Why do people go to war when they can simply not?

Why do people go to war when they can simply not?

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ask one of the assholes who operate, they're just pure assholes, nothing to mourn, they would fuck your mother and bully you to death and laugh about it like it's cool and expect to be honored for being welfare queens later, they're so entitled, fuck them, fuck this country, fuck you.

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Why do people even go to wars to places like Iraq? Just to shoot some sandniggers down? I don't really see the point of it unless you fight for your own motherland.

call of duty

Dead yanks are good

good thread original bumperino

Jews need their puppet state to provide soldier for fighting their wars

This. I knew a bunch of guys who were pretty cool in middle/high school. A few years after we graduate, they're the biggest faggots I've ever had the displeasure of knowing. They no longer have a personality, all they do is bitch about how easy "civvie" life is even though they volunteered to be in the military.

Jewish burgerwashing. Die for me goy!

>Chadbro off to kill and raid Hammed's village
>Also rapes Hammed's womens while high on coke or whatever stimulants they use to not get the combat shakes
>Hammed's seeks retribution
>Such a tragedy
I guess being american and get shot is something amerilards take by hearth anywhere in the globe

Because what would the soldiers do if they couldn't shoot 14year olds in some third world jewish puppet state, work at McDonalds?

Because they like to believe they're serving there country and making a difference by fighting in places like the middle east when in truth they're just fighting for rich mens agenda. It's quite sad really

spotted the fagget

Spoted the war otaku

Because there are things that are more important than your own life. If you don't believe this, you're better off dead anyway.

we fight because we're confused

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>Why do people go to war when they can simply not?
Hero complex.

>all they do is bitch about how easy "civvie" life is even though they volunteered to be in the military.
They're not wrong, being some drill officers bitch is a pain in the ass.

Yeah exactly bro, like nothing matters anyway, just eat pizza and drink beer and jerk off lol, like the most important thing in life is to just enjoy fleeting momentary pleasure, like how can you be so stupid, just smoke some weed dude once we die that's it it's over, my boomer dad bought a boat and crashed it because fuck it who cares man we're all only on this earth for a short while anyway, why would you want to defend your culture and uphold beautiful ideals that create a prosperous and good world, like just wageslave for your entire life and piss your money away on materialist bullshit, nihilism is soo cool

>Invade country
>Bomb Iraqi children
>Get Killed


Fuck muttians

>defend your culture and uphold beautiful ideals
>t. still thinks Saddam did 9/11

>just eat pizza and drink beer and jerk off lol
>literally dying for these dopamine chasing monkeys

Why not just get pozzed by some old gay biker then? Both are voluntary

Come now, you know that one leads to a career and the biker leads to disease.

No, I think most of those people are terribly misguided and misled by Jews, but that doesn't mean that their intentions and actions aren't noble. I would want, really WANT, to do the same, under ideal circumstances.

You can charge the biker for money, get paid upfront and not have to sell your identity to the feds

Of course, (((their))) well being
Tip tap on a claymore you delusional idiot

They do it because they want to progress society into the new age of typical propaganda about who hates who.

As I learned from Crusader Kings 2, Hearts of Iron 4. We can not live in a world with out wanting what other people have. Its Fun in Games but in real life. It gets Real.

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Call of Duty and bukakke porn exist for the same reason, so you don't have to do it in real life.

There are countries where you cant refuse to go war If the army says you're going

>defend your culture
>you are actually defending Israel


fuck you, you worthless NEET

They obviously don't know that. OP was asking why, I explained it. I didn't say they are right, but their intentions are. If they went to war against Israel, they would be literal heroes.

Well Americans do it so that the rest of us are free to shit post.

how does it feel to literally be allied with the people who funded 9/11 (Saudi Arabia)

I'm allied with far right-wing Europeans and no one else.

One of the better kept secrets in the US is that the country's best marketing department is actually run by the military. They spend billions of dollars funding marketing/propaganda, and only a tiny slice of it is the highly visible stuff like recruiters coming to campus. Most of is sent to fund movies, video games, tv shows, etc. that happen to positively portray the US military. So people grow up with with this idea that shooting kids in a desert really IS heroic and patriotic.

They're idiots.


Haliburton and Boeing needed more government contracts.


Many would be on welfare just like they are now, but significantly less expensive for the state.

Meat for the grinder

Objectively terrible allies. Born to lose.

probably people with lousy career prospects that don't want to wagecuck

>Chadbro off to kill

I was in the Army for 5 years and got deployed right after I finished basic....

Its kind of non-negotiable and highly frowned upon if you decide to go AWOL.

>No one ever on 4chab uses the word bro to mock such specimens
Using the R word doesn't make you funny or cool Billy

You are dying for multi-billion dollar companies and organizations relying on contracts in war torn nations, lets not fool ourselves here.
Who cares if our country if full of losers that just sit around and eat pizza and drink beer all day.

The real enemy is right here on our own soil, not over seas anyway.

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To die for the Jews. The funny thing is if they knew this is what they went to war for a good chunk of them wouldn't.

It's a lot more likely for a person with left-wing views that annexes bro to random nouns to be a redditfag.

So we all agree Hitler was right, don't we?

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No such thing for me 'bro'

People are starting to slowly get with the program.

Remember back when Obama was still pres and they tried to push for war in Syria with that blatant lie that Bashar Al Assad was killing his own people and it turned out to be AMERICAN funded mercernaries who actually behind the bombings and support for putting troops in Syria was met with a good amount of backlash.

>mfw tried joining military after high school but allergies prevented me.
Looking back on it now I think this is Gods way of getting me not to die for the Jews.

fuck off mutt, nobody wants you in europe

Gotta get that Camaro tho

>le jew is bad

You guys refuse to acknowledge the danger of sandniggers and why killing them is vital. How pathetic.

I'm pure Scandi and living in Scandinavia.

Prisoner's dilemma

yeah i bet you are billy

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No, he was a warmonger who invaded multiple neutral nations

How is destabilising Iraq and Libya and creating more radicalist sandniggers in ANY way stopping sandniggers?

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Isn't it at least slightly apparent to most people, despite the cognitive dissonance, that humping around the middle east and trading potshots with tribesmen has nothing to do with preserving American civil liberties? "I protect your right to shitpost," literally how

I've literally never set foot in America. You're misunderstanding something.

>who invaded multiple neutral nations

Most Americans are incredibly brainwashed and genuinely believe the campains in Iraq and Afghanistan were about freeing the population from a corrupt and evil power.

What about the whole "seizing their shit" and attempted genocide and massacres?

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>destabilising Iraq and Libya

You cannot destabilise what is already destabilized. It's like shooting a roach nest.

It was for their own good. Anything is better than being caught in the clutches of the Jew.

>Smug anime girl
Please don't ((you)) me hyperbolic faggot

>Mr Shekelstein just want's Hammed's oil
>Ameritards happily comply
Don't forget about the 100 gorillion on death camps and your yearly holocaust movie, Bobbie

Both Iraq and Libya were amazingly stable. Libya had free healthcare and education before the UK, France and USA bombed it and allowed millions of migrants to flood into Europe.

Stalin was massively anti-Semetic though and carried out purges of Jews.

What part of my post was hyperbolic gaylord?

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Right, and yet when actual genocide happens in Africa and US leaders don't give a fuck nobody seems to see the contradiction

The adventure is there. In america the military is advertised as something that will transform you into an alpha but mostly it just turns you into a bitch or best case scenario a crazy ass who isn't afraid to die

>Libya had free healthcare and education
Free bandaids and witch doctor counseling isnt anything worth being proud of.

Probably because they're from some small shithole of a town and thought whatever money they'll get will get them that new Camero or something and a decent home. Source?: the few people I knew in high school who did that shit. I could've been like them but my back is fucked and here I am.

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>Free bandaids and witch doctor counseling isnt anything worth being proud of.
Not user but you're retarded

Your underaged japanese cartoon speaks heaps about your fagginess, forget about Hitler this is about you being a gigantic gay boi

I'm guessing you have a source that shows the absolutely awful health care quality of Libya, yeah?

Do you deny Hitler was a genocidal warmonger?

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>I'm guessing you have a source that shows the absolutely awful health care quality of Libya, yeah?
I'm pretty sure you dont have proof of the opposite, so I'll call your bluff.

>before American intervention
>low unemployment
>free health care for all Libyans
>free education
>Gaddafi was going to create his own currency that was going to dwarf the Dollar in value
>farmers thrived under Gaddafi and were given all kinds of benefits

>After America used mercenaries to overthrow Gaddafi regime
>literal race wars
>no jobs, everyone is unemployed
>libyan diaspora
>everyone is poor as fuck
>Africans suddenly moved in and took over

Those sand niggers wont shoot themselves.

>le communist paradise

Hahahahha I doubt it. Arabs are the worst at everything especially communism

Its always same toddler logic and song I hear all over again with this anti American propaganda.
Its almost reverse Jew propaganda.
>every nation on world was prosperous, stable, rich before America intervene

Fuck off, most of countries in world were hardcore shit before and after America, you can't fix low IQ people other from Nuking them into oblivion

Because some people are very, very stupid, and these people are very good at dying at wars, while people who finish schools and have money in their pockets usually tell these stupid people what to do, and usually stay alive at home at comfortable positions

It was like this pretty much since we were tribesmen

>Should have killed all the juzz so american boys don't die for Sheckel Corporation?

>Hahahahha I doubt it.
You're a fucking idiot and your "doubt" is unwarranted because these are indeed facts about Libya while it was under Gaddafi.
90% of Libyans supported him , and didn't view him as a "evil dictator". They used to have free healthcare, education, electricity, housing, subsidized food and cars, paid living allowance if u study abroad, paid hospital bill if you get treatment outside the country, free water, the Libyan people and Gaddafi built "the great man made water system" I can go on and on.

It is objective FACT that they were much better off before NATO and the US decided to give them a dose of "freedom". Libya was literally destroyed and looted over night by American funded terrorist groups and mercenaries.

Oh look another American retard who has no idea what he's talking about.

It sucks for individuals, but we had like a 1:20 KDR (civilians included). That's pretty fucking good on the whole.


Daily intake of 3144 calories, under nourishment under 5%. Life expectancy of 72.3 years.


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holy shit unequivocally btfo my mans bringing out the LOGIC and FACTS

What did the Jews in Latvia in 1944 have to do with Neocons who push for War in Iraq?

I thought military people were supposed to have trigger discipline

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Oh look another Eastern European from Balkan who is not consuming same communist shit (Umerica is badd)
I actually grew up in Communism faggot

When did it become America's responsibility to fight everybody's battles?
Self-interest is driven by self-sustaining (e.g. survival via necessary resources).
This is something every living creature on earth is bound to so it shouldn't be surprising what we only expend energy as it relates to our own benefit.

>Jewish interests
>Jews having a beef with Mohameds since forever
Nothing, nothing

Yeah, ofcourse you do retard that chats up shit they know nothing about

user you're calling him a communist because he doesn't support the Western destabilisation of a Nation that led to anarchy and slavery, and the opening up of the flood-gates for millions of migrants. This isn't about communism, this is about America's (And the West's) fucking awful foreign policy.

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>propaganda from a random wordpress account


Why does that justify the mass murder of millions of Jews, though?

>The WHO is a random wordpress account
try again sweetie

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Ya, based on WHO, Saudi Arabia is a technocratic wonderland too. Let's all go there. You first.

>where's your source?
>oh that doesn't count that's propaganda!
Just take the L and get out man, you're embarrassing yourself

Well americans diying for jewish interests ,jews playing the victim card, blah,blah is what this treads turned up to be about, so that?

Just admit you lost the argument and have nothing else to even go back on aside from acting like a complete retard.

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Geez, well if it's propaganda by the WHO what international health organization that has done inquiries into pre-2011 Libya's health standards do you have to prove me wrong?

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nah we gotcha covered don't worry user

Sorry i don't understand. Can you say again