How are you guys coping? also, what would you rate this on the norwood scale, should i try propecia?
Any balding robots here?
>tfw went from a solid 7.5/10 to a 3 when I lost my hair
it really is the only thing that matters, people complain about being chinlets but being a hairlet is so much worse.
op here, well im a chinlet and im going bald so at least you're not on this boat
I can barely even tell from this picture
Get a glue on weave. Google that shit
>tfw going bad at speed of light at 20
>tfw hear older sister and her girl friends laughing about how they don't even consider bald men to be the same species as dudes with hair
>tfw one of my sister's friends goes "and what about guys who are bald who aren't old?"
>they burst into hysterics
an entire bottle of advil ought to be enough, eh?
Fuck that. im at least going to have some dignity
I'm sure it's not as bad as you think. Balding is so much worse because it's something progressive. Slowly but surely you are getting significantly less desirable, and when it starts in your early twenties it's pretty much game over.
I wasted all my prime years in my room playing video games, so now I have no experience AND I'm an ugly faggot.
so how fucked am i? should i try treatment or just kill myself
You're not that far gone dude, treatment would fix that right up, probably buy yourself another 5 years of good hair.
The head of a Chad
a chad? fuck no. i could show pics that better show the receding but its hard to not show my face in those ones, its kinda bad.
and what kind of treatment though? rogaine is temporary, the only thing that works is propecia and i might get limpdick or mantits.
Yup it fucking sucks
You'd want the finasteride for sure. Fin keeps what you already have in your head, and will probably regrow some of the thinner hairs. It won't give you your juvenile hairline back, but there's a really good chance it will keep you from getting any balder at the very least.
Don't worry about the limpdick. I started taking it as a preventative measure a year ago, still jack off 3 times a day.
no man tits? its working well for you? how many miligrams a day do you take
No man tits either. I take 1 mg a day.
How do you deal with the limpdick?
is it frustrating to have to keep refilling prescriptions?
I can't really say if it's made too much of a difference since I wasn't balding to begin with. I just take it because I'm scared to death of premature balding. I'm starting from a NW1, but I've noticed some of the hairs where my juvenile hairline used to be are thickening up.
The chief rule of finasteride is that the sooner you start taking it, the more hair you save. At some point the hair follicle shuts down and can't be turned on without really powerful shit like spironolactone, which is something trannies take along with their hormones to help transitioning.
There is no limpdick for me. I still get the same quality boners I did before I was on it.
F I n a s T e r I d e
Robots don't have the genes and confidence to Chad bald and beard
Really started noticing mine this year. Each year before I kept telling myself that it wasn't receding, it's always been like this, but now it's really hitting me hard.
Nothing ridiculous yet, idk if it's emblematic of full on baldness or just a receding hairline, but either way it sucks. There were a bunch of hairstyles I wanted to try but can't now.
When I was in the thick of self loathing I was seriously contemplating taking finasteride or something but when I became more sober I realized how stupid it is to have my hair depend on a daily intake of a fucking pill. All I can do now is hope it doesn't get too bad.
Not at all, it's available in 90 day quantities. If you have an online pharmacy, you can just mail order it to your house.
reposting from Jow Forums
Take these to thicken/regrow hair:
>pumpkin seeds
>saw palmetto
>vitamin c
>limit ejaculation to once a week at the most
I might try this before I hop full on to the finasteride train whats msm?
Methylsulfonylmethane, it has anti inflammatory qualities and makes you have extremely vivid dreams if you take it before you sleep with vitamin c.
been slowly thinning since I was 19 but having long hair while it lasts. become really thin now though. propecia fucks up your hormones apparently and isn't worth it unless you're vain enough that doesn't matter to you.
Just buzz it once it becomes really noticeable and never look back. People don't look down on balding men so much as men that appear desperate to hold onto their hair.
that's a norwood 1. desu i dont even think you're balding
dye it grey, grow out your hair and beard and go full runescape-core
the top sides of my hairline have been receding for as long as I ever cared about my hair. My windows peak is finally taking damage and it's starting to look really bad. Over the past 2ish weeks I've decided I'm going to get plastic surgery to fix it somehow since I'm not poor
what about now? do you think this is?
Dignity unlocks the door to dyingaloneland
as if i wasn't already on that path
You've got a NW2 from the looks of it, but it doesn't look like it's going to stop there. I see a lot of miniaturized hair and no real border. Pull your hair back and we can get a better idea.
cut your hair man. Already most people think it looks bad. Balding guys with long as hair always look like the are not self-aware
There have been studies done, I'll try to find them, that say although bald men aren't rated as attractive as men with hair by women, they are both rated far higher than men with visibly thinning hair because it makes them look weak. So keep in mind:
what about this? hows this look?
(original comment 123)
If you're a chinlet you can still look decent without hair. If you don't have a jawline and are bald as well, you look like a thumb.
That actually looks better than I was expecting it to look. You've definitely got some thinning going on, but it looks like you caught it really early. I'd say NW 1.5 now, but the miniaturization is uneven and doesn't have a distinct end to it, which worries me. It is possible that you are just moving on to a NW 2, but I wouldn't wait to find out if I were you.
I don't get it. I'm balding and I get dates just fine. I shave it off and dress like a skinhead. Stop caring about what bitches think. They weren't going to fuck you even if you had full hair anyway. Just B yourself.
Do you guy think I got at least a couple years left, or should I just get it over with now?
is it normal that i can see my scalp when i look really close into mirror ? i'm pretty sure my hairline didn't change at all
I am M 34 and balding. I started to notice it around 28. My friend showed me a picture from above, and I almost cried. I feel like my life is over. I need a hair transplant.
>balding since 18
>hairline almost receded past forehead
>the top of my head is showing an unsettling amount of transparency
I don't really care, though. I'll just have short/bald cuts.
you're 34 wtf. you're past way the age when being bald becomes socially acceptable