> first day of japanese class
> sees pic related
what is there to do in this situation?
first day of japanese class
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She looks fucking tall as shit brah
you're probably a manlet so don't worry about it
Nothing. Bitches are useless and ruin everything nice.
Smile, be polite, try to be friends and ask my senpai if I need help understanding something.
Start tickling her sides.
>exchange quick glances to establish attraction
>find a seat in the front row
>begin to be my autistic self
>she will eventually find herself in my orbit
not even making this shit up.
Well, she's white, meaning she probably fetishizes asian males the same way I fetishize azn females. Probably awkwardly ignore each other. I'm sure this scenario has played out IRL. I once walked 3 hours to another city to register for Japanese language classes (it was accredited saturday school so it would officially count as a high school credit towards diploma) and they were full
depends on when the class is starting. if the class is starting in 1 min, sit right next to her. if it's a little early, sit near her in a different row. as long as i'm in the vicinity, if there is ever a group project i'd be close.
if i had known what i know now, college would've been so much better
Are u me. I have acoustic attraction too.
>ohheyou, oh genkee desookah?
>*tips fedora and bows*
>watashi wa user-kun, anatah no nahmaeh no nan desu ka??
>*reveals wooden katana tucked into kimono*
>koray ga wahtashi no buki dess. oh sooki desu ka??
>don't take a creepy picture and post it on Jow Forums
I hope you don't take advantage of your acoustic powers breh.
Probably a good start
> gives weak smile
> ignores you
WHAT DO?!??!
I think I know you user
Alright, this is bait
Proceed learning japanese.
the way she is hanging around on those chairs i'd probably think that she is an egocentric extroverted arrogant bitch and stop caring, beautiful or not
>*unsheathes katana*
nothing personal, m'lady
Ohayo gozaimasu, Roastu-Chan
I doubt someone would sit like that in an actual class you autistic faggot, it just a photoshot
>*teleports behind you*
heh, only a virgin would make that mistake
That's how girls sit in russian schools.
I remember when girls would do this. Or if you were next to them they'd press their feet back and forth on your leg like a cat does.
I want an anime looking gf who's interested in japanese so bad
Get out because I don't want to learn gookspeak
>tfw no Dari gf
fuck, I remember there was a huge imgur compilation of underage getting wasted at school in russia,
like this, except bigger
huh, figured it was dari
mind my own damn business
i spit out my seltzer