>be me
>tired of the homo and relationshit/muh gf/muh sex garbage on this board
>go on Jow Forums to take a break from it all and for some variation
>like half of them are faggots
this site is garbage
Be me
Jow Forums destroyed this site. Reminder that the homofaggot invasion on this board was a response to Jow Forums. There were barely any faggots here compared to the other boards before Jow Forums decided to do their epic raids.
the faggots will be removed from this website. also Jow Forums is the king of boards.
>the core demographic will be removed from /r9gay/
ooo im so scared!
Nigger did you even read anything? There were barely any faggots here before Jow Forums decided to do their epic raids not only on this board but on other sites as well. The faggot epidemic is a response to Jow Forums from sites like tumblr and reddit.
Jow Forums is only the largest board because like 70% of them are redditards and boomers from unrelated sites on the internet. Go on there and actually browse it, majority of the posts are completely unrelated and out of character to the general Jow Forums culture because they are all invader pieces of shit.
Please go away man. This is the only place we have left. You have 10000s of different websites on the internet that cater exactly to your tastes. Just leave this one alone.
let's move out to >>/s4s/ and begin anew
All right lets give it a tr-
you'll learn with time that you're one of us.
Despite being bombard by gay propaganda for years, i have literally never felt anything but disgust for homosexuality. I dont hate you as a person, i want you to be happy. Just not here. I have only one home, if i give you it, i will be homeless. I know you understand i cant do that. Especially when you have multiple homes already.
poopoo peepee, normie
look at the post dates they're a minority
they could be easily overthrown
How would you "overthrow" them? You can't stop them from posting.
if everyone here'd just start posting there then those threads would compose just 1% of the new board since it's an empty board
I dont think anyone will do it bro. If you have an idea how to get people to post there though, feel free to share it
break your neck reiko
yeah me neither
it'd be cool tho, a retard zionist movement for a day
Shill the idea i suppose. I will start posting there at least
Jesus this site truly is fucked at this point. Where are all these faggots coming from?
homosexuality is one of the whitest things there is so any >muh ancestry retards should be into it
>homosexuality is one of the whitest things there is so any >muh ancestry retards should be into it
This man understands. Remove wh*toids and all degenarcy will go with it.
finally someone gets it
This shit has been around since Ancient Greece and even all the way back to Sumer
Now come on my white friend. Normally we are sandnigger subhumans, but when the time of sharing a burden comes, suddenly we are the same people? Nah, i'll pass on this one. This one is on you. We dont do any gay shit.
Remove faggots
Common Filth is always right.
Defending the white race is defending liberalism
>Common Filth
What did he mean with this