters, to the point where the mods allow the fbi to monitor the board.

I'm sure the courts will see it the same way in this political climate.

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Leave this part out, eh?
William Edward Atchison
>resident lived a prolific life as a white supremacist, pro-Trump meme peddler
>On YouTube, Atchison admitted he posted anonymously on pro-Trump, white-supremacist sites like 4chans Jow Forums board or The Daily Stormer, but gave up when domain registrars kept shutting down The Daily Stormers domain names. He, along with most of The Daily Stormers community, said the sites were shoa'd, an anti-Semitic slur.

Most of them were not only racist, but also aligned with nazi beliefs. Where do you think they would get their information from? On tumblr? Dont kid yourself.

they're literal newfags coming in here from buzzfeed or reddit articles telling them "this is where those dangerous incels hang out at" theres been a wave of them lately

somebody told them that Jow Forums is "where the racists hang out at" and they in all honestly believe the entire website is non-racist except for pol

Jow Forums was always ironically racist but never sincerely racist

that's why global rule 3 exists you dipshit

it was the Jow Forums invasion and stormfront dipshits spamming the site that lead to there being so many unironic white supremacists on here

>I'm well on my way to becoming the Jow Forums boogeyman version of obama.

>A canine eating homosexual marxist jihadist with a transgender wife who is also homophobic and secretly performing white genocide.

Hmm. Subject has become enraged once again and retreated back into incoherent ramblings and delusions. Further observation is required to perform an accurate diagnosis, though autism and schizoid personality disorder are highly possible.

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I'm just pointing out conservashits tend to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks when it comes to their political opponents. Like just make shit up and hope it works and if not move onto the next thing.

Jow Forums was extremely racist since habbo hotel days you stupid fucking newfag get the fuck out

ironically so and nothing more. nothing but pure shock value

>Pool's closed due to aids
>black nigger afro
>this is ironic racism to the newfag

back to buzzfeed

Without Jow Forums Jow Forums is pretty much worthless. I doubt hiro would delete it.

So one guy? That's far less than Jow Forums has under its belt.
Yeah it's funny to watch these people come and go as the normalfaggot media directs them here. I actually kind of envy them. Imagine actually looking at Jow Forums with virgin eyes in 2018. Must be quite the experience.

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wow its blockhead joe in the flesh!
feeding into identity politics like the spineless inept fuck he is
you're a BLOCKHEAD JOE!!

again, all you have to do is consult the history of the site and the fact racism is LITERALLY against the rules on all boards except for /b/ technically to see how full of shit you are

and yeah that level of exaggeration is totally meant to do nothing but shock people you braindead retard, it's not posting meme race iq graphs, it's being as outrageous and shocking as possible

Teenagers love identity politics, thus why Jow Forums is so enthralled by them. It's nothing new.

Jow Forums has at 12 kills. Jow Forums has like 4 (that's including the shooter's suicide.)

>(((blue check)))
Fuck off shill

Who gives a shit?
Bottom line, he toasted a roastie
I don't see anything wrong here

>he thinks global rule 3 is ever enforced

you just keep reinforcing over and over again the fact that you are a fucking newfag

>iq graphs are racist

jesus christ LMAO

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You didn't do any of that in your previous post. It was insane incoherent ramblings. If you were trying to imitate someone, you weren't. You built yourself up into some bizarre strawman. That's actually quite an interesting psychological feat, something only extremely powerful autistics are able to do.

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>news is racist
lol Jow Forumstards never fail to disappoint.

>intentionally missing the point this badly just so you can weasel your way out of it

global rule 3 is an ancient rule that represents the original vision of the site. moot stopped enforcing it after a while because he was a lazy fucker but the point of Jow Forums was never to be a hub of white supremacists discussing how best to go about downvoting the latest vox video or how best to shill their message on reddit

Kill yourself nigger faggot
I've probably been on this site longer than you've been alive

>he thinks global rules are enforced
Buddy, go look at the list of rules. Read down it carefully and tell me how many are enforced and how many posts don't break any of those rules. You just chose one you liked. You're like some Bible thumper picking out one single verse he likes in the entire book and ignoring the rest. If you'd been here for any amount of time, you'd know those "rules" are completely arbitrarily enforced at the whims of fickle fat idiots.

Jow Forums and Jow Forums

Name a more iconic duo

That's a fucking load of bullshit and you're so obviously a newfag. I honestly hate you.

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He didn't say it was racist you dipshit.