summarize your feelings on love
Summarize your feelings on love
For me It's like a drug addict that knows herorine is bad, but can't bring themselves to stop
Feels like an urban legend to me.
Everyone talks about it, but i dont know if its real or not since i have not experienced it.
Love is like light. Some gets more of it than others. Some live entirely without it.
Something I would like to experience, but only for the sake of experiencing, which makes me feel like I'm selfish.
it hurts so much but it feels so good
It exists for about 0.0001% of the human population
The poets make it sound so beautiful but reality pales in comparison.
everything is confusing me. this is bullshit. nothing makes sense. kill me
Love is a chemical reaction in your brain, nothing else. If you can make it mean something, good on you.
For me, it's like if Captain Ahab decided to try fishing for herring instead of whale after losing his leg, and actually ended up doing pretty well for himself.
Love is everything on the positive spectrum, it is pure light itself. It is the spark of divinity within every sentient being
Love is a positive internal response to external stimuli. Since it is only within you, whether you love someone or not will only alter your attitude and actions towards the individual in question. Rarely is it a shared response.
For this reason, love is a weapon that most have no qualms about using against you.
Not an edgelord. This is just based on biological fact and sociological observation.
romantic love is just a convenient commodity sold in pop culture and often confused for lust, which is carnal and insincere
It is simply something I cannot obtain by any means.
There's no such thing as romantic love. What a man perceives as genuine love, whether that is carnal desire or love for a family member/friend, is a desire to protect and provide for the recipient.
What a woman perceives as love is her desire to protect that which she values or to create offspring with what she perceives as the current best mate.
Naturally, it's love in the same sense an animal may care for their young before turning them loose into a brutal world.
What about sensations of love or longing without any utilitarian purpose?
There are none that aren't rooted in a utilitarian purpose. Love for inanimate objects can either be linked to mental disease (that woman who married the Berlin Wall) or a desire for love that has manifested itself into personification of that which cannot deny or shatter their fantasy (waifus, sex dolls, etc)
Feels great when reciprocated, feels shit when it's not.
What of love for one's nation and her people? What of love for figures like Christ and his doctrine?
I remember being 14 too. Not only are you wrong, because there are dozens of chemical reactions that go on in your body during love/affection, not just one, (dopamine released in brain, hormones released in brain and body..), but every single thing that happens in the universe is a chemical reaction at the molecular level, trying to say something is less relevant because it is a chemical reaction makes absolutely no sense at all.
>its multiple chemical reactions, not just one!
>owned epic style!
I understand that biochemistry is complicated, but what I'm trying to say is that things we feel -love, fear, pain, inspiration, etc- can ultimately be expressed as chemical reactions in the brain. They're more complex than say, iron rusting, but still just chemical reactions. Obviously I don't think much of love, but if you want to ascribe a greater meaning to this particular set of chemical reactions, I'm not going to stop you.
Still utilitarian. Love for ones country is because the individual finds value in protection of that country and what it stands for. It is similar to the aforementioned love for a family member or friend.
A love for religion is because usually they find that religion gives them the reciprocation they may otherwise desire from a human relationship. If you love Jesus then he loves you back in an idealized perfect way. Similar to a waifu.
There is always a root in utilitarianism for love.
> understand that biochemistry is complicated, but what I'm trying to say is that things we feel -love, fear, pain, inspiration, etc- can ultimately be expressed as chemical reactions in the brain
I don't think you do understand it, because every single event in the universe can be expressed as a chemical reaction, or the event is a product of a chemical reaction, you aren't being deep or identifying anything significant by bringing this up. Certainly nothing can be taken away from something because it's a a series of chemical reactions.
>lol everything is just atoms bro
level of thought.
i love love and i hate it. i want to kill myself. i want to die over it .the pain is unbearable. he said he loves me and then hurts me.
Are you incapable of reading subtext or coming to basic conclusions about what you've read? Apparently; I'll spell it out for you: what I'm trying to say is that it's not something special like everyone says, it's just like everything else. Nothing in the universe has any more inherent value than anything else, except for the value that we ourselves choose to give certain things.
>tfw your edgy, pretentious post is stupid, has typos, and gets zero replies besides someome making fun of it
>what I'm trying to say is that it's not something special like everyone says, it's just like everything else. Nothing in the universe has any more inherent value than anything else
How do you know that? You are making assumptions about things and drawing conclusions from things that just aren't there. You honestly think humanity's basic understanding of chemistry means that nothing in the universe matters? We are stuck interpreting the world through 5 random senses that just happened to be most energy efficient for natural selection on our one random planet of billions. We are likely sensing reality through a little peep hole. Like I said your argument that because everything has something in common (chemicals), does not mean nothing is special lol, how can you not realize how dumb that is if your iq is greater than 60?
Love is the sun and I'm trapped in the cave.
There's something I find so enjoyable about love that I'm just compelled to ruin it every single time. I think it's the misery after love is extinguished that I'm addicted to not the rush of being in love itself. But the butterflies and rapid heartbeat you feel right before that first kiss with the woman that sends you in circles is pretty damn good too.
The universe existed for billions of years before man; it will likely exist for billions of years after man. "Purpose" is a philosophical concept invented by men to impose a framework of meaning onto a universe that does not care about them one way or another. Before man, stars burned and planets formed, but there wasn't any greater "reason" for any of it because they were simply obeying physical law. Then man came along, developed sapience and for the first time asked the question "why": why these things were happening, not how. Because it's more comforting to imagine there is a grand purpose for everything, that's what people went with. Gods put the sun in the sky to grow crops and keep the earth warm, for instance. But gods did not put the sun in the sky; life just so happened to evolve on this planet and in our case, evolve enough to ask these questions.
"Purpose" is like linguistics: a word only means what it means because we as a society agree that it means one thing and not another. One hundred years ago, "gay" meant happy, now it means "homosexual". The word itself did not change, we did. Similarly,love only matters so much more to people because we decided that it did. Did love matter ten million years ago before there was no one who could feel it?
Everything that was guarded for centuries is now in the public sphere.
All that was guarded against for centuries is now in the public square. And the good is shunned.
Losers can't afford to be in love. I made that mistake once.
Mostly I just feel empty inside.
Every single philosophical concept is naturally invented by man, your error is taking as a matter of fact that there are no greater entity and thus purpose than what man creates or conceives.
Societal values, ethics and meanings changing over time have nothing to do with your original post which I argued against where you said love/affection isn't significant because it involves chemical reactions.
women are incapable of it
how is it edgy? its all true
I was merely pointing out that at it's basis, love is no more miraculous than iron becoming rust. It's not VALUELESS because it's just atoms interacting, it VALUABLE because we say it is. I was trying to say that in a cosmic sense, it has no more value than anything else. I'm not sure how this is going over your head.
what is love
baby don't hurt me
don't hurt me
no moar
>summarize your feelings on love
Well, that depends on what kinda love you mean.
If you mean love between family, close friends, or other such things, I do think it's very much real.
If you mean romantic love, I think it's something that may have existed in the past that definitely doesn't exist now, not beyond one-sided attractions that are taken advantage of anyways.
If you want me to get personal, then I'll just and say that I used to be a romantic when I was younger. I longed for a loving partner to which I could reciprocate. I longed for taking part in all those stupid commercialized holidays just for the romantic aspects of them. There was so much I longed for that would never come, only harsh failure and the heartbreak of rejection and ridicule. No one even gave me a chance. Only one that did just did it so she could take advantage my dumb ass for a few weeks. That's where I saw that I was lied to. That all those years were just the normalfag bastards lying to me so I'd suffer more, so they could point and laugh. And that's when I gave up on childish hopes and dreams.
Fuck romance. It's been the cause of so many suicides. So many young men's lives wasted for the sake of a lie.
love is beautiful and tragic. it is the only storm human beings will willingly endanger themselves in, and for such good reason. love makes everything inside you warm up with such gentleness that the world suddenly seems like a cozy, inviting bed. and love is a knife, and it digs deep into your chest, ripping out pieces indiscriminately if only to leave a lasting impression and proof that the knife ever visited. love is beautiful. love is tragic.
Overrated yet unavoidable
don't think i have the capacity for it
god it's utterly wonderful and you edgy cunts can fuck off trying to make it a bad thing
Romantic love is nice and all, but I've got hurt so many times it's kinda getting easier not to pay attention to it and just do my things instead, you know? Maybe after some time passes I'll muster up the fortitude to try again, but right now it seems to be too much effort, too high risk, too little payoff.
>it's utterly wonderful
i still think love is amazing even if i won't ever experience it
what do you mean by that
Nobody loves me, so I love nobody.
Im bpd so basically its like a never ending trip on a mix of lsd and crytal meth
Do you need someone to love you first before you love them?
>women are incapable of it
how so
I don't think I could ever feel love for another human being again. I think the part of my brain that processes love is permanently damaged from years of being alone.
It always seems to come up again no matter where I go or what I do
do you mean you fall in love when you try not to?
Did you reply to the wrong person?
Pretty much, yeah. I guess it's just life telling me to reproduce but,the only time I've had a gf she ended up being a cunt
>she ended up being a cunt
how did it happen? did you have no idea that she was like this when you first started dating? do you think you could have partly been to blame
She seemed pretty normal at first, but after the first couple of days after date#1 she started to ghost. Turns out she fucked two other guys plus her boss behind my back. If I'm to blame I dunno what I did, but either way I swore off dating indefinitely
I don't believe in it because I've never seen it
i'm sorry to hear that user. you do need a break to get over what happened but just know that wasn't a normal experience you've had.
It's all good, I'm just waiting to make sure I get the hypothetical "next one" right
The epitome of the human experience, out of reach, beautiful.
Somthing iam capable of giving but not somthing iam worthy of recieving.
I hate kids and they cost money so i avoid relationships
love is amazing. i love my boyfriend
I feel you, user, wish it wasn't like this.
I want some. that's it.
are you guys in relationships?
They only love you for what they can get from you.
That or they're still hung up on their """"first love"""""
>are you guys in relationships?
No, just occasionally fall for a girl who doesn't love me back.
>They only love you for what they can get from you.
are you sure they don't want love
I don't want any of it. I'm fine! Really...
really? it sure sounds nice to have someone you can bond and have meaningful conversations with. someone to make you feel like things are worth it in the end
Nah, man. If something happens and by some miracle someone like that falls in my way, maybe I'll give it a shot. For now though, I have other things to worry about.
I want it, but I'm not good at giving or receiving it. I either lose interest quickly, or just don't know how to go about it, so I accidentally end up ghosting them, inevitably hurting their feelings.
Affection, I know I want it, but I'm not a fan of being touched/touching out of my own terms. I always think about doing something for the other in hindsight, like oh, I should have done this or that for them, and then feel like a dick because the moment has passed, and it was so obvious and would've been thoughtful of me.
This is why I'll be forever alone, jealous of people who can give and rake love and affection so easily.
Nice buzzword
Businessman know how to capitalize from this stuff.
All in all I compare it to cringey shit.
Swathes of unknown bliss that when it ends you just want to become kil
I still miss... sometimes
Mild heroin addict here. Broken heart hurts more, heroin cravings are stronger.
You just described me
Tought i was basically the only one who felt that way
>go outside
>see raccoon
>raise hand in gesture of peace
>it raises up on hind legs in return
>moment of engagement ruined by random faggot walking down the street
>coonbro runs off
>curse humanity for it's immeasurable sins against nature and wish it destruction
>>go outside
>>see raccoon
wow lucky
meant front legs. damn tired. dunno if that even happened or if i hallucinated it. damn it
I don't believe in it but I take it in consideration
>I want it, but I'm not good at giving or receiving it. I either lose interest quickly, or just don't know how to go about it, so I accidentally end up ghosting them, inevitably hurting their feelings.
I hate being like this but it's so hard to stay connected with this world.
here you go origanus