first day of japanese class

> first day of japanese class
> sees pic related
what is there to do in this situation?

Attached: 4n.jpg (1080x1080, 171K)

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She looks fucking tall as shit brah

you're probably a manlet so don't worry about it

Nothing. Bitches are useless and ruin everything nice.

Smile, be polite, try to be friends and ask my senpai if I need help understanding something.

Start tickling her sides.

>exchange quick glances to establish attraction
>find a seat in the front row
>begin to be my autistic self
>she will eventually find herself in my orbit

not even making this shit up.

Well, she's white, meaning she probably fetishizes asian males the same way I fetishize azn females. Probably awkwardly ignore each other. I'm sure this scenario has played out IRL. I once walked 3 hours to another city to register for Japanese language classes (it was accredited saturday school so it would officially count as a high school credit towards diploma) and they were full

depends on when the class is starting. if the class is starting in 1 min, sit right next to her. if it's a little early, sit near her in a different row. as long as i'm in the vicinity, if there is ever a group project i'd be close.

if i had known what i know now, college would've been so much better

Are u me. I have acoustic attraction too.

>ohheyou, oh genkee desookah?
>*tips fedora and bows*
>watashi wa user-kun, anatah no nahmaeh no nan desu ka??
>*reveals wooden katana tucked into kimono*
>koray ga wahtashi no buki dess. oh sooki desu ka??

Attached: ken sama.jpg (600x800, 55K)

>don't take a creepy picture and post it on Jow Forums

I hope you don't take advantage of your acoustic powers breh.

Probably a good start

> gives weak smile
> ignores you
WHAT DO?!??!

Attached: 4ion.jpg (1080x1079, 158K)

I think I know you user

Alright, this is bait

Proceed learning japanese.

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the way she is hanging around on those chairs i'd probably think that she is an egocentric extroverted arrogant bitch and stop caring, beautiful or not

>*unsheathes katana*

nothing personal, m'lady

Attached: 0004f938-8020-f522-b7f4-1c422d282299_958.jpg (615x820, 85K)

Ohayo gozaimasu, Roastu-Chan

Attached: Freezer.jpg (615x820, 68K)

I doubt someone would sit like that in an actual class you autistic faggot, it just a photoshot

>*teleports behind you*
heh, only a virgin would make that mistake

Attached: 1542433694898.jpg (1080x1333, 148K)

That's how girls sit in russian schools.

Attached: 1535098942769.jpg (600x780, 51K)

I remember when girls would do this. Or if you were next to them they'd press their feet back and forth on your leg like a cat does.

I want an anime looking gf who's interested in japanese so bad

Attached: 1542032251516.gif (300x198, 226K)

Get out because I don't want to learn gookspeak

>tfw no Dari gf

Attached: 1530907299220.jpg (1080x1080, 1.01M)

fuck, I remember there was a huge imgur compilation of underage getting wasted at school in russia,

like this, except bigger

huh, figured it was dari

Attached: Screenshot 2018-11-19 at 06.37.51.png (925x488, 664K)

mind my own damn business

i spit out my seltzer

Attached: 1512446346876.png (801x534, 496K)