What is your opinion on Incels?
Do you conaider yourself an incel?
>w-women who can't get laid have something wrong with them
>i can't get laid but there is no reason for it and i am perfectly fine also i am 6' tall and aryan
Women who can't get laid? That's not a thing.
All incels are volcels, they just don't want to accept responsibility for their own shortcomings.
Failed normies who infest this board and ruin everything, really.
Men suffer more in every way not just sex. Also homelessness, suicide rates, work hazards, homicides. Denying female easy mode literally requires a 2 digit iq.
That's volcel talk.
Major causes of homelessness are:
- PTSD, mostly from war veterans, so males
- Untreated mental illnesses, men don't seek mental help
- Divorce, and often the men is sent out of the conjugal house if the family has children
Men are more afflicted, but it's more coincidental than anything.
>suicide rates
Women attempt more.
>work hazards
Men pick more dangerous jobs, obviously they're going to die more.
They commit more homicides and violent crimes too.
>it's more coincidental than anything
Holy shit i hope you're baiting and not retarded.
>women attempt more
Yea, but not with the purpose of killing themselves
>Women attempt more.
female suicide attempts are just cries for attention
they have no intention of actually killing themselves
Meanwhile if a woman ever has a hang nail, it's men's fault
You don't know what they want to do, you just assume that because you're assholes.
>What is your opinion on Incels?
Two kinds:
1) lonely men who shouldn't refer to themselves as such a slur because they are simply lonely and just want to be loved. They tend to be socially awkward and need to get out of the crabs in a bucket mentality. These are about 20% of them.
2) Genuinely entitled, porn addled man-children who believe they are entitled to a Stacy to be their mommy and therapist and refuse to admit their shortcomings. They tend to have the worse mental disorders; ones entailing lack of empathy or remorse such as sociopathy. These are the types to say 'cope' at the drop of a hat. Think Elliot.
Both types DESPERATELY need to do noporn.
>Do you conaider yourself an incel?
I was. I was more the first type but would never call myself that because I had pride. I relaxed, got over their theories a bit and found myself a girlfriend they'd definitely say 'cope' over despite the fact that I am certain no one could ever love me like she does.
I don't think so. I don't think men deserve those bad things to happen to them, either.
I just think that most of them happen because of their own choice.
If you feel so strongly about male homelessness, donate to homeless shelters. It's cold outside. I do it every year and volunteer every winter.
I feel strongly that men aren't taken care of like women are. Also this is like saying women cause rape.
As oppose to you, who assumes that women are all magically accidentally surviving their suicide attempts and men don't actually have it worse. You're the asshole.
There are literally suicide studies that have stated that women commit suicide in a dramatic attempt to bring attention to a problem. We've known this since the early 90's.
I don't think women deserve rape, I don't think men deserve any of those things.
I do think that a lot of women put themselves in vulnerable positions that make rapists have an easier job targetting them, and a lot of men put themselves in vulnerable positions as well, or cause the bad things that happen to them themselves.
Most victims of homicides aren't regular men, they're gang members who are criminals themselves. They don't deserve to die, but they haven't done their best to protect themselves against the chance of getting murdered.
Most homeless men aren't normal men, are alcoholic mentally ill men who refuse to get help. They haven't done their best to not be homeless. They don't deserve to be homeless, but they're not trying hard not to be.
A lot of women die from sucide, it's not like they all survive.
A lot of women survive. It's mostly different choices of method, that are less efficient.
Partially, yes, it is because of the attention and as an extreme way to get help, partially it's because it's a less traumatic way to go, partially women have easier access to pills than they do to guns, partially it's because it's more considerate for those who find you.
For example, if I were to kill myself, I'd never use a method that was hard to clean up for those who found my body or something like jumping in front of the train or off a building.
Women and men are very different in their thinking process, the fact that you oversimplify it to this degree is sad.
You're the one who oversimplifies. Saying men and women are just different is trying to distract from the fact that men have it worse. That's all you care about here.
Because they don't. Men and women have their own probelms, one isn't worse than the other, one doesn't have it "worse" than the other. It's not a competition.
>guy on left: loser nerd
>guy on right: plays soccer and starts fights with random people in public, widely disliked
honestly not sure which one i'd rather be.
men are experiments in genetics to see what works for women and we are ultimately disposable. it's why men are sent off to war and women and children are always the first to leave a disaster. they hold the keys to the next generation and they are a valuable resource because of that.
women are sex objects that are for breeding and child care only. men have to see them this way because women look at men as disposable moneymaking and protection robots. women have inherent value in their ability to create eggs. men have no inherent value. a single man can repopulate an entire island of women in a day or two. reverse the situation and it'll take the woman 9 months to have 1 child and she has limited eggs in her lifespan.
ultimately the entire human race is in womens hands. the high variance of male iq, male looks, male competence, male strength and aesthetics are all just genes taking a scattershot approach to see what moves on to the next generation. women are much more cookie cutter in everything and aren't so varied. they are the control and men are the variable.
women hold the keys to the human race in the fact that they produce human eggs. males will fuck almost anything and women are the goalkeepers. they pick and choose carefully what male genes they let into their vagina and who they have children with because they know exactly what they are doing. they hold the keys to human biology and human nature and human existence.
people always wonder why gay men are so promiscuous and have so many diseases. it's because men are the initiators in sex and women are the sexual goalkeepers. if you have a bunch of initiators who are gay they have no in-built wall up to guard their valuable eggs and no care to test who they sleep with, they'll just fuck because it's male nature.
incels are a mathematical reality. there's always going to be men that are at the very low end of the male gene experiment. you will never have a chance to get laid. it's just how it is. it's mathematically true. just like 1/10 women will never get laid. but they are more rare than the vast majority of men that are below a 6 which brings me to my next point.
women are hardwired to only go for the top of the male looks and status heirarchies. they literally only desire men above a 6. they prefer 7 and up, but may settle for a worthwhile 6. this is also a fact of biology that cannot be avoided. a 1/10 woman expects and desires a 7/10 male. they are only attracted to the top percentile of men whereas men can easily settle for their own number in attractiveness. sadly it doesn't happen much.
an "incel" is a person who is in the 1-5 range in absolutely everything, but usually on the lower end on things. looks, competence, money, social status, social skills, intelligence everything. some are weighed more heavily than others. women will probably fuck and settle with a man that looks good but is not very intelligent and has poor social skills.
there are just lots of incels out there. and after the whole sexual revolution and this culture of do whatever you want, no sexual shaming, no fat shaming, political correctness society that is apparently taking over the first world, it isn't going to improve. in fact with women having more freedom and less opportunity to fuck up with the welfare state, birth control, and internet (to have virtually unlimited choice in partners) backing them up they are only going to go for the tippy top of men which means the incel mark is moving up fast. soon a man that is a 6/10 in every measure will not be enough for them. they never settle for less than what they women only want the very best.
the system is rigged against incels. it's just how it is and it's not going to get better until men can take complete control of women.
Unbelievable, where were you to say this about feminism? You weren't you hypocritical manhater. We're all individuals and suffering more because you're male isn't fair.
You truly are showing your retardness and norminess.
Allow me.
All the points are connected, men being more afflicted isn't coincidental you retard, the system is anti male, culture too.
War vets are left on their own, families abandon them because they are afraid, they literally look at you as a broken toy on the verge of mass murder, divorced military a classic.
Men has mental illness? Noone is gonna help them, imagine if they were women, people would go out of their way to help them, no shit men don't seek help, women are taught and expected to be victims and to be rescued, men are told they are on their own, even docs don't want to mess with vets.
>muh women attempt more
What's this supposed to prove?men actually committing is not as bad as women attempting more?never seen such a low quality point than yours , how can you be so stupid.
On top of that, no shit men attempt less than women, because you know, if you actually commit to it, you cannot attempt again, since, they actually die, if men failed to commit as women do for attention, men would have higher attempt count.
Your point would stand if men and women committed an hero at the same rate AND on top of it women attempted more.
No shit men pick more dangerous jobs, women can't do any serious work and must be helped even in non dangerous jobs via quota hires and the plethora of legal advantages I'm not gonna list, do you think men doing dangerous shit wouldn't want to sit on his cunt safely avoiding doing his job in an office and get paid the same?
If women had the same physical power and mental fortitude as men, they would kill more and use violence more than men, seeing how there's barely any consequences for them, besides men are victims more than women but hey muh femicides.
Misandry is accepted and more widespread but hey muhsoggyknee.
You must be trolling, no way you can be this retarded.
A woman in the body of the avg men would an hero in less than a week.
And fail to do so.
Dude thats a before and after photo of a dude that had bracers
I always said this about feminism too, maybe not to you in particular.
It isn't specifically anti male. We have gender roles built for millenia. They're both anti male and anti women in different ways. Do you want to change it? Fight for it, I'll applaud you. It's not my battle tho.
Men with mental illness don't get help because they don't ask for it.
As a woman who suffered from major depression for 7 years, I never asked for help and never got any. I lived in my filth, starved myself, lost jobs because I couldn't get out of bed, lost my friends because I couldn't talk to them, went to bed every night wishing to never wake up, and that was it. Till I reached the breaking point and went to a doctor to get help. No one asked me if I needed help. No one worried. I got made fun of for being filthy and asked how I lost weight.
Women get help if they look for it, same as men. Men don't want to be vulnerable, and it's their choice. I didn't want to be vulnerable, but I don't blame it on others for not forcing me to be.
I already addressed the stuff about suicide.
Men get paid to do more dangerous jobs and accept the risks. While it's sad that they die and they don't deserve it, it's a risk they're aware of and they're rewarded for taking that risk.
Men are victims more often because they're involved in crime more often.
"muh women attempt more" isn't even correct.
what's correct is, "more female suicide attempts are documented"
women have large social circles and people who care about them, so when one of them tries suicide, people find out and take her to a hospital where the attempt is documented.
A man on the verge of suicide is probably isolated and no one will ever find out whether he attempted suicide or not.
The number of male suicide attempts probably dwarfs female suicide attempts.
Don't you think feminism is a bigger issue than incels? They force women on boards of directors now, not male virgins. I still suspect you're just a manhater or maybe you just see women as too strong an enemy for you to take on.
Men rule the world and have sex with whoever they want. Only weakling betas can be incels.
I bet they count women saying something ominous and not posting on instagram for an hour as a suicide attempt.
And no women suffer ever.
Incels are dumb and failures at life, all due to their own irresponsibility. Being an incel means living in denial and being too scared to take responsibility for your own life. Every incel makes excuses to why he is a special snowflake and it's impossible for him to do what all other men do.
I don't honestly care much about either of you, I think both of you are pathetic failures who need excuses to justify your own shortcomings. Whether it's muh patriarchy or muh hypergamy, you're both the same.
I do my thing and try to avoid being involved with society as much as I can.
>as a woman
That explains how much low iq vibes I was getting from your words, amazing isn't it, I didn't even know you were female but somehow my guts knew what i was dealing with.
There's no point in arguing,you'll keep doing what women do, dismiss men's issues, say you care, then complain it's not your battle, then blame it on us, just fight for your rights bro, then ignore and deflect stuff you believed you addressed.
Have fun, female privilege won't last.
I know a guy who looks like the guy on the right, and he's swole af, and he's still nowhere near a Chad due to his crippling anxiety
I probably have an IQ higher than yours, you don't need to call me stupid just because I don't endorse your victim mentality.
I do think men have issues. I don't think there's a point in playing who has it worse between men and women. I think it's men's responsibility to organise between themselves to make things better for their gender and take action, and they shouldn't be helped by women.
If instead of arguing on the internet you did something, you'd make the world a better place. Truth is - you just have a victim complex and want people to tell you that you have it worse than everyone else, and don't actually care of the issues you addressed.
I volunteer in homeless shelters. You sit on the internet and complain about men homeless people. I feel like I'm making more difference than you are.
This board is full of dudes who are fat, NEET, or otherwise disfigured. They are in the bottom 1% of attractiveness. They also have never gone out to get laid, they believe installing tinder or making an okcupid account counts as an attempt at getting laid. And then they assume that anyone who isn't Chad is an incel. This board is not only mentally ill, but just regular stupid on top.
deluded normie retard alert
my best friend is a super liberal sjw and doesn't believe incels can exist without spouting misogyny, womanizing, objectifying etc
I'm like there are ugly men who can't get laid because they are ugly. the want to have sex but can't. they are involuntarily celibate. doesn't mean they hate women. doesn't mean they believe in chad, stacy, beta, alpha etc etc
to bring my point home i used myself as an example. im a 24 year old virgin because im fat as fuck. women don't give me the time of day. he knows for a fact i don't hate women and im not a freak but he still couldnt get pass his mainstream sjw views that incels are degenerate, womanizing creeps.
incels exist. whether they're ugly, fat, disabled, mentally ill, too short, too stupid whatever the case may be, there are men out there who can't get laid but want to. doesn't mean they're misogynists
You're not involuntarily fat.
>nothing is my fault it's impossible for me to get laid
>I am a fat fuck living in the basement
>not my fault, I have tried so hard
Typical delusional incel detected. You are a volcel but lie about it. Like every incel.
You sound nice. How about a date? Or are you already taken?
Incels are incels because they choose to be incels.
>Eat all day and get fat
>This isn't my problem
You're more entitled than a woman.
no kidding man. i've already dropped 50 pounds and im working on it. the point still stands women don't want to date fat as fuck dudes. it's simple. doesn't make them bad, doesn't make me hate them. im unattractive because of my weight therefore i don't get laid.
just because it's in my control to change doesn't mean im not incel.
women aren't attracted to 330 pound men. is it my fault i'm addicted to food? yes. is it in my power to change? yes.
there's nothing wrong with admitting you're unattractive to the opposite sex. that's basically what incel is. you're unattractive so nobody fucks you. what's the problem with my thinking?
That's good on you. Keep losing weight.
Every fat retard I meet online has "already lost x pounds." You'll give up soon enough. The grave is calling. You will get a stroke.
Male virgins are still males.
It's not like never loosing your virginity makes you sexless in the literal sense.
Still sexless though, in the uh, sex department though. I love the English language sometimes.
Fat girls can get laid.
Except when you want to tell everyone to shut up. Thanks for being an ever helpful nihilist dude your opinions are so relevant.
At least in the U.S, where women have ready access to guns, yeah, it is a cry for attention that they don't get one of these easily available guns and blow their own heads off.
Some fat men can too. Most fat people can't.
Don't waste your time arguing with incels. They are just a waste of everyones time.
Let's play a game, you give me fat girls you think can't get laid and fat guys you think can and we'all make dating accounts for all of them.
>inb4 online isn't real life
Nobody hooks up on tinder while drunk.
Billions (yes with a b) of people fuck while drunk irl.
But you have no issues with how much men help women do you. Truth is men suffer from inequality and females are privileged to never have to suffer from going without their baser needs.
Bars are the same shit, few girls getting attention all night while they wait for something. You people drag out the most convoluted answers to men having it harder to get laid when for all women it's as simple as saying "here I am!". At least the people who think that men being in charge excuses men suffering more at the bottom have an ounce of intellectual integrity.
>it's accepted in society that unattractive people don't have sex , if so, not very often
>incels are ugly people who admit this
>society tells them their feelings aren't real
what's going on here
I think the important thing is that we are told that womens' feelings are always valid, but, when men express feelings we're told that they are invalid and we're nazis.
They bounce back and forth between we can get laid if we put effort in and women also struggle from not being able to find any guys in a hilarious attempt to justify the world and themselves.
I don't have issues with men helping women or with women helping men, if any of them do it out of their own desire. I'm grateful for all the help men gave to women causes, I donate for prostate cancer every year, I work in a homeless shelter. I have issues with people feeling entitled to receive help.
My problem is that you come here and tell me
>men go homeless a lot
I tell you
>I know! These are some major causes, try to do activism to address them. If you don't care enough, there are so many shelters who need financial or practical help, you could go help there too.
And you tell me
>Yes but women don't do anything to solve those issues
It's not their place. Go do something and stop fucking complaining all the time.
>Truth is men suffer from inequality and females are privileged to never have to suffer from going without their baser needs.
Neither of us do, really. Most men and most women in western societies are pretty privileged and know very little of what it means to truly suffer and going without what they need to survive. There are men and women who suffer, and I hope we can do our best to make sure there are less of them each year. I don't think their gender matters lots.
>be me
>no problem flirting
>good kisser
>ugly malformed dick from botched surgery when I was like, 2, so never have sex
what do
I don't disagree with that sentiment. However I think comparing tinder and real life is as delusional as Chris chan thinking he's merging with his fantasy world.
Fucking this. This is what separates a Robot from an Incel. Robots are lonely but they are willing to try to improve, keep their goals reasonable, and put forth effort to gain a gf. Incels not only want and feel like they deserve a 10/10 Stacy, they want a 10/10 without having to do anything or change anything about their shortcomings. They want to have their cake and eat it too, then they complain when it backfires spectacularly.
based reply, thank you user
No society is what does nothing to help the homeless even though it's a gendered issue. We have a society that claims to care about gender issues, attempts to solve those issues for women, but does not care about doing it for men. This is a fact. It's not about men doing for women but not women doing for men it's society doing for women but not for men.
You're retarded, dating apps are absolutely a part of real life. Maybe craigslist could have been written off but normal people use tinder and tinder is acceptable and it's a reality that all women can get laid on it so all women can get laid with no effort.
Then work to solve them.
The reason why society cares about women issues is because women do activism so politicians think that if they care about them they get votes. So we get laws, media exposure, etc.
You're not doing anything to solve them. You're the problem and you expect others to come solve your problems.
What do you call working to fix the issues with society, playing along and being a good boy? Fuck off you genuine ass.
Then you just don't care and you want to bitch.
Which is fine, but don't pretend you care about men issues. You just want to be a victim.
Either take action, become an activist for men's right, make sure people become more aware of men issues and change society, or just don't care but also shut up.
You can't bitch and also not do anything.
Where do you get that from, incel literally means involuntary celibate, nothing else. Even when one has tried all they could within their power, you would still say they are voluntary because you can't accept reality.
post pics of dick. it may be better than you think.
>You can't bitch and also not do anything.
Yes you can, you're doing it right now!
By your logic if someone else takes up activism in my name I will finally be a victim. I'm not a victim until somebody defends me.
You're already protraying yourself as a victim and think of yourself as one.
I do plenty of things and try to address any problem I perceive to have.
Incels are ugly on the inside. They are nasty, angry, ill tempered people. All this they could change but they choose not to.
And the 10/10 stacy has to be a virgin.
>tfw well educated (STEM degree)
>exact same facial structure as the one on the right
>brown skin
Life truly is cruel sometimes, I was so close lads
Brown skin as in Nigger or Brown skin as in Arab/Spanish/whatever?
If it's the latter, as long as you're not muslim shit then what the fuck you complaining about you tool
Lol forget the word victim then you insufferable noncomprehending pseud, my issues will matter if someone becomes an activist for them and only then is what you're saying? And you think this is helpful insight?
You prove that you care about something if you do something to address it.
If you don't do shit, you don't care and you're pathetic if you bitch about it.
Incel is a meme word for leftists for which there are actually very few and the concept itself is skewed. Most of these men are not involuntarily celibate, they are voluntarily celibate on behalf of their expectations. Women are largely trash and a lot of men are trash so I don't really blame anyone and most specifically men for their skepticism in putting their eggs in one basket so to speak, but it's a sad thing overall.
Obviously this, everyone is constantly throwing themselves at incels those fat neckbeards who can't get anyone because their personality isn't as nice as mine
Believe it or not, you're not doing anything constructive here. Many of us here on Jow Forums know that we're inherently unattractive. So as a result we've taken on the title of incel. You can try and twist the definition all you want with your garbage rhetoric of self-improvement but in the end of the day, we know ourselves better than anyone else.
Okay so a tldr all your wordy replies: incels are pathetic that's why men have it harder
You know that you chose to be unattractive right? You chose to be an angry entitled manchild.
Like how women choose to get laid even though they're disgusting
No, it's like how people choose to be poor.
No, I'm just saying that you can't expect others to fit society to suit your needs without you making any kind of effort at all. You sit in your bedroom raging and don't do shit. Either change yourself to fit society, or do some sort of activism to make society accept you, or just simply fuck off and don't fit in.
I don't even care what you do, just stop bitching. People who bitch all the fucking time are unpleasant and no one likes them.
And most people on here aren't "inherently unattractive". There are some, but most aren't.
Maybe incels complaining on the internet is change, why else would you people try to stop it
Because it's annoying and ruined r9k?
You choose to not get laid by those disgusting women. You only want a 10/10 stacy without working for it.
Compared to fembots and orbiters spamming? Compared to trannies? Incels hardly even post in comparison. Or are you part of the incels are the orbiters crowd.
No we can't even get those disgusting women. What about guys can get 0 matches don't you understand?
Keep trying to stop your boat from sinking normals but there's too many holes.
I just don't see the big deal with people proclaiming that they're incel. Why are you trying to autistically trying to tell people that they're not. You'd think after being a virgin for near 24 years I'd know that I was unfuckable. No amount of lifting or working could change that.
Trannies too, fembots are okay unless they make fembots threads, orbiters are never okay.
You get 0 matches if you never create a tinder account and never leave the basement.