Co-workers hosting a pot luck

>co-workers hosting a pot luck
>boyfriend tagging along to help bring in some hotpot
>manager is on mic introducing everyone
>manager jokingly hands my boyfriend mic expecting him not to take the microphone and says that he is going to sing a song
>she doesn't know that my boyfriend is an attention whore that loves to perform in front of an audience
>boyfriend takes the microphone
>I think of myself "Oh god no"
>boyfriend starts singing


>take microphone from boyfriend before he can finish the song
>embarrassed I speak into the microphone "enjoy your food everyone."

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Your a faggot user, gay people should be nailed to a cross

i liked the song desu

Well it's annoying when your boyfriend is a musician.

"I get it, you have a nice singing voice and you can play an instrument"

What If its a girl tho

find a new boyfriend then. am i supposed to feel bad for you having a SO?

I love my boyfriend and I want to marry him, it's just that he does some things that annoy me. You'll understand when you get in a relationship.

i'm turning 33 in two days and I've never had a girlfriend, I will probably never understand.

Happy early birthday 33, year old user. Have you kissed a girl or experienced anything sexual at least?

Should have made him wear a "please be patient I have autism" hat to the event.

When will normies like you fucking die or fuck off to wherever it is you came from? Do you even know where you fucking are?

I kissed a girl once. Long time ago.

Get out normie. Never come back. Go to hell.

Should be nailed on a cross then.

>not utilizing the crux simplex

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My coworkers said she was a gold digger but I went out with her anyways just to try a date. She was pleasant enough but the gold digging was pretty obvious. She wanted to spend the night at my place but said "NO SEX" and I said "okay" and she got into bed with me. Before I turned out the light I asked (apparently you are just supposed to kiss them) if I could kiss her and she said yes. She kissed me again before she left in the morning. Then she shittested me the next week and I failed.

After she kissed me I was hooked. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I forgot about all the things my coworkers said about her, I couldn't get her out of my head.

I'm afraid of women not only that I don't know what to do with them, but that they'll take advantage of me. Seems like it would be easy to take advantage of me, based on that.

Reported and saged. Btw mods don't give a shit if you announce either so spare me your own "reported" comment, roastie

What was her shit test and how did you fail?

She was on Playboy's website as an internet girl or something, did some shoot for them. She asked me if I'd ever seen her boobs and I was like "no, but I'd love to see them now" and she said no and then the next day said how disrespectful that was. I guess it was but I figured if she was so proud of them that that was what she wanted. I'm pretty shy so unironically thought that was the right thing to say. When she got mad at me about that the next day I got frustrated and said I had to go and then she texted me she didn't want to see me anymore.

Women make no sense.
>go on date with a guy, kiss him, and sleep in his bed
>get offended that he's interested in you sexually
How do normies navigate all this insanity?

This post is me but I get called out and documented and accused of being a sexual deviant when it's actually my ex boyfriend who's been having sex and meeting up with people from Jow Forums

>tfw this will be a part of human history forever
>its not me who's a sexual deviant and sexually active

I have no idea. I'm sure there are much better women that this girl was. I think what she was actually mad about was that she discovered I was a manchild and super inexperienced and despite having some money probably wouldn't be the hookup she thought I would have been. She complained how her last boyfriend didn't help her with her bills and stuff. She was bad news. There are better girls out there, I'm sure.

I was just so lonely I would try anything. I'm still very lonely and scared.

Jeez I forgot to specify
I meant my ex bf is more social than me and actually has irl friends and wants to be around People.
I feel op

>complained how her last boyfriend didn't help her with her bills
Sounds like you dodged a bullet.
I'm 33 as well. We probably just aren't meant for relationships.

>cue laugh track 3

I guess not. Imagine some normal girl that you somehow get the chance to sleep with and then we have no idea how to have sex with them other than what we learned from porn. I can't even really kiss correctly.

I'm still waiting for my first kiss, though it'll probably never happen at this point. I girl did once hold my hand about a decade ago, so I guess I'm technically not a khv.

I sometimes think about hiring a prostitute but it's illegal where I live and also not sure how to find them. You ever think about a prostitute?

Yep, many times. I don't think I could even enjoy it, knowing that she doesn't give a shit about me and is just counting down the minutes until she can leave. For me the important part is knowing that another person actually finds me attractive, and wants to be with me. Not to mention it's illegal.

What about Tinder, you ever think about trying that?

Might as well hire a whore. Tinders for dirty STD fucks you black cunt.

Isn't that mostly for the younger crowd?

Not sure, I've never tried it. What age range of girl would you want to date? Around 33? I'd go as low as like 26 or something.

Don't give up bros I was 33 when I got my first gf. It took effort to go through all the bad dates and rejections though. But that's just what happens when you start out. It gets a lot better.

Thanks. How did you find girls to date?

Probably late 20s to mid 30s. Though 20somethings probably want to date younger more attractive men, and 30somethings want to date experienced men, and I'm neither.
How do you manage to get someone to go on a bad date with you? I'd take a bad date over no date. How do you improve from a bad date after you're at that point?

Same. I think that is on Tinder. I don't know if it is all whores on there. I know some coworkers use it that seem like decent girls, and they talk about it more like they are finding a boyfriend then hooking up only. I think it is used for both.

This Chad I work with uses it to find dates when he travels, someone to have dinner with even if they don't have sex. He hates being alone.

How/when do you talk to coworkers about things like Tinder and dating? I only talk to coworkers about work.

Chad's and Stacy's are pretty friendly to me.

You sound like an idiot.
If your in close proximity with another individual you should automatically expect the day when you discover that there's things they do that's going to be annoying as fuck.
Honestly when you get a partner even if they're doing something that's not annoying, depending on what ground you are with each other at that time that action may be as annoying as a crying baby in a movie theatre. It's just a part of cohabitation. And this really doesn't seem that bad, he's helping you with something, your manager made a joke and he rolled with it.
Are you a person who has problems with recognizing base social interaction, if you catch my drift ?

Chad fucking all the fembots like usual