How do you deal with being called a millennial dispite having differing views of those in your generation

How do you deal with being called a millennial dispite having differing views of those in your generation.

Most people just assume Im an sjw at the mear mention, but Im completely for pro-free speech.

It annoys me.

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Reply you fucking cucks.

>is pro-free speech
>thinks he's not a millenial
Do you WANT your country to drown in autistic screeching?

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nobody actually calls me a millennial to my face, so i don't have a reason to care
the talking heads on tv love bashing millennials, but that's nothing new
the older generation always thinks the younger generation is shit, until they die off and the younger generation takes over

Oh, go to a hole in the wall bar. Theyll bash the fuck out of you with no basis on who you are whatsoever. Our generation is a joke to them.

Radical individualism and a Randian hatred of collectivism.

So? I can swear at them and say whatever I want. I can say either judge me as an individual or you pay the price. I can say that to just about anyone. I don't care.

I don't encounter many underage 4channers irl so no one bothers me about being millenial aged.

That might explain why my mom's friend talks to me the way she does. Or she sense my innate hatred of white females. Ethier way fuck people past the age of 30.

The only way to cope if other groups stereotype you and punish you, and your group hates you and disagrees with you is radical individualism. Only care about yourself because no group has your back. Take care of yourself.

How old are you faggot? Are you actually a millenials? Or are you a zoomerfag?

Same here. I'm a 32 year old software engineer and it's rare. Even the people I went to college with were conservative nerds so I can't relate to the SJW Millennial stuff.

I worked as a carpenter for a while. The older guys got a kick out of me calling guys with top buns faggots. They still talked shit to me, mind you, but the trick is to just talk shit back. People working shit jobs tend to use banter to make the time pass faster, and they'll use whatever they can as an excuse to talk some shit. It's what I miss most about my old job.

Your reply is too relateable except I'm a little bit older and on the IT ops side. It actually makes me feel out of touch with the youth culture that I used to be so proud to be a part of when I was younger. Now I've grown up to be the boring old guy.

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>for pro-free speech.
pro means for, you cant be "for pro free speech"
that is like saying you are "for for something"

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I take great pride in my millennial generation gentrifying the fuck out of every city. Push the degenerates into the hills, it's b-e-a-utiful to watch

>yes, and?
wow, so hard.

I can't even relate to what people say about college culture in STEM majors today. From what I've heard it's politicized and full of SJWs. That's foreign to me because I picked computer science for the pay, the love of logic and detail, the fact it's vocational, and the fact it's not politicized.

None of my computer science courses and almost none of my gen ed classes were SJW. But to be fair I started off at community college in flyover country and never lived on a college campus.

I don't get this. Why did they have to politicize everything? I worked for a bunch of big tech firms in Silicon Valley and I started seeing it leak in. First I thought it was neat because I'm not white but then it went overboard. Now I work tech in finance industry because I don't see it being so political even if I'm working directly for the jews.

I think the 2010s is annoying and overly political in general. I think they started politicizing it after gamergate and Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn started bitching about how offensive and sexist video games are. Yawn. We should have just ignored them until they went away. Let them tantrum it out like the toddlers they are.

I'm libertarian but people hate my side outside of other co-workers and circle. Luckily it's not infected my workplace here in flyover country. The SJWs here work minimum wage jobs with their blue hair and tattoos. I like making them serve me coffee each morning, communist morons.

You should tell them you don't and debate them. Why are you so scared to do that?

No I like being called a millennial. It's just so absurd, the over-the-top connotations of avocados and hipsters based on age group, that I chuckle at it.

>he thinks millennial is a political ideology

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It's used as a political ideology these days in news articles and in the mass media.... Articles about how Millennials supposedly think or what their opinions are.

there was no gamer gate faggot

There wasn't? I guess Obama wasn't president either. Denying reality won't get you too far in life.