Femcels are real and I am living proof:

femcels are real and I am living proof:
>never kissed
>never hugged
>never held hands
>never lost my virginity
>never befriended one
>never gotten a number
>never asked for my number
>never got hit on/catcalled
>basically never talked to unless it was forced

guys are just repulsed by me and ive come to accept that.

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Go be with your ugly bitches

Hey sexy, give me your discord!
There that are two down.

Also never tried, you can fuck right off

femcel is such a horrible confusing term. it's just "female celibate." if it's supposed to alienate voluntarity celibate females, it should just be female incels.

That sub is long gone. Its now a sub for Stacies who feel ugly and alone even when theyve had multiple bfs

I used to be like you fellow femcel, then i lost 100lbs of body weight and my life changed, you should try it

if I lost 100 lbs id weigh exactly 1 pound.

>Its now a board for Chads who feel ugly and alone even when theyve had multiple gfs
accurate description of r9k

you know the rules. Tits or gee tee eff owe

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Are you serious you are the most thirsty man I've ever seen


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>male detected
its ok mlady i will protect you from this toxic masculinity (pls give coochie)

Some of us are facels, we are just ugly as shit, unlike the fats we can't simply change that

Tit's oer gtfo

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I doubt his offer is even genuine. No robot would willingly want to be with an ugly girl unless he larping (which is most likely the case) or has bad intentions himself.

Are you fat?

This is the problem for 80% of women that haven't been hit on. 10% look like boys, the other 10% are genuinely ugly.

Stop being overweight and welcome to easymode, it really is that simple.

I want to get to know you, possibly date.

I deserve a gf #3991

If you refuse, you're a volcel.

Gentlemen, we got 'em.

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At least he's trying to be less gay

Thank you, pepe. You are always there to rid me of filth

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How ugly are you? I've gotten asked for my number and cat called, you must be subhuman tier, do you have a facial deformity?

tit's hour gtfo

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ether present theeself breasts or become unpresent

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I fall in the 10% who are genuinely ugly.
No but I am hideous so I might as well have a deformity.

present mammaries or remove yourself

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Shoe ess yore teets, ore geet oot

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I don't get it. You see the difference between "femcels" and "incels" is that one has a much easier chance at getting love. You shoot down the guys and call them thirsty? What the hell are you complaining about then? You could at least give someone a shot and see if you guys get along and so on. Yeah, I understand there are some guys out there wanting to take advantage of naive girls, and the same exists the other way around, just don't be retarded.

i see this shit thread every time i come on here, and its always the same three replies

>hey bb gib discord pls im so thristy need pusy pls bb

>i hate women and unattractive females that cant get laid dont fit within my framework of reality that i use to justify my celibacy

>im also a femcel, please validate me

this thread is fucking cancer, saged

remove thyself or as a fee declare your tits for all to see

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haha I heard the mod allowed that to happen too, just because women have to be so inclusionary.

you have two options ether show the tits or thow a fit and leave

>at least he's trying to be less gay
Trying is not the same as succeeding. In fact, this has made him more gay. I bet he grows up to either have an attraction to trannies/the mentally challenged, or becomes one himself because of his utter faggotry evidenced by his post. Fuck.

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So all femcels?
OP's lying
She could easily get a bf if she tried
I couldn't pay a girl to be mine

>She could easily get a bf if she tried
Hah no I couldnt. Im seriously ugly that im considering surgery.

What makes you so ugly then? What do you think you couldn't get one even if you tried?

Fuck roasties and fuck you OP

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How old are you?


are you fat?

are you ugly?

show some tits?

and you wonder why men don't like you

celibacy is by default voluntary

how so?
you have to get someone to agree to have sex with you, which may never happen

im 18 :/

What makes you ugly?

give me your number


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where are you from, user? If you're some what nearby, and you were willing to give me a chance, I would do the same with you. Maybe we get along and go on a date or something like that. Not too sure what people do.

It's all you
You could easily have gotten a 3/10 but you refuse to even try
Meanwhile I couldn't even get you to acknowledge my existence irl

You're still super young, and probably have lots of self esteem issues that are warping your perception of yourself. If you want honest feedback, you're welcome to drop your discord and I'll give it to you.

Some women are just as repulsive as men. Still their choice to on label themselves as something as retarded as *cel. Enough other repulsive people to get together with. Make hideous kids and continue the blood line of repuliveness

Celibacy is the state of voluntarily being unmarried, sexually abstinent, or both, usually for religious reasons.

cool LARP incel

you guys need to be made into a labor gang or something

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>tfw ignored
I just wanted to get to know a nice girl and be nice to them in return

Just remember
There is no such thing as a femcel or a fembot
Just whores complaining about not getting enough attention from Chad

Genuine question, are you fat?
That can be worked on, give that a start.

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Attention seeking slut didn't answer my question, you aren't ugly just lonely.

What is with all these guys claiming they'd date OP or want to get to know her? It's like they've never seen a genuinely ugly woman before. You know that the second they saw a face pic they'd ghost her and turn around and post it here or in some Discord to make fun of her.

I've only ever seen a handful of genuinely ugly women in my entire life, and they were all pictures online, so maybe they weren't even real. Even then, if I was able to get along, I would be fine with her looks. I'm not an asshole, why would I make fun of some one? Plus, I'm pretty under average in terms of looks, so I'd come from a place of understanding; I've actually been called ugly by girls in real life. People don't give each other chances because you guys see everyone as hostile due a to a small minority of people that are just loud and annoying.

I'll fuck your mouth, little fembot.

i will hug you but only cause this is sad

Make your decision, femanon.

nice larp tits or gtfo

Lmao sucks to be you kissed a guy when I was 13 and able to keep a boyfriend from ages 14-16 >which currently I'm 16

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oh shit i fucken kekked my ass off i didn't know there could be a possibly even more cancerous group then incels but femcels might just take the fucken cake
>use the term moids(Men Ostracizing Imperfect Damsels)
>bring in all the worst slay gurrl bullshit
its just tooooooo good

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nice Iarp tranny

larper retard
nice larp
incel spotted
fucking retard
fatty fat retard

all of you are autistic for getting baited by yet another larping faggot

Nah a female on here

Your penis says otherwise faggot

state? ill take you out for dindin and cuddles if you are with 80 miles of me

you first pIs

That's fine, I'm lonely and have no friends, what else am I supposed to do? That (you) you just gave me unironically made me pretty happy, thanks, user.

around richmond virginia

looks like we are too far away

I live in arizona, 250 miles within me and I will do the same as that guy

a lot closer but still too far away by your standards

How far? I'd unironically go within the whole of North america if we got along. I already go out as far as the midwest for work sometimes, so I don't mind

How far away is Montana?

Well, I'm just a female with high testosterone so most men ignore me. Would you ever date?

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forget this then i live in canada

im in Southern California

No, but we could hang out if you wanted, you seem cool

Sjw attack!!! Y'all men got baited!! Learn to respect lonely women and leave them alone next time!!!

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If you would hang your lips around my bong maybe

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That's not that far from where I live, I go to Palm springs every now and then to visit some family there. me btw, do you want to exchange a throwaway or something?

I have that same pic saved, nice, man

Oh no I'm so offended by this, fuck off lmao

what would we talk about before meeting up? Are we also going to exchange face pics? I really dont want to...

You're the one who stole it from me in the other thread and then reposted in the dick rate thread?

you cant fucking steal an image off an image board lol


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>t. mentalIy ill tranny

>Check out my new vape pen

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Just get to know each, talk about things we'd wanna do, our history, things we know, our day, our thoughts, whatever comes to mind. We don't have to if you don't want to
I've had that image for a few years now I believe, probably around 2015-2016

that moment when the thread derails

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Listen here!!! I'm a special forces Marine mother fucker!!!!

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I hate it when women do this
>I want to but I'm scaaared, show me you can control me first! Show me you can make it worth my time!
Happened to me quite a few times. Once I went thru it and got a gf. It continued for the whole relationship and wasn't fun. Very controlling and abusive behaviour. Only when you don't give a shit about her words feels like it could work.. Start caring about what she says and it's gone

threads dead baby. pic unrelated

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The reason why I dont want to exchange face pics is because of my own insecurities and the fact that he could expose me and post my uggo self online

I said we didn't have to exchange pictures, but I guess we're not gonna talk? Fine if you don't, but a no would be nicer

>Yet another woman complaining without making an attempt to fix anything.

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>my uggo sel-

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is this the same guy everytime? or is there some meme with this pic and saying pop a lot of times

Here's the Hitman that rids us off roaster wiiinnneee