ITT: Weird / gross stuff you do, let's check if somebody else does it
When my buttcrack is sweaty, I'll pass a finger or hand between my cheeks to pick up the musk of damp ass and smell it. I'll also sniff my armpits. I find my own BO soothing.
ITT: Weird / gross stuff you do, let's check if somebody else does it
I can't stand vintage/old porn because of how unhygienic people were back then. It's amazing how oral was a thing during a time soap wasn't a thing and another thing is anal play when there was no bidets or no effect way to clean ass after pooping.
Enjoy your butthole worms OP :")
In ye olde times people didn't care much about touching a warty dick or having shit on their dick. They would just clean it with a towel if at all.
They would also die at 50-60 without teeth and ill of pretty much everything so yeah.
they also weren't over exposed to degeneracy, so most of them didn't stoop to the level of putting their penises in each others anuses (??) like faggots and whores. stop watching porn.
I eat almost anything that comes out of my body. Boogers, snot, dandruffs, earwax, scabs, skin around my nails, nails themselves...
Source on your claim?
I piss in the sink. Always.
> Soap wasn't a thing
Humanity had soap since ancient Mesopotamian times you uncultured swine.
> Anal sex wasn't a thing
Is it Plato who has an easy about anal sex? Or is it Aristotle? I always mix up.
Anyway, your historical ignorance is bleeding through the holes in your speculative claims.
I do this at least 3 times a week. I massage and rub my fingers against my butthole and smell it in bed at night.
I pick my nose and eat my boogers every single day, multiple times a day. I also eat my precum every time I fap.
where does this retarded belief that everyone was pure and free of degeneracy before the 21st century? anal sex has been a thing for thousands of years, and gay sex and pedophilia were a staple of roman culture.
come from*
jesus christ not even Jow Forums is this deluded
Who doesn't? It is much easier and faster
I bite my toenails. Does that count?
I do that, I also bite my fingernails and toenails.
I also eat my boogers.
oh my god man are you kidding? Get off the internet and reevaluate your life.
I was going to type a paragraph with an explanation but some people are too far gone to be worth the time
>I also eat my precum every time I fap.
I wish I could do that but for some reason I don't precum, but if I fap two times in a row, I'll eat leftover cum from my first fap
I used to freeze my cum after a big load, just to thaw it out and use it to cook mac n cheese.
Considering that most people who would be considered peasants and commoners back then have internet, it's safe to say that it wouldn't be as rampant
I jack off into a condom, throw it into the trash, dig it out the next day, slip the yellowed stinky condom on my penis. jack off into the used condom with the sloppy stinky juices, repeat 1 or 2 more times. ungh the smell drives me crazy I am a stinky used condom addict...
More like dic n cheese right?
I fucking hate you cunt not even kidding
>the top 1% of humans who can actually afford a internet connection would be peasants and commoners
simply lol
yeet yeet fellow user
why tho
Funny story. I used to be sexually active my first 2 years of college. When I would roll the condom of post-coitus and throw it away, I'd collect it after the girl left and save it. I had a collection of about 10-15 used condoms that I'd saved. Just something about having the condom, that still had pussy stench and crust on it, turned me on so much.
Had to throw them out eventually. The old cum in them smelled like death after a few months.