Acne hasn't gone away at 21

>acne hasn't gone away at 21
>never eat junkfood, smoke, drink or do other drugs
>still look like I smoke meth
>doc prescribes me acne pills
>asks me if I ever thought about suicide because these pills could increase depression
>"n-no I never thought about suicide"

I'm so fucking ready to kill myself

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Dont trust your doctor user, death is the only sure-fire cure to your problems.

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Last thing you need is anti depressants. They're like a lobotomy in pill form

Accutane user? If so it worked great for me, takes a while to set in though and the process to get there is the fucking worse. Your acne gets 100% worse for a bit because your body is purging it's oils and after your skin gets super fucking dry, to the point where even smiling can make your lips crack and bleed. Also yeah it fucks with your mentality a bit.

tl:dr if it's Accutane it works great but the process is shitty

I'm curious, do you have to keep taking it to prevent acne or is it a one-time thing?

what kind of acne do you have?

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Accutane? That shit comes with its sides, but it's honest to God been a lifesaver

Not Accutane. Some other shit.

>23 years old
>Acne only starting to fade away
A lot of fucking good now i'm past the point where all women are used goods and I don't want them anymore

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If I remember correctly you take it up until your face clears up and youre all set. My derm said it works in almost every case but you have shit like chance of hair loss

>My derm said it works in almost every case but you have shit like chance of hair loss
Isn't that what happened to PsychedSubstance? I remember him mentioning it a long time ago

Not him but I have moderate acne, what should I do, user?

lift weights faggot, you are cucking yourself forever if you do not exercise

well if you were girls then you would apply make-up xD
seriously. how can males compete with this. we are literally allowing females to gain this artficial self-esteem boost. they are able to obfuscate their imperfections, while males are told to
>just suck it up sissy
fuck this, society is broken. im starting to udnerstand why muslims keep their women covered.

>not taking HRT to solve all your skin problems

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w-what's HRT, user?

Honestly I would say don't fall for the HRT snake, but you're so far gone I doubt it would even matter because you'd end up killing yourself in less than 3 years.

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I'm 24 and I had inflammations pop all over my chin and cheeks recently

at least I was smart enough to get laid before that happened

>tranny bullshit
i have two barrels here for xou, xhe... the fuck you even are? i dont wnat to know
you sure you want to keep your propaganda spraeding?
perish, you dog, or i will make you
and you will meet the Lord and he will judge you for your sins

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Works for most people, Testosterone legitimately sucks to be on for cuteness.

You'll grow boobies though

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damn, thanks for the tip then user.

It sounds gay actually, I don't even want boobies.

dont let them fool you. they want you miserable and even weaker. they want to exploit you

warned you, dog

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Extremely based and redpilled
Cringe and cringepilled

wash your face it works wonders

All of this, but I'm 23. My face is so fucking scarred you'd think I live in desert area with sandstorms.

The grave is the herald of your salvation brother, go with the Light.

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in some cases you have to keep taking it forever, like mine

Is it minocycline/doxycycline?

Look up accutane user, I'm pretty sure you're taking something with the same active ingredient (isotretinoin). It's a dirty ass substance, fucks up your liver, dries your eyes and lips like hell, my eyes are still fucked and the inside of my ears have a permanent dead skin layer that's really painful to peel off and grows back in two days.
BUT it cured my acne for real in less than a year and I actually got laid for the first time in my life shortly after. And it does give you suicidal thoughts so be prepared for that shit.