Do guys actually care about large labia? And do they ACTUALLY think that it means a girl is a slut???
Do guys actually care about large labia? And do they ACTUALLY think that it means a girl is a slut???
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Yes and yes you worthless roastie
honestly i agree with most men that large labia is pretty gross. it is one of the few cases where i think plastic surgery should be done
Yes i think large labia is disgusting. No, anyone with a brain knows its genetics (or body-fat). It's nasty tho and you should get surgery
you again? did you cut them off in your bathroom?
I have roast beef but theyre closed together if that makes sense
There are those especially extreme outies that look like they stick out a couple of inches, I don't much like those.
But ones like the one in that image look very enticing.
I know what you're talking about. Are they tucked inside like OP's left pic? If not it doesn't matter. God I would hope there isn't a girl out there with her vagina just gaping open to the elements
Guy here!
Couldn't care less. Too busy suffering.
It's not gonna make or break a relationship but innies are more aesthetic for sure.
any person who legitimately and unironically thinks it has anything to do with how much sex a girl has should be shot in the mouth until they are a mess of bloody bulp and fragments of skull
i actually love a large labia and burying my tongue between there
i swear a little one makes me feel like im fucking a little girl
lots of hair too plz.
Cut that shit out you gigantic faggot,
dont know about you, but roastie or no roastie I would devour all them yummie pussies.
Fuck me for falling for the bait
I want to suck on your flaps
Provided it doesn't applaude-like claps when she pussy farts then no
Id take right over left in pic. Looks like my highschool first gfs vag, was so hot.
Innies are boring.
Yes we are and yes we do
Hahaha stay mad you roastie.
If a man hated my vagina I'd call him a faggot to his face and leave.
>"it's genetics!"
That is why young virginal girls don't have them. Right.
That one looks mouthwatering to be honest
ummm... no sweetie, you are an incel if you care about that, vaginas rock and are all beautiful in their own way they are so cool and shit. what you really need to worry about is uncut guys though lol. you seriously don't want to let that gross looking thing that probably has cheese near you.
Hahahahaha and youre still be a roastie lol. Enjoy your cats.
large labias are ugly as hell. get vaginoplasty you fucking roastie
my 5 year old sister has beef curtains....
Yes, they're fucking disgusting to finger, play with, or (puke) eat.
I lost my virginity to another chubster virgin who had a roast beef pussy, so no, I actually don't believe it's a sign that you're a slut. But I love how made it makes girls so I'm gonna pretend I do.
You should genuinely feel insecure about it, because holy fuck are they disgusting. I actually would not go down on one. I'd fuck it but Jesus when you slip a finger down there and blegh.
Do people really buy the "teehee it's elastic :)" meme
would you donate to a fund to help someone get them removed?
I don't care, as long as I can make you cum when I touch it.
Outies are qt
no, leech money off your discord orbiters faggot
I don't talk to anyone on discord.
You might hear a knock on your door in a day...
There are other guys to appreciate my vag. Why would I get vaginaplasty for your gross faggot ass?
>that's why young virginal girls don't have them
posts a drawing
Different user here. I used to post about roastie meat being a sign of a slut on FB just to watch all the roasties get assmad and out themselves as curtaincunts. Shit was cash, many keks were had.
Don't get assblasted by what some retard on fucking Jow Forums thinks, dummy.
>pic related; It's you right now.
Large labia here. I've never actually heard anyone say anything about it IRL, only on places like r9k and reddit.
My first boyfriend when I was a teen was the only one to say anything, and he was honestly just curious - "what's this?" and I was like huh, never really noticed that before. Went online and read about all the labia drama that weird men invent. I'm sure there are guys out there that genuinely believe that having sex makes your labia grow (but like, only if you do it with multiple men - if you do it 1000 times with the same guy you'll still be an innie apparently) but I don't think they're really as common as the internet leads us to believe.
Vaginoplasty is different than labiaplasty, just for the record. Labiaplasty costs thousands of dollars, not everyone has a 3000 dollar disposable income for vanity... and let's face it, it's 10000% a vanity issue
She's getting plowed bud, 5 year olds are whores.
They grow during puberty, at least the labia minora- over half of the female population has the labia minora showing/out, thats genetics. For the labia majora, there is gravity and sex to blame- but some people have them longer naturally.
Just a anatomy lesson for you uneducated faggots, kek
For me it has nothing to do with how much sex they've had, it just looks fucking disgusting. Women are allowed to judge our cocks for being too small so I'm allowed to be critical of their rancid roast beef pussy.
>They grow during puberty
The same puberty where they start taking dicks. That's an awfully convenient excuse.
Roasties are absolutely vile.
>vaginas can squeeze out babies and go back to it's original size
>a woman can have sex with her husband a million times and still maintain her vagina shape
>men who masturbate frequently are not to be criticized
>chronic meat beaters suffer no ill consequences to squeezing their dicks tighter than any vagina could and rubbing their nuts raw day after day
>it's totally within a man's right to blame vaginas for not being able to make him feel good after ironfisting his cock all his life
>there's absolutely nothing wrong with men who watch so much porn they use it as a guide for real life
Incel logic is fucking hilarious.
yes and yes.
do you honestly think pure lolis ever have beef curtains?
>outtie labia but it's not really big or anything
Does it matter?
Did you not read what I fucking wrote? I said labia minora, where the clitoris lays. I doubt you know where that is though, virgin.
>roastie rage
different sized cocks WILL stretch out your labia. a girls pussy adapts to her partner's cock. having multiple partners will stretch out the labia as it becomes confused. it also makes your pussy smell like shit. it's an evolutionary warning to tell men you're used goods, a low value pussy. which is why we're hard wired to be repulsed by it.
I don't think things will turn out well for him if he posts a real picture
Roastie Vagina is actually caused by being a MTF transgender.
And I'm allowed to deny you sex for life after your criticism
>labia as it becomes confused
>Has a mind of it's own
i never got this meme, a girl could have fucked her only ever lover every day for two years and look like pic on the right, but a girl could have had 10 one night stands with different lads, and look like pic on the left.
Men are allowed to have some standards in a woman, I know, fucking shocking. How dare those incels. But, hey, at least we're not supporting the mutilation of baby girls because "it looks better", and we don't care about your height, and we don't care about your muscle mass, and hell, the one thing that's actually fully in your control, your weight, we still don't care as much about it as you do, since plenty of men love chubby women. I prefer innies, long hair, sub 180lbs weight, big asses, and big tits. Lucky for you, every single one of these is insanely easy to achieve in our time regardless of genetics, as opposed to height and dick size in men.
overly perfect ones like the one on the left look weird and Im not a fan of it
sure, get a fucking job
>dont like my beautiful unique vagina? well then no sex for you, incel!
Now imagine saying the same about 10+ inch dicks. You wouldn't because your social senses tell you it will be viewed as a cope. There's no such thing as too perfect when it comes to beauty standards, you're just conditioned to shy away from beautiful neotenous features in fear of being labled a pedo. A perfect innie on an dult woman is objectively better looking than an outie. The same way bigger tits are better looking. Sure, some people have other per fences, like small tits over big, but those are viewed as deviants by normalfags. It's kinda tiring having to put up with this act of perfectly immaculate pussies being considered "weird" from other men. With that out of the way outies ARE more fun, just not pleasing to look at.
Funny how its fine for women to have standards. But as soon as Men have some everyone flips out. And yea large labia is pretty fucking nasty desu.
>the labia as it becomes confused.
First of all kek and nani the fuck
fuckkoff you roastie whore
If a man was good enough to get you to accept sex if only he didn't shit on you for your roast, he's good enough to look for another if you withhold sex. Denying sex doesn't work if the guy isn't a clingy incel, and you wouldn't consider the guy in the first place if he was a clingy incel.
good. I wouldnt want to bang a disgusting roastie with beef curtains anyways.
Ive noticed girls pussies look like figure 1 when before rubbing and becoming aroused then their pussies look more like figure 2
no it looks worse, not because of pedo reasons it just looks worse and artificial
The very first time I had sex was with an escort that had innies. There was almost nothing to see.
Put yourself in their shoes, imagine if you were a lesbian.
>Posts a picture with anime females
>implying he has seen something more precious
Any woman who legitimately and unironically thinks a man is worthless when he's not in the top 10% of height and dick size, to the point where they think such men deserve no rights or basic human decency, should be shot in the mouth until they are a mess of bloody bulp you probably meant pulp and fragments of skull
Tip: it's that kind of shitty bullshit the instagram and facebook attentionwhores/sluts actively put up on their profiles that caused this response.
Fight fire with fire. It's not the ideal method, but the naive hope is that the shitty women might reconsider being less shitty to those they won't get potential monetary or sexual gains from.
The result is just more polarization where women get even more bitter and demand more for men to get even more bitter etc. Sadly, compared to the active push for a polarized society by mass media and whomever else participates in swaying the masses to their radical causes, the former effects are insignificant.
Until either side decided to finally be not shitty in unanimously, "roasties" will be whores/sluts, and ""manlet"/"dicklets" will be subhuman trash.
As too many people love a sense of superiority over others and have way more pride than their personal actions/potential should reward them with, it's best to just accept that some people of both sides will remain shitty ad attempt to convince others of their right.
I have not heard this one yet, retard
I just think vaginas are gross looking no matter what and I don't want to look at genitalia. Hentai is sometimes tolerable with it though.
It's pretty much genetic I think. The way you tell if she's a virgin or not is if her hymen is still there. If there's no hymen, she's getting dropped hard. It's pretty hard to break on accident, it's a tough part of the body. There's really only one way to break it, and that's penetration.
>Do guys actually care about large labia?
non-virgins don't
>And do they ACTUALLY think that it means a girl is a slut???
non-virgins don't
it's a virgin dog-whistle. just ignore it
I prefer a girl with pussy lips. Pussy like the one on the left creeps me out.
>Do guys actually care about large labia?
>And do they ACTUALLY think that it means a girl is a slut???
No, I just find it a real turn off
Stupid angry roastie whore.
how long are your curtains in meters
Not as long as the time you have been a virgin for
>insanely easy to achieve
>thousands upon thousands of dollars for plastic surgery
>collective months of recovery, time off of job which is vital to afford said surgeries
>potential problems with breastfeeding
>decreased sensitivity in nipples, breasts, labia
>migrating fat transfers, implants need replacements
Yeah user real easy stuff right there
The standards for men are LITERALLY impossible to influence by the individual, yet they're widely accepted social informs that women actively enforce. The standards for women are "not easy", and your response is to lash out at this injustice, when society at large is combating at beauty standard for women through "healthy at every size" and other feminist movements. Convincing women that they have it easy when it comes to societal expectations is like convincing a rich kid he didn't earn his wealth. Pride will never allow it, not to mention those in positions of power never give it up willingly. No point in us engaging in any discussion as no one actually changes their mind on the internet, they're just looking to either vent their frustration or sway people who aren't directly involved in the argument. But do keep this in mind at least, "incels" don't go on social media using their real life names and declare all women who are fat, have roast beef, or small tits to be subhuman. Go to the profile of the average instagram thot and look at what they describe men under 6 feet as.
Sensible answer here.
It's like everything. Some will care, some will love them. Majority of guys will see you as more than your type of cuntflaps even if they'd prefer you to look neater. There's no set answer.
That being said I have heard Normies guys describe a girl as looking "used" so that's not exactly strictly a robot opinion.
But it hardly matters
>arguing with holes
Always ends up resorting to the same insults kek
They're completely normal.
Doesn't matter, you'll never touch a labia you dumb cunt.
>hardly matters
That's just the thing, literally nothing does when it comes to women. There are no "deal breaker" physical traits men have that will make them refuse a woman short of morbid obesity, deformation, or being handicapped. Men don't have "minimums" when it comes to physical standards aside from face, which is universal. A man can have the most attractive face in the world, he'll still be seen as subhuman if he was, say, 4'2. A 4'2 (hell even 3'2) , or a 7'2 women with a good face will have suitors lining up. Women complaining about standards is laughable, the only standards that matter are theirs, they're the supply side of sex.
Only a roastie whore would think you could measure time in metres.
Or that being a virgin is bad.
The ones posted in the OP (right)? Sure, they're actually above average. But, some of the roast beef out there is fucking disgusting. There's no defending discolored large labias that are almost big enough to forma bulge.
It's as if short men don't get partners.. Majority of women just want taller than them and if you aren't taller than an average woman then you're defective let's be honest, and should try and make up for it in other ways that don't involve being a bitter Manlet. Just a suggestion.
every fucking time originallol
>tfw virgin with a roastie
The game was rigged from the start
Im not a woman lol. Are you implying anything you say is original. "You fuck people" "your vagina is ugly" repeat x1000. Stay assmad
That's great and all, but I prefer a pussy without roastie lips. Saying I should be shot in the head for that is quite something.
Then please go on a killing spree for all the women who want a guy over 6'. You'll probably find more women with that requirement than men finding roastie lips a deal breaker (and not just a preference).
desu i would love to suck a beefy puffy pussy
As if an incel could even reach first base.
let me tell you something
The roastie thing is a meme. It's a genetic lottery, some vagainas are like that.
My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia
Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin
Same as the "uncut dicks smell Thing
I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.
one of my fav pastas desu
I just think it looks ugly desu
Some innies can look like dry unappealing turkey skin, while some outies can look great. It's not as simple as innie good outie bad.
Looks like this one is used up, take her away boys
>Do guys actually care about large labia?
Are you suggesting you don't care about how a dick looks? Of course they care, because one is visually appealing and the other is nowhere close to matching it in appeal.
It's not a dealbreaker for most guys seeing as they're not quite as shallow as women on that front, i.e visuals of a dick is able to be 100% a dealbreaker for them, if they're wanting to date you already, but given the choice they're generally gonna pick a nice innie.
Lesbianism is all about ugly fat girls hooking up with each other in a massive coping effort for their inability to work on themselves. It's much different than being a gay, who reveres beauty, feminism and being lesbian is actually rebelling against beauty.
>and go back to it's original size
I have bad news for you user, this is a massive lie to make women who blew their baby canons out feel better and still be desired. Any vagina that has birthed a child is never ever going to be "the same" as it was before, it's just not possible. Elasticity has limits
The other points you made, sleeping with one person means getting used to accommodating that one size and shape. Comparatively, stretching something constantly to fit different sizes and shapes will inevitably lead to a drop in elasticity, try it yourself nigga.
Nothing wrong with porn at all, and dudes who wank off with too tight a grip will have ed to some degree for a while when switching to a vag. Their consequences are simply not permanent cause they're not tied to elasticity.