>Reminder that you will never have a teenage girl who is completely in love with you say this to you
So long robots, I've ascended to chaddom.
P.S. I knocked her up the very first night we met. Shit was cash.
Reminder that you will never have a teenage girl who is completely in love with you say this to you
Other urls found in this thread:
looks fat and gross lol
Get the fuck outta my board Chad
>a month
>this means she will absolutely love you forever
Goodluck keeping it going till the end of the year
what the fug how are you not in jail
>teenage girl
>proud mother
shit doesn't count if it comes from a fat girl
fuck out of here fag
No. As a former robot turned Chad, I am now king of Jow Forums. I will rule with an iron fist, rationing all the hot pockets and tendies, and amass a harem at least as large as that one Chad in Canada that recently got house arrest for polygamy.
She's 19 bruh.
I'm 27 lmao.
how was that white pussy fellow white brother
This is what I imagine every user's sexual partner looks like. Im convinced I'm right, please prove me wrong somehow so I can have faith
don't forget the snapchat filter
>More sour grapes
Your incel tears are delicious.
Cash money desu baka senpai
Oh yeah and I'm fucking two sisters on the side but they're both whores so they don't really count.
Question: Is that a neck tattoo? Thats just her earring right man??
damn bro u are fuckin her sisters?
how is the sisters white pussy
Bitch has got puffy cheeks nigga, looks like Rose from The Last Jedi
Ive had girls be like this, its not all that. Its super suffocating :/
Nah it's a tattoo. I mean 2/3 of the population of America have at least one tattoo so you're pretty fucked nowadays if you find then unattractive.
Nah, the sisters are unrelated to her. They actually all three live in different states, but one of the sisters is actually in state visiting her sister so I have plans to fuck her tomorrow after we give her sister that lives here a ride home from a city she is visiting lol.
Was suppose to do that tonight but I went and hung out with my black best friend and his girl to play cards because bros before hoes and plus it was too long of a drive too late when she asked lol.
Oh yeah, I'm irl softly trolling the shit out of the original girl. If we end up having the baby, which is up in the air because she's currently broke and homeless and pregnant, I'm going to do my goddamnedest to give that poor kid a subtly anime-themed name.
I was thinking Mercury Lane for a girl and Shirou Shinji for a boy.
bro she homeless?
dayum so like, how does she have internet?
An old gf
This ain't my first rodeo. I've been in that kind of dealio before but it's only suffocating if the feelings are mirrored. Obviously she's still got a lot of growing up to do at 19 since everyone is basically a child until 25 in this day and age.
lmfao on the 5% chance that this isn't shitposting, god bless you, you are literally OMEGAtier.
She just got kicked out of her sister's (jesus this is getting confusing with so many different sisters) place today so she hooked up with some chick nearby that she met on pof while she still had her sister's wifi. She's bi btw, fucking roastie snowflake.
You knocked up a fat chick dude. You are arguably the furthest thing from Chad and without a doubt much worse than robots, at least they have standards
t. Brad
If I'm omega-tier, then what does that make you, fag? Probably FAGGIT-tier, you fucking piece of shit "man" that gets fucked and pozzed by every village person in fagville. I'd tell you to suck a dick but you'd enjoy it too much. Back to /r9gay/ threads or better yet, get off my board and back to your containment board
Im only 19 myself, but the few relationships Ive been in I always got tired of the repetition. I dont think Im cut out for it.
>this is an average romance story in America
It's all just irl shitposting. I do it for the lulz.
Besides, true Chads know that only Brads and betas care about such pussy things as "standards." You think Ghengis Khan never impregnated thicc women on his rapepocalypse that resulted in like 1/16 of the current world population being descended from him? In the end, reproduction is objectively reproduction, but that's not something an incel would ever really understand :^)
bro so like she uses pof and wifi?
i feel like u dont even like her man
i know u get the hoes but like hoes are hoes. I think ur ego is way up there.
if u were a chad u can easily get pic related
this sounds like lust bro
lust is immoral ?
>P.S. I knocked her up the very first night we met. Shit was cash.
that's a bad nut/preggers ratio there lad. should be having one kid for every 500 shags i reckon
This autistic tripfaggot bragging about fucking a fat teenager LMFAO
>a former robot
Once a robot always a robot. You were never a robot in the first place. Don't even bother replying to me, this is an indisputable fact.
Don't ever reply to me or my thread again.
>muted for 2 seconds
Sasuga, Jow Forums.
That girl is pretty nice but I'm all about them titties, boyz
this is pretty cringey and gay mate. i mean, you would call me a gay cunt for enjoying cheesy romance films yet this is the type of gay shit you're engaged with
Fr fat and gross
>this is pretty cringey and gay mate. i mean, you would call me a gay cunt for enjoying cheesy romance films yet this is the type of gay shit you're engaged with
Gay cunt
bro like i never had the sexy time with a female(am virgin)
so long should it last bro
how long* original
>pussy things such as standards
>reproduction is objectively reproduction
Cope. You knocked up a fat chick because that was the best you could achieve. You would drop her for a super model in a heartbeat. You are not Ghengis Khan alpha male conqueror, you are an ugly out of shape soiboy who is now biologically and financially tied to an extremely low tier woman, and you have deluded yourself into thinking that this is what you want because you are still high off the dopamine rush of finally having a woman attracted to you. Your mutt baby will be just as pathetic and low IQ as you are.
Probably about five seconds then you fall asleep.
Best five seconds of your life though, bro, especially if you give them the pleasure of being cummed inside.
damn bro
why not like a couple mins at least
So how exactly am I financially tied to her when she knows nothing about me and lives an hour away in another state? Even the jewbook dummy profile doesn't have my real name.
Besides, at least my child has a 100% chance of having a higher iq than yours.
Face it, user, this is checkmate for you, you genetic deadend.
bro dont talk to him
he wants you to bring out ur bad side
Congratulations? Do you want a trophy?
The point of copulation is to achieve orgasm. There's no point in continuing after that. All these cucks that waste hours trying to please a woman make me laugh. Women are meant to please men in bed, not the other way around. It's just the way God intended.
No I just wanted to talk with you about it there's no reason to be so tsundere, you baka.
You are the one that is bragging and you expect comments that stroke your ego?
All these haters are really trying my patience but at least there is one true robot bro left on Jow Forums that has my back.
Oh yeah, I didn't make this obvious, but that picture of the girl with the big titties? Yeah I'm tapping that.
Well you were at least smart enough to not disclose personal information, if she has or finds your phone number she can easily look you up in whitepages and get your real name though. You better hope you covered your tracks well or you will be giving half your money to her for 18 years very soon.
You still knocked up an ugly fat chick however, and that is nothing to brag about. The fact that you cannot see this speaks volumes about your value on the sexual marketplace. Keep coping, for your sanity, you pathetic ugly brainlet.
u really are a chad
It is what it is, no need to brag.
So many people on this board basically brag about their ability to NOT get pussy so I'm just inverting the paradigm so to speak.
Mmmm, sounds like some mighty projection coming from those last three words especially, do you wanna talk about it?
yea bro at first i thought u had a huge ego but u dont
u are just a pure chad
Thanks bro, I'm also an oldfag too. Been on this site for over a decade since I didn't want to pay to post on SA when it was big.
This post was probably brought to you by original poster
>user puts a kid in the first 1/10 hamplanet to show him affection
>tries to brag about it online
>anons point out that he has achieved nothing at all and is embarrassing himself
>y-you just projecting!
wew lad. i really hope ur just taking the piss, this is unironically sad
Check this zero
It represents the pussy that you've seen since being spit out of ur mum's.
Any other last digit means I'm actually a fag and this is all a ruse cruise.
>taking the piss
Nah, I'm not into getting pissed on.
I'm more of a loli nakadashi man myself but to each his own bro.
damn....too pure...
That girl is fucking ugly
Honestly, I wish I could just telepathically relay to you my entire life story to you. What a wild ride. I honestly used to be a straight up hikki NEET after high school but things have gotten better and I'm about to finish up my mathematics bachelor's that I took a few years off from.
Obviously I need that six figure income to provide for my harem and offspring lol
look at my dubs brooo
Holy fucking shit, checked, my fellow Chad.
yea bro imma chad
Lul we are all gonna fuckin die
It is a 2 lmao
We're all gunna make it, bros.
>fucking a teenager
>acting as if that's impressive
Oh, user, still so much to learn
>fucking your own hand
>acting morally superior because of it
Brainlets, when will they ever learn?
Oh wait, they're incapable of doing just that, ensuring their classification as a brainlet for the rest of their life.
Dude, you're either a pretty good troll, or an unironic tripfag and omegamale. Either way, keep doing you sweetheart, because it's funny to me either way.
>proud mother
hooking up with a sloppy seconds teen with a child or possibly children bro thats some gay shit
>tfw women have said stuff like this to you before but you have enough experience with women to know that it's just emotional babble that can be dropped at a moment's notice
I'm ready for the nukes. Hope you are too.
They need you right now. But when they do not, they will cast you out, like a leper. See, their morals, their code... it is a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They are only as good as the world allows them to be.
You don't even know, guy.
If that was a few years after a fucking marriage at a low point, that would be worth something.
Looks fucking disgusting. Legitimately would rather die a virgin
imagine being proud of eating literal shit just to not keep being hungry
>enter password chair
He said he knocked her up day one so the assumption is that it's his child.
Dude you ain't shit haha you knocked up a down syndrome pig the very first time you fucked. If I were you I would started looking for abortion clinics asap and use your confidence to sleep with someone who's mother didn't drink heavily during her pregnancy. Coming from a real Chad skateboarder with a body count of 3 (soon to be 4) at 19. I've had sex hundreds of times, with a qt highschool virgin that told me shit like that. All my girlfriends have told me shit like that (minus the religious ranting, lol). I don't know why I even come to thid board. Probably because of my addictions and fucked up head mental state.
>anime-themed name
Your kid is going to shoot up the school
>thinks hes the king of Jow Forums
seeing a ginger 5years younger than me ;^)
hot af aswell
Wow what's the point if she's fat and ugly I'd rather fucking be skinned alive then have to talk to and fuck fat girl.( I will sadly admit I have fucked a few 18-20yo fatties while high on a binge or to get drugs or food and even then it wasn't worth it
Get off Jow Forums and start being with her more
If she as good as you say she is a keeper
>I knocked her up the first night we met. Shit was cash
You are the biggest clown ass nigga on r9k right now
> no emojis
> capitalization
> proper vocabulary
> complete sentences
> teenager
The level of bait is truly admirable.
All of you homosexuals, or FAGGOTS as I like to call them, can STFU about fucking fat chicks. Y'all can't even read the rest of the thread and realize I have not one, but at least three girls I'm concurrently fucking, two of which are sisters. I'm the GOAT and there's nothing you little scrawny-armed, keyboard warriors can do about it.
I mean, you stupid faggots are literally trying to argue that 0 is greater than 1, and that's only because you're actually so fucking retarded that you don't even realize the actual situation is that my equal to or greater than 3 is much greater than the fucking 0 you will always have for the rest of your incel existance.
Just wait, because I'm eventually going to have at least two dozen wives and 150 children so who will be laughing when, one hundred years from now, a significant portion of the local population is my descendant? Oh that's right, I will. I'll probably even live forever in order to see it because nanomachines, son.
You fucking niggers haven't even been on Jow Forums even a tenth of the time I have so respect your elder, bitch. You're ten years too early to even reply to me.
I've fulfilled my biological imperative.
My ancestors are smiling at me right now, can you say the same?
I'm here forever, dumb nigger.
Once my fellow Americans arise from their slumber, they're going to help me continue to BTFO out of all you jelly Europoors, pajeets, and Aussie/kiwi cunts.
Can't blame me for trying to get rid of you
Yes I can you dumb kike
Stormcloak scum. Imperial legion for life.
you made me laugh, but unfortunatly we all know that you gonna disapear as soon as the baby arrives. I don't call this fullfilling a biological imperative
>moving the goalposts
Shiggy diggy, sasuga Jow Forums.
>Bragging about a Goblina lay
You are no longer a robot but that certainly isn't a Chad worthy girl. Accept being a Brad.
Dem big titties though.
You've used your biological imperitive to bring in more ugly people into this world. Congrats on selecting girls with sub par genetics.
I don't think you understand. I mean these titties are massive.
This is exactly what I thought when I saw the pic lol... And she has that "cute" snapchat filter on... she's probably a real life 2-3/10... of course, she'll expect a 6/10 guy, but still...