What the hell is even the point?
What the hell is even the point?
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The point of life is to suffer then die. It's the one thing all living things have in common, so it must be the reason.
To secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Its ok user, life aint that bad.
To try to make it bether for future generations
Embrace communism today and help countless of future people
The only reason why suffering exists is because our brains arose through evolution. With advanced enough neuroscience and transhumanist technology, it might be possible to re-engineer the brain to eliminate all suffering.
If we rid ourselves of suffering, then the only point left of being alive is to die.
Eliminating suffering would mean no reason to advance our society. Get rid of it when we have nothing else to make or explore
Get an adventurous job.
To make the boss rich and be a good consumer. This is why they happily treat people like dirt but are fiercely against suicide.
>not wanting to be alive so you can experience perpetual euphoria
Not a problem when AI gets advanced enough
To serve (((Gods chosen)))
You exist to slave away for the rich and powerful. Nothing more. The sooner you stop struggling and accept your lot in life, the sooner you will find happiness, and the sense of belonging and fulfilment you've been programmed to crave.
All of human history was leading up to this: the rich and powerful living in luxury, and the poor working to support the lifestyle of the rich.
To save enough money to retire early and live a comfy NEET life.
What if you don't work but you're also not rich, you're also not poor?
You're just living.
Don't work for a corporation, but community instead
In the future grey areas like that simply won't exist. The rich will keep taking and taking and taking until only two kinds of people are left: those who have everything and those who have nothing. Ultra rich, and ultra poor.
And then, once technology has progressed to the point that any job can be performed by machines, the ultra rich will have no reason to keep the ultra poor alive anymore. They'll massacre everyone outside of the enclaves of the ultra rich and rule over a dead planet, populated only by soulless machines and the soulless people served by the machines.
Such is the ultimate destiny of the human race.
>Such is the ultimate destiny of the human race.
And that's a good thing. Poor people being killed off means poor people no longer have to suffer.
Right, the only thing that decides a person's value is how much money they have. Absolutely nothing else matters. People might as well be piggy banks on legs.
I want to be killed before this becomes the truest reality.
You don't get to die until your masters are done with you.
>What the bell is even the point?
cleansing the earth by genociding roasties
But I don't work, what does any master want from me?
I haven't worked in years, I'm feeding off of them.
This is my dream reality teebeeh. I just wanted to make it to the ultra rich side but im too much of a useless lazy neet to even have a chance.
>what does any master want from me?
To work.
I will not work, if I work, I will do something small - and fun. In my current situation, all I'd need was a little bit of money to afford extra yummy food, otherwise - I am not slaving in the slightest.
So what do they want of me now? I don't mind being killed off, I do mind wasting my life away by bowing my head. I think I win.
Newsflash: Even NEETs live like gods today. Drugs, food on demand, internet, computer, dancing, being out in nature, doing whatever you want 24/7.
We can already beam with joy 24/7. The struggle is officially over, at least in the west.
That's how I live right now, I am only sad because my dad recently passed away, he was not a neet - he worked very hard... and he suffered very hard.
Today I am trying to decide if I want thai stirfry chicken, or some furry (chicken tikka masala), or I might just get a big plate of nachos. Tough life.
A mouse doesn't need a point outside find food, find shelter, mate. Same with a snake, or sheep.
The only reason we seek purpose is our consciousness. Maybe it's something we shouldn't seek. Just do.
Absurdism, spiritualtiy, purpose, curiosity, etc.
There is nothing wrong with seeking a 'point' to everything, a reason for existing. But we shouldn't get carried away... it's alright to question and ponder, philosophy can be enjoyable and help us to reflect on many things, but it shouldn't dictate all that we do. It's alright to live so that you can find a mate and breed, or to express your talent and passion through career or other means, or to enjoy pleasures, be a hedonist, be a helper, raise a family, help preserve your race, whatever.
Mix feeling with thinking and find your own 'point'.
This, stop complaining and go make more money for your jewish overlords
Nah, I'm just going to stay at home and masturbate to Matthew Perry.
To impregnate as many chicks as possible m8
There is no "point" in anything.
I agree, though user's conclusion to seeking is 'there is no purpose' which changes for many with age from my observation and personal experience. It can be any of the ones you listed but if user's response concluded that in the end the point is meaningless then there isn't going to be value in pursuing any of those things.