Psychiatrist gets mad at me because I keep asking "why" like a child when I'm trying to find I reason to live

>psychiatrist gets mad at me because I keep asking "why" like a child when I'm trying to find I reason to live
>eventually stop and pretend I understand even though I'm not even remotely convinced life is worth living
guess I'll just shut up until I can build up enough courage to jump off a building and end this meaningless suffering

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Hey user, if you want to ask me a bunch of questions and get answers I don't mind. I know a lot of this stuff and can maybe be more satisfying as opposed to some dumb roastie who read a book once.

Therapist = The rapist.
Do not trust them.
Psychology is a fake science.

Psychiatrist or psychologist? They are different.

psychiatrist, but I once had the same problem with a psychologist as well.

What do you mean by why? Can you give us example conversation?


your psychologists, even the founders - Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, Adler, Assagioli - even they knew nothing about themselves, so how can they help you to know yourself?

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>Posting a quote from the maniacal cult leader who tried to create his own city in the middle of Oregon
Hahaha ok. Also if you people stopped deifying therapists you'd probably find them more helpful

found the religion cuck

i dont need therapists
i need to be honest with myself and have a good diet

check em dummy.
idk why people hate osho
i barely know a thing about his past and i dont care.

Start taking kratom and playing WoW.

Why do people see therapists? I mean don't you already kind of know what you want to tell them? And you can know what a therapist would tell you? Like if you said I'm afraid of starting conversations, they would say you have social anxiety, or I am sad all the time, they would say you're depressed. Like I already know whats wrong with me, what is the point of seeing a therapist? I'm definitely not going to take those jewish SSRIs that slowly turn your brain into muck and make your dick stop working, no point.

You gotta be even more careful around psychotherapists.

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The point is to make sure you're a good goy and remain a wagecuck for your entire lifespan instead of clocking out early. The defining difference between an eccentricity and a personality disorder is literally whether or not your productivity in life is affected.

So is economics. Actually CBT and one other form of therapy I can't remember have better results than going to a GP or journal writing, not by much, and 20% of patients might be 'worse off' which sucks; but you can't discredit all psychologists like that. They are better trained to deal with vulnerable people than say Scientology or cults or that idiot friend who goes
>Dude, just smoke weed bro. The cure to your anxiety while smoking weed is to smoke weed weed weed weed dude take a toke of this spliff dude weed just blaze it weed weed weed

Why did you just roll over user? Why didn't you stop him and insist that you can't find a reason to live and that his frustration is not helping at all?


>And you can know what a therapist would tell you?
That's sort of the point, your assumptions might be wrong.
When we're talking about people who, for example who have an anxiety or poor self esteem based on a childhood full of abusive behavior or bullying, they might not have a good yardstick to measure themselves with since their sense of what is 'normal' has been so warped by their experiences. While the mentally ill, almost by definition, have a distorted picture of themselves or the world - considering that the goal is to have them 'function in society' or at least 'able to deal' such outside perspectives are paramount.
>Like if you said I'm afraid of starting conversations, they would say you have social anxiety, or I am sad all the time, they would say you're depressed.
That's not their job, their job isn't to label you, it's to guide you through a process of dealing with the root causes, attitudes and behaviors that cause these undesirable effects. A huge part of it is that by seeing you over a period of time, they can note your progress or even where you stumble - these are things that patients might not be aware of, or be unwilling to accept until they hear it from another person.

Full disclosure - I went to a string of psychologists as a kid and I'm still a fuck up. Haven't gone back in 10 years.

I was forced to see a therapist as a kid in middle school because I stopped trying in school and stopped hanging out of kids. I refused to say anything to the guy, it's not normal to make a boy talk about his thoughts and emotions. I would answer questions he asked, I wasn't a smart ass, but most of the time it was just sitting in silence. Every one in a while I would pick up queues and throw him a bone because I could sense what he wanted me to say, for example I stopped interacting with friends because prolonged social activity exhausted me and initiating contact with a stranger or friend I haven't talked to in awhile made me anxious. I tol him I didn't hang out with friends anymore, and the genius told me to make a goal to do something with 1 friend. Wow, amazing advice! I didn't even know this was a possiblity! Problem fixed!


The therapist isn't here to tell you why you should want to live, anymore than a doctor could tell you why you should want to be healthy. You go to the shrink with a problem, they will assume you want to get better for the sake of getting better and tell you how, not why.
"Why" questions are for philosophers, religious ministers and petulant children.

>psychiatrist gets mad at me because i keep asking why
find another psychiatrist.

There's going to be good psychologists out there, people who read case studies, carefully mix their own observations on life and tease out what is true and what is inaccurate about the models and theories.

And then there's the guy you got: who either because he didn't really care and was just trying to earn his fee, or just doesn't have the skills told you some generic technique that had no relevance to your situation.