Why are people racist towards blacks but not towards Asians?
Why are people racist towards blacks but not towards Asians?
Asian qts
they do here in the states. It's considered funny to make fun of Asians but taboo to insult blacks. Also white women hate asian women.
Yeah, but no one has a problem with Asian males either. Even though they steal our professional jobs and things like that. How come?
I'm talking about institutional racism, not offensive jokes.
Madeup bullshit then?
Institutional racism is "madeup bullshit"? What? How do you explain how disadvantaged blacks are, then?
asians weren't enslaved they came here as immigrants to work, so they're usually not poor and don't get into crime that much, also they look white
dont be fooled, azn roasties are just as sociopathic, unfeeling and subhuman as every single other manipulative roastie cunt
he's just saying they are cute
But Asians were nuked and treated worse than slaves during the construction of the transcontinental railroad.
Because they can't be bothered to work?
You realise in America Asians actually have the biggest disadvantage when getting into unis due to affirmative action?
If they're doing that well then there's obviously no institutional racism towards them?
institutional racism is a bullshit excuse
>attractive girls
>non-violent and productive males
>harder work attitude then most whites
>been in a shit spot with western world too, didn't give a shit or a complaint, simply pulled thenselfs through without "gib handouts whitey"
>have an actual culture, not "ogoboga, muh droopy pants deserve a movie"
Do I need to go on?
Can't wait for chinks to enslave all niggers, since they do not give a shit or think they owe you anything.
>Can't wait for chinks to enslave all niggers, since they do not give a shit or think they owe you anything.
yfw you realize that the jews are letting this happen so that they can use the exact same weapon of "muh colonization" against chinks 100 years from now and take advantage of human empathy in the future naive youth
because despite being 13% of the population the blacks commit 50% of murders
i was gonna drop fbi crime statistics but u prolly already kno
I think you know the answer to that.
Because people are hated by how they ACT as a group. Whether that group is based on race, gender, or any other designation you choose, their reputation is directly proportionate to how that group behaves.
>Institutional racism is "madeup bullshit"? What? How do you explain how disadvantaged blacks are, then?
How do you explain Asians migrating here and accomplishing more in 1 generation than Africans did in 300 years?
Because they don't steal professional jobs. Whites (or "white" jews) are in places of power in almost all professional jobs.
Because Asians dont act like niggers and know how to be civilized
When is the last time you saw a group of 10 white men beating up 1 black person. Or the last time you saw 10 asians beating up 1 white man. Never. But I can find you a dozen videos of 10 black men beating up 1 white guy pretty easily.
Because Asians are: Intelligent, conscientious, polite, peaceful, hard-working, and many other positive attributes. Blacks often exhibit none of these.
>Low iq
>Live off welfare
Can you say the same about asians?
>How do you explain how disadvantaged blacks are, then?
They are trash, plain and simple.
Because asians aren't savage fucking apes that commit half of the murders in this country and only 13% of the populations
That big white predator is clearly thinking about ravaging that sweet little loli's hairless pussy with his evil white penis. Fucking sick pedo fuck. Probably thinking of undressing her shoulder as his hands slide down her smooth supple body, as he admires her blossoming tits...Then makes his way down further, as she lets out a moan of deep pleasure just from his touch...Man it makes me sick just thinking about it. Fucking white rapist predator pedo pigskin fucks.
This but unironically desu desu senpai
I bet all she can think about is his superior BWC. Jap men really can't even compete
Because Asians are our allies
how come blacks dont unite against niggers? blacks are killed by niggers more than any other group.
Chinese are seriously a people who might outjew the jews at their own game though.
They are seriously will to holocaust even themselfs for the greater good if you look at their history.
That's true actually, their culture revolves around cheating and tricking. I doubt they have the same knack for manipulation though.
because they have an iq of about 15 points lower on average, this is r9k not tumblr
I noticed the same thing growing up in Canada, being racist towards asians was just seen as a joke but racism towards negros was extremely frowned upon
They are, but 1 they don't understand english
2 they don't seek attention saying they are oppressed
>mullatto classmate always talks shit about our token asian
>"bix nood dat small dic mufugga ahahah"
>"u cant even play basketball u chink go eat a dog bitch chopsticks nigga"
>some time later he spouts that blacks can't be racist
Truly, most blacks are hypocrites. Whites aren't openly racist to blacks because muh slavery and historical debt. Blacks have painted their ancestors' chains in gold colour.
Racism is based on fear, most racists aren't threatened by asians and asian stereotypes are non threatening to them and their ego. Blacks intimidate small betafags and make them feel uneasy. It's all about fear
But like several people have pointed out, Asians are far more successful than blacks are, so they should be more intimidating. No one feels like they have to compete against blacks, because they are literally so worthless that they can't even get a job. It's annoying to have to pay for their welfare, but that's anger not fear.
hey hey hey Jamal, this thread is to bash blacks, not Asians. There are plenty of other threads for that
You obviously had no WW2 vets in your family.
most asians aren't dicks because they were raised well.
they're unironically qts too
Their women are cute and their men work hard and stay out of crime. Neither of these is true of blacks.
whites are to asians what niggers are to whites
>Blacks intimidate small betafags
Sure, fearing people of a race that is known for chimping out in packs, attacking bystanders from behind and yet gets excuses for it presented by selfhating college brats is totally beta.
CHINGCHONGCHINg they have ok food but thats it
only Japs were nuked
dont be jealous, niggerbots. learn from asians on how to love Whites.
did you mean to quote me here too?why would a nigger say nigger
>Be nigger
>Call myself nigger
>Call everyone by a slur e.t.c asians-chinks/gooks, whites-pigskins/neanderthal
It's the good stuff.
Asians in the US don't become outraged by oppression the same way blacks do.
We sexualize their Women, emasculate their men, their culture is already very tribalistic and xenophobic so to an extent they close themselves off from the greater society and form pockets of their own ethnicities, a lot of them suck up to white americans because we nuked em in WWII and other shit.
Because it's not that simple, doesn't help that the mainstream wants to keep the status quo of black people being perpetual victims
asians slop on white cocks all fucking day. I go to chingchong land and they throw money at me. stay losing 3 incher
i dunno man, non m-niggers dont need to put each other down. say, you arent a nigger though right?
t. mad nigger. niggers are a pest, thats why others dont like niggers.
Because in the 90s, there was a heavy media campaign to get white people to be scared of black people.
Because Asians are, for the most part, civilized, often intelligent, and actually contribute to society. Surprise surprise, nobody has a problem with a race when they actually play a good role in society.
reminder that hapas end up like this
niggers want other non-whites to stay away from forming close relationships with Whites, because Whites are their nigger mealcard. so niggers are always harassing and guilting Whites over shit that is hundreds of years old. niggers would enslave Whites if they could. basically niggers suck, theyre ugly, they smell, theyre hypocrite and non-niggers should avoid them.
what does that have to do with just pointing out asians are pets to white
>Surprise surprise, nobody has a problem with a race when they actually play a good role in society
Yeah but niggers will never admit they're a toxic influence to every society they're a part of it.
white people are niggers too
thats exactly my point - niggers have this complex where if they arent being complete niggers to Whites, its considered being a pet for Whites. thats why niggers and hoot and chimp and try to guilt other non-whites so they can have Whites to their nigger selves.
you nigger beast
lol ok chinkychong
Muh Niggers too!!!
t. nigger
ravioli ravioli originali
niggers chimping out about being called nigger. colour me surprised
hahahahah funny meme xdxdxdxdxd you should post on reddit funny
i wish i was born a cute asian girl
Also most Asian men at least those in America don't seem to like Asian girls that much. I always see them chasing tail after black and Latina, and especially white women, while the Asian girls tend to hang with white guys. I see it as a fair trade.
Very studious, generally quite high IQ.
What is there to fight against? Most East Asian immigrants are better at the jobs than western people are.
i wish you were born a cute asian girl too
yes, they are good slave worker :D
>japanese are still suffering the effects of institutionalized racism from internment camps in ww2
>nigger women
>latina women
can be cuties
>White women
theyre literal Goddesses
You tried to we wuz multiple groups into being White, why is this not suprising? At this point I'm guessing your white and before you start screaming I literally just entered this thread.
he cute tho
like which groups? ya your nigger brain cant comprehend NE asians finding niggers repulsive, we do. niggers get every excuse in the book, but still manage to be the same. White liberals are the enablers of niggers.
I stil have an issue with their presence distabalizing the cultural homogenity in society. Where not as bad as nignogs and spics or as kikes, they are still a cultural group that often times closes off in their own pockets, almost forming colonies within their parent nation which overtime will grow to cause problems. Their extremely high fertility rate does not help this issue, neither does the fact that despite what many would say, their women are quite healthy, (fertile), and attractive, a definite bonus in the eyes of white men when compared to the often obese, subverted, "empowered" feminists that white women in their prime tend to be. Seeing how their traits (slanted eyes, slightly yellowish pigment, dark hair) tend to be more easily inherrited, their presence might not be as desirable in a host nation, and the west should really look into extending our racialist policies towards the Asian communities as well, regardless of how non-violent their intrusion is.
which is understandable. but you be a nigger/muslim loving liberal that for some reason want Whites to be without allies, so you crusade against asians too.
I still remember that, it was truly the most ridiculous thing I've seen.
literally no one cares what your gook brain finds repulsive people find you more repulsive than black men if you want to use dating statistics. No one gives a shit about your retarded theories they're getting dumber and dumber at least they were interesting at first.
I am I hate asians
I am extremely racist towards Asians.
They are only better than blacks because they won't suddenly chimp out and beat am old lady unconscious.
But Asians are hyper uncaring and oblivious socially. That's what happens when your culture evolves a collective
Don't like niggers or Muslims, don't know how you got that from my comment. I just care about preserving the white race. The rest of the world can just burn for all I care.
i said macrobians are White and colonized some of the ancient ethiopeans. its not that difficult to understand. but of course you think they were niggers, you are allowed to have opinions as you like.
ok asians men are more repulsive than niggers, i agree.
Eh. NE is cute but I've got a soft spot for vietnamese women.
mudnigger detected, busted you mudsime suicide bomber.
Based and of course redpilled post
>macrobians are White and colonized some of the ancient ethiopeans.
It literally says in that same source you posted on another thread they were the Somalis ancestors you tard. They couldn't have been white since it was an ancient period where northern Europeans were still building low houses and hunting hairy pigs with spears, even southern Europeans didn't go far at that time. Are you white? Why do you keep subtly putting down Asian guys? That last bit wasn't needed it's depressing.
>nigger genes are dominant
>being the ancestors to somali niggers means they cant have possibly been White
nice nigger iq
Theyre so perfect, hopefully im reborn as one if reincarnation is real
>A bunch of Europeans or Arabs ventured into ancient east Africa
>Somehow no evidence has been discovered
East Africans rarely contain ancient white DNA you tard.
evidence can be suppressed. niggers are so coddled, they need Whites to baby them. you really think macrobians were nigger somalis, the seafaring, gold mining "tallest and handsomest of all men". lel
Most black people are poor because of Jim Crow and Slavery and such. The Chinese who worked on the railroad in the west and the Japanese who immigrated in the late 1800's were poor, too. However most Asian people today are middle and upper class immigrants.
Racism against black people is part of the maintenance of an underclass, and racism against Asian people is interclass banter.
Oh nooo!!!
He actually believes this
Because Asians are humans.
>Commies giving excuses that overlook facts in favor of muh ideological ideas
Nothing new in politics ever.
Communism failed, capitalism is sustaining itself by eating its own cancer growths up, anachos wanking themself in a mirror.
Get some NEW ideas, folks.Those from books of guys ded before you were ever born will lead you nowhere but down the same roads.