>mom and dad said they'll kick me out of home this week
>tfw I plan to attempt suicide if they dare to try
Mom and dad said they'll kick me out of home this week
you're full of shit what even drives you to make believe
Lol youre such an ass. At least commit suicide, not just fake it you attentionwhoring parasite. Getting kicked out sure sucks. If your parents abused you consider a good bye like arson. If your parents are good people ask them for help and man up. It will be very difficult but yoyll be glad you did it when your life is great in a few years
Godspeed OP, the blood will be on their hands and they have to live with that until the rest of their miserable lives.
What a dumb reason to kys. If you really want to do it then just get it done stop waiting for an excuse to try and blame it on others.
You're actually the scum of the earth if you use the threat of suicide to manipulate the people who care about you. Why don't you do them a favor and kill yourself for real?
>he thinks parents care about their children and dont just view them as shiny objects they can show off and brag about
That so crazy it just might work op
I'm sorry your parents abused you, but that doesn't make it right to abuse them in return. Just cut contact if you hate them so much.
S-stop this right now NEET scum!!
You should have to work yourself to death l-like the rest of us!
Lol fuck the dipshit normies who don't want you to do it.
>b-but it'll hurt your mommy's feelings and I love my mommy!
Pathetic. Hope they're dumb enough for it to work out tho. (If they're the "damn lazy millennials") type of people then it will 100% work.)
>healthy work-life balance doesn't exist
>you're either a NEET or a loser who works a minimum wage slog 60 hours a week
You do realize jobs besides McDonald's exist, right? It's the mark of being a fucking idiot if you can only think in extremes.
My comfortable work-life balance tops out at 20 hours a week with a short commute.
Most jobs ask for 35-40 and peak hour commutes that pile on an extra 10 hours of misery.
By the time you get home from full time position, you dont have enough free hours to really relax. You're almost immediately stressing out about going to sleep and getting up early for more misery the next day.. all up until the weekend.
You're completely right, OP should just start working 10-20 years for whatever company hires a NEET and try to advance to a better job once he managed to collect enough work experience.
After that he could finally afford to take a break once in a while and afford the things he REALLY wanted fo rhimself like...wait, you mean you don't want a expensive car? W-what about buying your wife some new jewelry to appease her and get her in the mood for some sex? Oh...y-you stupid virgin can't even get a gold digging wife to spend your hard earned money on? Hah, p-pathetic NEET! You will never know how fullfilling it REALLY is to work hard and make your company rich and then come home to your unconditionally LOVING wife who would never cheat on you.
If I were you I would be bored out of my mind with having all that free time!
Maybe don't be a retard, finished college with bachelor NMCT, earn over 3k a month, have a company car, company phone & company laptop, paid internet connection & paid phone subscription for working 25-27 hours a week (depends on the assignment our team gets), your life only turned out this way because you couldn't even finish highschool.
Yes, everybody can do it OP, you were just too lazy and - what do you mean you have more than enough money for your needs in NEETbux?
W-wait a second, you c-can't seriously be happy if you're not rich!
No...no...if you don't work this can't possibly be true!
The only alternative for most neets is 60 hour week jobs tho.
At that point suicide is much better
clearly OP is a failure so his parents must be pretty nice to have sheltered him as long as they have.
I thought all you NEETs were super rich from welfare. Why can't you just rough it on your private yacht or move into your Italian villa?
>tfw you're a stupid dumb idiot who thinks moving is the same as dying
>you're a stupid dumb idiot
no u
>my parents want me to stop being a leech and begin my own life
>I'll attempt suicide to punish them
You're not even man enough to go the whole way. You just want to make them feel bad for wanting you to grow up. Have fun paying those hospital bills when your attempt fails.