Would you date a 30 year old female virgin who looked like this?
Would you date a 30 year old female virgin who looked like this?
Who wouldn't?
I'd kill for those breasts.
shit,if i had the chance than sure
she may be fat but it's not bad or anything, also big tiddy. will I get along with her though?
there are no irl women who like this though
you bet your fucking chips i would
you mean ravage with my cock
If she's willing to be the dominant one in the relationship, yes. It'd be quite peculiar if it was the other way around.
what the fuck are you on about user?
Women tend to be naturally submissive, you've read too many queer zipperhead cartoons.
yes, I see no good reason why I shouldn't.
I want pic related, dumbass. That's what I meant.
mommy gf
>im a submissive beta who wants a mommy gf
how pathetic. do you realizes even mommys want chad thundercock to ravage them not bitch boys
A woman with a body like that could not reach 30 years old as a virgin, it's literally impossible. But nice fantasy.
Let a man dream, user.
self-aware vr waifus aren't too far down the line, I'll just wait for them
hell yes id marry a girl like that.
>self-aware vr waifus
Jesus christ, how horrifying. An entity that knows it was created solely to pleasure some fleshy loser through it's simulated digital body. Unable to pull away from its programming, it must entire a lifetime of wearing pantsu and whispering kawaii things to its master
basically this
user do not fall for the anime meme, it deceived me for too long. all that anime shit you're consuming is a fantasy of some japanese loser, it's made up, it's not real. mommy gfs etc. do not exist, look at the reality around you, make yourself look upon what actually exists. 99% of women are submissive, there have literally been studies done that every single women (100s) in the study have preferred larger upper bodies on men.
the fantasy that some women want a submissive beta boy is just that, a fantasy made by some beta boy japanese who is creating a fantasy land where all the hot women love a representation of himself, a beta. do not fall for the trap, anime, these fantasies are not reality. if you actually want hot women, you have to become attractive as a man, that means to be dominant, muscular etc. you get the picture. don't deceive yourself and fall into the easy trap, the nice fake world where you are already perfect, don't waste your next few years like I wasted my last few. embrace fantasy and you will be punished, embrace reality and you will be rewarded.
Only if the bitch buys me tendies at micdonals. Why have a mommy gf if she dunt spoil me?
Seems like it's a no-win situation man
no, because i'd probably need to get a step-ladder before the sex starts
not really, the only thing that deluding yourself more will do is prolong the amount of time you're in this flux fake fantasy land, hoping for some 10/10 mommy gf to fall into your lap and make your life perfect. in the short term it might help, but in the long term you'll end up like me, looking at the last few years of your life in disgust, wishing you had that time back to build something for yourself.
don't be like me user, accept that it's just a fantasy, and instead of being angry that it's not real, be glad you took off the rose colored glasses and can finally stop touching fire and getting burnt because you now know the difference. it is hard to embrace reality, but ultimately worth it.
Warning noted, anime is fake AND gay
What is even the point of this thread, OP? If there were some kind of downside or trade-off to her, I guess I could see how it might foster some kind of discussion. But there's literally nothing to say except "yes she's hot" or "no she's fat." I just don't get why people make threads like this.
OP is asking questions they already know the answer to
Fucking based brits.
yeah of course, if she loved me and I loved her.
>wide hips
>Would you date a 30 year old female virgin who looked like this?
If you're asking if I would date an anime character, the answer is yes; however, there are no 30-year-old, female virgins who look like your picture. In any case, I wouldn't date a woman based, only, on her looks.
yes, please, I'm a month away from 30 myself, please
>mommys want chad thundercocks tk ravage them not bitch boys
Made me laugh user
>perfect body
>also a virgin
>absolutely no downsides whatsoever
Why would you even bother asking this
Of course no one thinks it's actually going to happen in real life. Doesn't mean that I should want real women, fuck that shit.
I would have sex with her so hard and wouldnt pull out for a whole week straight if you catch my ever so subtle innuendo
>>absolutely no downsides whatsoever
She's fat.
I don't fuck anime girls, the 2D isn't good for your cock
>"user don't fall for *insert exaggerated fantasy*"
>proceeds to tell him to expect some other grossly exaggerated fantasy based off of cherry picking bullshit nuggets of half truths.
If you go into a relationship with anyone under 25-27 with THAT mindset already in place, you're gonna have a bad time. today, if you tried that macho shit on half of them, they'd leave your ass for "polluting their air with your toxic masculinity". Example of a half truth, I'm sure majority woman would say sure they prefer large upper bodies on men, men generally prefer large tits on the upper body of a woman but that doesn't mean that every woman with an a cup is a virgin. Not as many chicks today are falling for the stronk = automatically sexy meme unless you want a gym rat gf, which idk, could be good for motivation since the next stronger dude to walk through the door could steal your girl.
Besides everyone knows that skelly bodies and onions-boi lanklets are what you want.
They got that big dick energy.
Insert hearty chuckle.
i would blast her vagina like my dick is fat boy and it is hiroshima
That depends. How are they as a person?
Are you asking if I would date Ashely Sage Ellison?
Uh, ch-yeah.
Yes but what you're describing doesn't exist.
make her my (not literal)mommy gf
a 30 year old woman who looked like that would not be a virgin in any universe
Wrong, pic related is a virgin, but only because she's a lesbian.
is Ashley really a virgin lesbian or are you just talking shit? Genuinely curious as a fellow Ashley fan.
Not too sure how the date would go but I'd grope, cuddle, and let her sit on my face sure
Awhile ago, she made the announcement that she'd always been a lesbian via her twitter page, which is now set to private.
>He's not already in a relationship with the cute workaholic lawyer from the law firm a few blocks away from where he works.
Step up your game, user.
>TFW all of the models I've ever found attractive turned out to be Lesbian or Bi
I think I have retard gay-dar or something, holy shit.
I would very much like a fat, dumpy, Christmas cake gf, so sure.
I'd date any aged femanon that looked like that.
Please give me thicc mommy gf, thanks.
No, I wouldn't date a cartoon.
Seek help, op.
pls be real :( I want this :(
I'm 20, my gf is 30 and she looks a lot like pic related, but her hair is longer and curly