Tyrone chokes this white roastie 6 times throughout their relationship

>Tyrone chokes this white roastie 6 times throughout their relationship
>first time he choked her he was at her house she was screaming at him and he choked her
>when he picked her up he took her to her room and slammed her on her bed
>ended up in jail for aggratived domestic assault
>after he got released they ended up getting back together
>got into multiple fights
>soon an orders of protection came about so they stay away from each other
>3 days after they break the contract and have sex in his vehicle

An abusive tyrone can get away with domestic violence and his gf will still come back and crawl back to him like the roastie she is. But its all about personality and treating women with respect, r-right roasties and normalfags?

Attached: 20F79CA6-B279-4C27-AA77-CCD64C416ABE.jpg (750x593, 102K)

Other urls found in this thread:


How come pol always says blacks only get the ugly fat white girls. This guy has a legit 9/10 qt that he abuses and she still wants to fuck him

like hey man this all fine and acceptable until you tell her you're a virgin
then all hell breaks loose

Attached: belike.jpg (311x280, 39K)

To be fair the black guy is light skin and has an attractive face, which is rare for a nigger.

>blacks only get the ugly fat white girls
This is true for desperate black guys over 25. Jow Forumstards must not go to college or went to high school before the 00's LOL

>look at this extreme example
>proves I don't need a personality after all ;)
Nah, you definitely do lmao

The truth is somewhere in the middle, attractive black men can get attractive white girls but not all random black men have attractive white girls as girlfriends. This truth is a lot more boring since it can't be used by cuckolds nor white supremacists to prove a point, but that's what reality is. Gray and uninteresting

if youre chad or Tyrone you dont need to develop one.
>look at this extreme example
After all they only make up 20% of the male population

This is your brain on inceldom. You'll never have a meaningful relationship with anyone without having a personality. Also once you've fallen for someone it's extremely easy to forgive their faults if you otherwise like who they are.

This meme again

None of you fags can even explain what consists of a "good personality".
Just admit that most people are shallow af and only care about looks

Maybe ill be tracer
>I'm already tracer

>a mentally unstable woman does mentally unstable things
>SEE GUYS???? SEE???

get a hobby OP

I'll spell it out for you, retard.

If you're attractive you can do anything you want and still get pussy/be liked. This is not the rule, this is the exception. The same way how if you're rich, you can get away with not following the law. Doesn't mean that just anyone can.

If you're a normal average person, you can not just be a cunt to everyone and get away with it. The same way you can't get away with not following the law.

If you both want to be ugly and useless yet still act like the king of the world, you're obviously going to be disliked by everyone. Fixing your problems is as easy is

1. Not being a cunt
2. Not being a pushover either
3. Not being a complete and utter loser in life

If you do these things, you will get a gf guaranteed. You don't even need to be interesting or charismatic. All you need is to just be an average person without major mental illnesses.

>b-but i want to be a massive cunt and i still want to get Stacy!
And Tyrone wants to rob liquor stores and not get arrested for it. Not gonna happen bro.

Personality is the all-encompassing descriptor of who you are as a person. It's how you move, how you hold yourself, what you say, how you say it, your voice, your cadence, the way you make people feel, the things you like, the things you dislike, your sense of humour, the way you treat others, the way you let others treat you, how you respond in various situations, etc.

>Just admit that most people are shallow af and only care about looks
I'm not going to admit something that isn't true. There are ugly cunts with hot af girls and there are handsome guys with ugly af girls. Usually people choose someone in their league though. Your problem is most likely that your personality is dogshit and people don't like being around you but this hurts to admit and you refuse to change for others so you claim it's your looks because you can't help that. Thus you can absolve yourself of having to take responsibility for your shitty attitude, being disliked, and, ultimately, being alone. Why put effort in to better yourself (and risk being rejected again) when you can give up and never actually have to try.

I should probably add, since you'll reach for straws due to your aforementioned inability to admit being wrong, that looks ARE important, I'm not discounting that, but they aren't the ONLY thing that matters.


See this guy? Uglier than you but he has a positive attitude that attracts people to him and thus he is doing better than you in life. He has a wife who loves him despite his deformity. He has a daughter who loves him unconditionally, who thinks the world of him. Instead of being a bitch like you he owned his fucked face and carried on anyway instead of cowering in his room.

>you can not just be a cunt to everyone and get away with it.
Big assumptions here

Your entire post is just missing the point, you're a retarded that probz fucked one fat chick 3 years ago on accident.

>Your problem is most likely that your personality is dogshit and people don't like being around you but this hurts to admit and you refuse to change for others so you claim it's your looks because you can't help that.
I'm average looking, I've had plenty of girl say I'm good looking. I'm no chad/model and a huge antisocial autist though. I've never had anyone say I'm a bad person and I really have no fucking idea what you mean by "better your personality". None of the things you listed explain what makes a personality "good".

Finding someone attractive for w/e reason (not just looks) is 90% of it for most people, the other 10% is not finding them insufferable

Deformed people are treated in a special light and garner sympathy and lots of positive attention, aka virtue signaling.

Whereas nobody could give a flying dogshit about the average ugly person.

Isn't this like every relationship though

that girl isnt white lol
but she deserved it anyway, serves her right for fucking around with niggers. all women should be strangled to death

why does he talk like a retard?

>that girl isnt white
She clearly is retard

Adding on this, you fags also failed to mention the massive ammount of utter fucking cunts and horrible human beings with horrible personalities who have no trouble getting love.
Ted Bundy for example

The notion that if you are alone it means you're trash... you guys sure are fucking helpful and totes not boosting your own egos

shes a spic/mixed race/goblina you fucking flamboyant amerimutt

He's famous and rich, which really isn't personality standards you can expect every ugly person to live up to.

No you don't get it, he has a wife cause he is a good person and you are a toxic piece of shit that is rude to everyone and bad to be around
Go be someone else faggot

Both her parents are white you pea brain

Or maybe it's the fame and success that is always present in these examples of ugly guys? If personality mattered you'd be able to prove it with tinder experiments.

This whole drama is fucking hilarious
After watching her father reaction, i am actually on the Tyrone's side even though i can't deny everyone there should fucking off themselves


Nah man it's their good personality and shit your personality is just too bad to understand

>None of the things you listed explain what makes a personality "good".
And I never said I was trying to define a good personality, I was merely defining what a personality was.

>I've never had anyone say I'm a bad person
Outside of high school no one will really ever say you're a bad person unless you say something incredibly insensitive, they'll just demonstrate their dislike by distancing themselves from you personally.

>look at this exception does it prove my rule yet?
No. As the other user said, you're like a nigger that wants to be able to rob liquor stores and not get arrested. Mentally ill people do mentally ill things. You want all of the perks of something without actually being that something. In a way your thought process is much like some women's. I wonder what your estrogen levels are.

>he's so ugly that he's attractive
>he's so ugly that his wife spread her legs and let him breed her for imaginary points nobody cares about

He's not famous and it's debateable whether or not he's rich. He made 1xx,xxx in his previous government job. In the Australian military you can make almost 70k a year just being an infantryman starting out. He wasn't on big money for here.

Where are you getting the idea that he's famous? Because he did a TedX talk?

>He's not famous
Really? That much pops up when you google your name too?

And my bad he's not rich he is only a small millionaire.

SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU GAY CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>You want all of the perks of something without actually being that something
All I want is one female in my life I can feel a connection with, that is cute in some way and maybe willing to suck my dick while I watch anime.
No idea wtf you're on about.

>Outside of high school no one will really ever say you're a bad person unless you say something incredibly insensitive
I'm likeable enough to have people stay around me, so take that instead

>he has some news articles about him and wrote some shitty books
Does that mean that faggots who fall off of cliffs and get an article written about it are famous? What about the self-absorbed boomers who write autobiographies? Are they famous too? Fucking moron.

>That much pops up when you google your name too?
He ran a state premier's media department. Of course his name comes up in Google. Are the randoms working for your local MP famous too? Again, you're a fucking moron.

>And my bad he's not rich he is only a small millionaire.
Are you Australian? A millionaire isn't shit here, especially when a decent house alone can cost $400,000-$500,000+ He isn't making millions but he'll probably have that in assets which is to be expected at his age, especially with negative gearing which promotes the purchase of investment properties. Stop being a brainlet for once in your life.

>"personality" matters, unless you're attractive, then personality doesn't matter
If attractiveness is enough to override personality, then by definition looks will always matter over some sort of concept of "personality". Your snarky excuse for an argument is the equivalent of a CEO telling a poor person that there are no problems with capitalism, just don't be poor. And again, unless you're claiming that mass shooters, terrorists, serial killers, gangbanger thugs, serial abusers, and pedophiles have a better personality than the majority of introverted, ugly virgins, personality has nothing to do with it. Even felons that look normal to straight up ugly easily get laid. Look at the aurora theater shooter, the Parkland school shooter. They're not 10/10s who can get away with whatever they want, they're fugly goblins. And unless you're going to claim that mass shooters have a great personality, they're definitely not successful based on that.

That's how much "personality" matters in the real world, femoid.

>wants things from a girl
What do you have to offer though?

>No idea wtf you're on about.
Are you the guy I was replying to or are you some mong who is just injecting himself into the conversation and making it all about himself?

>I'm likeable enough to have people stay around me
Not women, apparently. Your lies are undone by your own words.

he's a nigger with good facial aesthetics. most niggers aren't attractive.

>?A millionaire isn't shit here
Of course the richfag is gonna preach about how personality is king and the rest is secondary
Kill yourself my dude

>What do you have to offer though?
My time, companionship, trust, love maybe later on. Same shit I'm asking

I'm the same dude

Women like hanging out with me too, I just can't connect romantically with them, I just can't relate with them enough on the level of bothering to date them

>If attractiveness is enough to override personality
Show me exactly where I said that.

Someone is sensitive. Have you ever had your hormones checked?

>Even felons that look normal to straight up ugly easily get laid
Because having positive aspects can override negative aspects. Being a felon isn't even seen as a negative to some people, it shows a person is low-inhib, high test, is willing to act to take what they want, isn't afraid of others or the law, lives an interesting (whether good or bad) life, etc. You think getting a girl is like a checklist where if you meet the requirements you just get someone and if you have a negative checkmark then you're instantly disqualified. Doesn't work that way.

>That's how much "personality" matters in the real world
We've already pointed out that mentally ill people do mentally ill things. Stop trying to use exceptions as the rule you utter brainlet.

This is your brain on inceldom, a subhuman NPC trying to call roasties subhuman. Also I got a cock, pic related

Attached: r9k guide to arguing.png (686x1134, 185K)

> white
> 9/10
can't tell if serious or not

I'm poor as fuck, you just don't live in Australia so don't know shit. I make $27-33/hr stacking shelves for a super market. With penalty rates I've made up to $55/hr. Shit is just mad expensive here. Even video games retail for $100+, a weekly shopping trip can cost $120, utilities are mad expensive here, a $300 power bill isn't uncommon in my city, etc. Rent and home/land mortgages are expensive as fuck unless you want to live 40-45 minutes from the city. Australia is one of the most expensive nations to live in the world.

>My time, companionship, trust, love
Not trying to shit on you here but simply be able and willing to give those things doesn't make them valuable in the same way that a serial cheating slut's time and companionship is largely worthless. They aren't things to offer, they are the bare minimum. You're literally offering the bare minimum in exchange for someone willing to suck your cock while you watch anime. That sounds like a trash relationship to me.

>I'm the same dude
Then you were complaining how you can't be an unlikable faggot and still get laid because you aren't super attractive or how you don't get crazies sending you love letters because you never killed a bunch of people. It IS harder as a male to attract a woman but the flip side is that it's easier to keep a woman past the initial attraction period whereas the inverse is true for women; they have an easy time initially attracting men but struggle to make them stay.

>I just can't relate with them enough on the level of bothering to date them
Why have you wasted my time making me type this shit out when you recognise the reason why you aren't getting anywhere with women? The problem is you, your inability to connect and your unwillingness to make an effort to date them.

Dunno senpai, bare minimum is all I want.
Here's a thing, if I connect with a bich that should be enough for both.
Wtf does anyone else offer anyway?

I wasn't complaining, I was saying that you can be a bad person and still get a relationship cause in the end looks and status matter more. Trash people can get relationships, maybe with other trash people, as long as they connect.

I mean, I'm antisocial and don't like going out much, that's a deal breaker for a lot of people.
Problem is all girls I meet irl will eventually drop the line "I don't stay inside much" and that's when I know this is never gonna work.

Finding someone that's dating material aint easy and to say "just fix yourself bro and pussy will appear" is fucking BS. Some women do like me, unfortunately they're usually an ocean away and logisitically impossible to meet up with.

At the end of it all, if a bitch finds you attractive and you can hold a conversation with her, you'll most likely fuck (if she's in the mood for it) and it has absolutely nothing to do with how good your personality is

By your standards you are a bad person m8

>if I connect with a bich that should be enough for both.
It's enough to be friends, not necessarily enough for a relationship but maybe you'll meet someone also looking for the bare minimum. The problem is that you want a gf quickly and girls also looking for the bare minimum are rare. You need to decide, is it worth waiting so that you can put absolutely no effort in, realise 2 months after the relationship has started that it's hollow and empty and you liked your life better before and so end it, or start offering more to a woman in order to increase your chances of pulling one.

>Wtf does anyone else offer anyway?
You're right since what you're offering is very vague but the way you describe it it sounds boring. Like how you say you'll give her your time. It comes across like you'll just sit in the same room as her and do nothing but consume media or something boring. You don't sound like you want to go out and see or do things.

>as long as they connect
Exactly. Mentally ill people who love serial killers will connect with serial killers. This isn't normal though and isn't worth talking about imo

>Problem is all girls I meet irl will eventually drop the line "I don't stay inside much"
I've heard similar shit and it's lies. I hate camping and 4WDing but the amount of girls I've met who claim to love it is quite high, none of them actually do it though. It's just a shitty way of trying to connect with you because they think you might like that and they want you to like them.

>it has absolutely nothing to do with how good your personality is
Personality is a component people consider when determining whether someone is attractive or not.
>inb4 I meant PHYSICALLY attractive!!


>a millionaire isn't shit here
>being a felon isn't a negative

t. trust fund kiddy who doesn't venture outside his basement more than twice a year

Literally (you) in this whole thread, I'm quite sure you normies suffer from some kind of dissociation disorder.

Attached: (you).png (353x70, 4K)

not her fault, is genetics. women are weak and submissive by nature. she probably came multiple times when he was choking her.

That's not me you're quoting and none of that applies to me except the cunt part sometimes. Stay mad, weirdo.

>You don't sound like you want to go out and see or do things.
I mean obviously I'm not just gonna fuck her and stare at her, but you make it sound like there is a bunch of things to offer/do in a relationship when it all boils down to enjoying each other's company.

Dunno man, my hobbies are nerd shit like anime and vidya and interwubz shit, even when I meet girls IRL who are kinda into it they're not on a relateable level. Obvously I can talk about other things but meh.

Yeah sure, we agree on that personality bit.
But calling a compatible personality "good" is wrong though, and assuming single people who can't find a gf are cunts is dumb

i've got some black dude at work and his gf is 18, ugly, 120kg and behaves like an asshole. I can see where Jow Forums is coming from

lol try 7/10 at best

>assuming single people who can't find a gf are cunts is dumb
Again, wasn't me who said they're cunts but he is probably generally right about guys who are actively looking and can't find a girlfriend.

>my hobbies are nerd shit like anime and vidya and interwubz shit
Keep those hobbies for yourself and your male friends. Don't forget, you're trying to get a girlfriend (female) and not a girlfriend (male). Develop some gender neutral hobbies or interests. Music is a big normie interest with no entry barrier. I've gotten in the pants of a couple of girls simply by breaking their barriers down by talking music and bands and then making her like me. This of course requires interest in genres that aren't completely normie, you'll want to look into sub-genres. If metal is your thing don't just list metal bands, talk about deathcore or symphonic metal or whatever you like. Just don't go full autism and get into some incredibly obscure death metal recorded 20 years ago and sounds like shit. If you like rap then 2018 is a good time for it, there are plenty of underground artists that are obscure enough to create a connection without being so obscure that it's hard to find people who like it. They're just examples though, find something you can like that girls will like too.

>but meh
You're going to struggle if you can't be bothered trying.

Good. I wouldn't call them cunts, I think most of them dunno how to talk properly. It unironically is something that happens with experience and hindsight though

As for interests, yeah man ok (though most girls ain't into metal), know basic music shit is fine, watching the latest Netflix shitshow everyone is talking about helps too but why the fuck would I want a gf that doesn't have the same passions as I do?
Girls with the same interests as me do exist, I've met plenty, but once again they're always an ocean away.

Dunno how American fags can be incels, honestly

>It unironically is something that happens with experience and hindsight though
Agreed. I used to be shit at talking to girls and had no confidence so I got on Omegle when it was popular and practiced. It was pretty good back in the day.

>though most girls ain't into metal
Surprisingly more than you realise. I dated a blonde sporty girl who competed in her sport at a highish level and she was into obscure Scandinavian metal. Point I'm making is you wouldn't have known it until you spent time getting to know her.

>why the fuck would I want a gf that doesn't have the same passions as I do?
That's a question you have to ask yourself, not me. A relationship is more about teaming up to tackle life, not so much about sharing passions and such. What passions do you have btw?

>Girls with the same interests as me do exist, I've met plenty, but once again they're always an ocean away
Of course. As I said, someone who is basically exactly you definitely exists simply due to the sheer number of people on Earth. The problem is finding them. If you want to wait and hope you find them, don't settle. If you want someone now then you're going to have to make changes and concessions, there is no way around it.

>Dunno how American fags
I agree with this. America is so vast and diverse. I've had a couple of emotionally impactful LDRs (shut the fuck up) with American girls. It seems like you can find exactly what you want there: goths, emos, jocks, turbonormies, art hoes, tatted girls, Staceys, etc. There's a completely different culture there, especially in school. I remember when the music nerd I was talking to was telling me about Spirit Rallies and school football games and other shit. It sounded weird but interesting. Whereabouts are you from?

Yeah, that and discord have really helped. Having a sister with female friends helps too
It mostly boils down to not talking too much, asking shit you know she wants to talk about and not forcing lines out of your mouth.
9/10 times if she ain't talking much, she ain't interested

>What passions do you have btw?
Not any to be frank, getting out of bed every morning is pain and even minimal tasks are tiresome.
I enjoy the nerdy shit I mentioned above I guess.
Not settling is pretty much what I'm doing, but as a soon to be 21 year old virgin I'm worried I'l l finallly find my cutie waifu at some point and our sex history will be so different it will fuck shit up (yes, I realise it's partly insecurity, can't help it)

And yeah, America and partly Canada is a magical place for meeting women and you can do the LDR thing (it's a big country but transportation really ain't that expensive with their salaries).

I'm Greek

>Not any to be frank, getting out of bed every morning is pain and even minimal tasks are tiresome.
You seem like a pretty cool dude and I wonder how much of you not willing to make an effort and not having passions is a symptom of depression. Maybe you should look into it if you haven't.

>yes, I realise it's partly insecurity, can't help it
I was the same until I lost my virginity.
>pure virgin girl only
>never seen another dick
>never touched another dick
>never sucked another dick
It's toxic. You really need to find a practice girl because this mentality WILL mentally destroy you now and potentially destroy your relationships in the future. I don't like just fucking girls either but think about it as a preventative measure to stop you ruining things with your soulwaifu when you meet her.

>it's a big country but transportation really ain't that expensive with their salaries
True and you can also drive everywhere and it has decent scenery. Where I live if you want to get to a major city you need to drive through 1-2 days of empty desert.

>I'm Greek
So why didn't you take Rozelli in when she needed a place to stay? She was offering pussy

Thinking of visiting a psychologist.
I've had college on hold for a year, basically been a neet and rarely leave the house (or shower) unless someone invites me somewhere which ain't that common. Thankfully I managed to not be fully isolated, dunno how

I don't expect her to be completely pure at 20+ (though those rare girls do exist) but I'm pretty sure it would lead to problems. I ain't paying for a whore even though it's easy here, that's disgusting. I guess trying to get a hook up could work but those ain't appealing either (but jacking off in front of 40 different girls online ain't exactly healthy either)

I'd rather die than let (((that))) monstrosity anywhere near my peepee

>actually believes what he's watching on Dr. Phil is not actors

she doesn't love him BECAUSE he abuses her, OP
common misconception. She doesn't love the abuse.
>he hits me but at least he never did X, Y, Z
>maybe this is just a phase and it will end soon and he will go back to loving me
>this is just how men are

abuse is cyclical.
t. mother was abused by her husband before i was born
the reason she was with him is because her mother wouldn't let her move out of the house until she was married so she married her boyfriend asap and he started hitting her.

>though those rare girls do exist
True. I've met multiple female virgins in their late 20s. It's very clear why when you meet them though, nothing was wrong physically but you can tell their personalities were... weird.

>I guess trying to get a hook up could work but those ain't appealing either
It might not be appealing but it really is important. Ideally I wish I was a virgin but I know I probably would have killed myself by now if I was. The mental change I experienced was massive after losing my virginity. You feel more confident and you stop caring so much. Not getting pussy and being lonely still sucks ass but it feels so much better than before, like you're capable of dealing with it now. Don't get a prostitute because you'll always have that voice telling you it didn't count because you had to pay. If you've jerked off for a bunch of girls you're basically halfway there anyway.

>I'd rather die than let (((that))) monstrosity anywhere near my peepee
Please don't talk about her like that I have no idea why I find her so attractive desu, all I know is that I want to ravage her and suck those saggy titties

>1. Not being a cunt
>3. Not being a complete and utter loser in life
Tyron usually is both of those.

Yeah they easy to notice after 25
Early 20's would surprise you though, most people ain't as degen as it seems

Discord/omegle game is pretty easy, having a girl to actually talk too on the long run is harder baka. I actually asked an omegle girl for contact info after we were done today and she said her wifi was lagging and skipped me.

>the mental change I experienced was massive after losing my virginity
I can see that happening, simply being able to say "no u" when someone calls me a virgin online should be worth it

And honestly dude, she's unironically one of the guliest women I've seen ever... perhaps that's the appeal?

I can't believe people actually spend time to tell incels why life is a fair and their misogyny and personality is why they can't get girls. I'm so tired of you fucking people and your bullshit, i'm so tired of your normies, i am praying that my anger is taken from me and I will pray for you as well.

Attached: 1EkRXW8.png (403x340, 138K)

>most people ain't as degen as it seems
Agreed. A lot of people here seem to take what they read on the internet as 100% fact and extrapolate bad experiences as the norm.

>after we were done
That's where you fucked up. Don't wait until after you're done, do it before. I also didn't video cam with girls until after I spoke to them first, I just chatted using the text system Omegle has then asked for their Skype.

>simply being able to say "no u" when someone calls me a virgin online should be worth it
I remember when I was a virgin any time I was called one it triggered me really hard. After I lost it I realised that it doesn't even mean anything, it's just a descriptor and not an insult. That was something I'd never have been able to understand beforehand. That's also when you'll realise that the only people who use virgin as an insult are other virgins which tripped me out haha

>And honestly dude, she's unironically one of the guliest women I've seen ever
I am convinced that she deliberately makes herself look ugly, sort of like how I mentioned earlier in the thread that some people would rather label themselves ugly and give up than make an effort to better themselves but still end up getting rejected anyway. I think she was probably bullied a lot in high school and developed a really low self-esteem so she acts weird and makes faces so as to take the power away from others. It doesn't hurt so much to be called ugly if you're deliberately making ugly faces. Tbh I suspect she'd be the ultimate girlfriend, keen to please, will do anything you say, low self-esteem so won't backchat, etc. Unless you're talking about her body, her tits aren't the best but I prefer roasts. Eating pussy is a lot more fun with a roastie than it is an innie.

I think we've been talking for almost two hours now. If you're keen do you want to add each other somewhere?

I pray your anger is taken too, user.

I did before too (can't trust that site not to freeze anyway), I guess she just wasn't interested.

Yeah sure, drop your discord tag

And dunno about ros, she posted pics of her with a big titty friend of hers so she ain't a complete social autist. She would alsot post pics on /b/ when she was underaged, she's just an ugly weirdo imho

Listen to these anons, robots. they know what's up.

>drop your discord tag
Unfortunately I don't have one. Got anything else you use?

Nah I don't
Oh well, cy around user, it was nice talking to ya, helpful even

It's because Tyrone is actually attractive and isn't an ugly neckbeard like you, and that alone can make up for him being a bitch.

Hope things work out for you mate. You'll make it, I know you will.

>being violent 1% of the time means his whole personality is bad
>1 girl with no self respect means all women want to be choked
you're retarded, which means that all virgins are brainless animals. what does it matter what you believe in? the personality meme is for people who have a real chance at sex. you'll never get it.

life isn't fair but actions have consequences.

>I'm poor as fuck, you just don't live in Australia so don't know shit. I make $27-33/hr stacking shelves for a super market.

This is being a complete and utter loser, mate.

I make this money on hourly stake and Im a fucking lawyer im europe

>you're a loser for working a shitty job while attending uni
Good 1 cunt.

Bullshit. It's that bad over there? I'm the user making that stocking shelves studying to be a lawyer myself. Think the money is better here but the hours when you start out are insane. Definitely going to make less on an hourly basis as a lawyer for the first couple of years

You have very low standards... that is a good thing. You will find your 7/10 cutie any day now. Even if she is a 4/10

HUGE truepills being dropped ITT.

>"abusive boyfriend problems?"
>"not anymore! and that's another dead nigger for Gile's dead nigger storage."

Attached: 2893E4CC-5B5F-437F-B0C1-8140F3A22CA8.jpg (800x618, 137K)

>tfw no bf to choke slam me against the wall