/East African general/: we're all psuedo-niggers edition

Alright lads I wanna see how many of us exist here so this is the first time. No Kenyans allowed and all I've got is this Colonel Gaddafi wojak. God bless that nigga.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This is now a /mex/ thread alll Mexicans report to this thread and post Mexican qt's

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Oh shit we've just been hijacked.

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Bumping again because it feels like this place is devoid of us.

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Whats your opinion on western niggers?

Rest in peace Gaddafi.
Stupid Lybians,I always knew they were dumb as fuck, Everyone knew.
They had everything !

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They are humans. and humanity should be questioned.

I still remember the guys death and what I was doing that day, why the fuck did those goddamn sand-monkeys kill him off? He gave them everything and they fucked him in the ass literally. God bless him man he was truly one of a kind, every time I read about him I feel tears coming.

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Don't really care they're just annoying due to all the we wuzzing they keep on doing.

How much Caucasian blood does Ethiopians, Somalis, Eritreans and Djiboutis have?

Dont reply to this nigger he is mentally ill and obsessed with ethnic groups, he posts in every ethnic thread and attentionwhores while simultanously claiming he hates them. He will hijack your thread if you reply to him

He was too kind. Any leader that becomes too good will get fucked in the ass. A leader always has to take on the quality of being a sheep herder, one that takes care of the flock but always keeps them under control.

Depends on the ethnicity. Certain groups contain some Arab blood such as habeshas while Somalis and a few other groups don't although it depends on the region in places like Djibouti and Somalia.

You know nothing bout leading
Guy was perfect. The times changed and the jews did it to his dumb people.

I wonder what Somalia would look like if Siad Barre was still alive. Dude was the rise and death of that nation but imagine he continued living.

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Im not really criticizing him, he couldnt really have predicted what was gonna happen. Im just saying he was too kind. Any leader that is too good risks being fucked by the same people he tries to be good towards. People are ultimately still animals, if you show too much kindness they will take it as weakness and backstab you.

Bumping and bumping. This thread isn't gonna die just yet.

"When I die, and the Camels drink from the Danube river, Europe will be black"

Approximate words of Ghaddafi

Umm use her correct pronouns you transphobic nigger

Assad was though on his syrian retards, thats why he is still alive.

Truly a based man. I wonder what's he doing in heaven.

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Yep, thats who i was thinking of as well. Though assad was just a dictator, he has never been good to his people. Remember that guy literally formed "police" groups consisting of gangsters, criminals, murderers and rapists and used them against his own people (shabiha, google it). That was one of the reasons why the revolution started in the first place

I have no idea how this turned into a Gaddafi appreciation thread but I don't mind it that much. Although east niggas come in already.

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Yeah I know only bad came out of him.
Internet was monitored too.

We /anti-w*stern coalition/ now

t. Middle East bro

Rest in peace you glorious bastard, truly a based man.

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Gaddafi was special. White heart

Well how do you feel about this rare deer I'm giving you as a present? It's nice isn't it.

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wow i never saw a deer in my life. pls show

It's a nice midget deer you find in the empty bushy dry Highlands, they're really cute.

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This thread has been quite interesting I guess I hope to make another one to see what happens.

I accept and appreciate your present, and i return to you Persian Leopard cub

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Yeah, haha, too kind!
He never did anything fucked up to his people like raping hundreds of boys and girls, right guys?
Seriously though, read this book. Ghaddafi was a modern day Genghis Khan. He literally had a rape cellar full of underage sex slaves, but it still wan't enough for him. He had celebrities flown in from europe just to fuck them. He even fucked the wives and daughters of his generals.

Very nice of you I hope we can soon make an alliance spanning far and wide while holding strong together. Nice leopards they're cute.

On average, 50%. Could be higher or lower depending on the ethnicity and location.

What about this guy? Did he really deserve it?

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It was a US backed coup to consolidate power and resources in northern africa during the Arab spring. Since the overthrow was generally unpopular Libya has yet to recover and things have only gotten worse.

>believing w*stern propaganda
Good goy
Someone post that pic of the list of things that the Gadaffi government gave for free to the people.

Yeah he did. He was basically a worse Assad. Though everything the US did after removing him was handled in the worst way possible

Nor did he, sometimes looking back on these dictators makes you think what the country could've been had they not been taken out or dies. Siad Barre and mengitsu were others people still think about.

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Actually intake it back he did deserve it.

Ethiopia should build a large, gushy canal that splits Djbouti in half. That way, they may finally release their manufactured seed into the sea of Djbouti.
Also, I'm pretty sure there are at least 4 east africans that frequently visit here. Probably doing some shit at this hour

Based and redpilled

I love you spictrap please marry me

>Ethiopia land-grabbing Djibouti
Well that's some interesting shit, however they have military bases stationed there so it's gonna be hard to pull off

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>Also, I'm pretty sure there are at least 4 east africans that frequently visit here. Probably doing some shit at this hour
I wonder what they're doing right now, I still remember that short Eritrean dude.

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Are you the mexican user from San Luis Potosi?

Interesting you say "land-grab." I'm phoneposting, so I can't go into detail. The recent developments Ethiopia could be considered history changing. Their new prime minister is trying to shift the country from autocratic developmentism (economy>civil rights) to democratic developmentism (economy&civil rights). That's pretty fucking huge if you think about it. China developed along autocratic lines, it utilized it's transition from poverty to wealth as a means to secure legitimacy for the ccp. Now China seeks to export that ideology to Africa. And, despite what most would have you believe on Jow Forums, the next spacerace-esque competition between the great powers is the development of Africa. The African continent has been growing fast in most sectors, it's detriments such as disease, literacy, child mortality has been in sharp decline. China seeks to capitalize new markets and new allies. With the case of autocratic developmentism in Ethiopia, they had the perfect poster-boy for other African countries to follow (and thus fall under Chinese influence, not control per se). However, this new prime minister Abiy Ahmed, is fucking that up and opening the door for western investments. I can't recall a multi-ethnic country that developed rapidly under democratic developmentism. If Abiy manages to set Ethiopia on that path, he will consequently deligitmize autocratic developmentism in all its forms (at least deligitmize china in academia), open the door towards dualistic investment (both western and eastern) and prove to the rest of africa (mostly adherents to the washington consensus, i.e. trash) that a country may achieve rapid, state-led development under the democratic aegis of a people

Could anyone from Libya verify this picture? Was Gaddafi a good guy? Or atleast a decent guy?

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No I'm the self hating Mexican user who you told to go kill himself

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Can you fags get your own thread? We dont want you subhumans here

hello based orthodox fellows, good to see there is internet in africa

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Not a libyan but i'm middle eastern and so far i can say the guy understands what he is talking about. Gaddafis problem that the guy mentions is a general problem in the middle east. We all have large dreams and we are willing to fight and take action for them, but we lack contemplation and being a bit more thoughtful about how we go about taking action. Its too masculine of a culture.

Ethiopia's growth is extremely unsurprising. Just take a look at Somalia before the 80's the Ogaden war plus clanism cracked that country and wrecked it in a freeze-thaw sort of model it would've probably been a great place had those events not taken place or Reagan got into office earlier. One thing I can say though is your right about Abiy being an idiot on what he's doing to his country, multiple ethnic group clashes are getting more and more common over which are just gonna get worse and worse at this pont they should adopt the Chinese ideology otherwise they'll go down the route that'll leave them fragile and with little to know growth. Only thing is I'm predicting it to die like it's neighbour but with an even bigger crash and burn with clashes between habeshas and promos/tigrayans judging by what's happening in Addis Ababa.

But it seems their leader is convinced the western powers will help it out at this point and they'll end up more like them which probably isn't gonna happen.

One thing I might add is Abiy is treading on thin ice but he's close to crossing the river. It's not gonna take a lot for him to fall but his recent gains on trade ports in Somalia are helping him although he's just taking control of sell out politicians.

anon0t#seis ocho veinte y siete

Ese es mi discord pero no hablo mucho y a veces no reviso mis mensajes por dias,
agregame si quieres

So what brings you around here ey?

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Yeah, democratic developmentism will be a hit or miss for Abiy. If it does manage to work, however, the precedent would be huge. Imo, I think it will work. The rise of ethnic clashes is just a symptom of decades-long repressed tension. As the country stabilizes, its neighbors will follow suit (especially if Somaliland becomes a recognized state). Ethiopia will still recieve massive investments from China, but with legitimate democracy in sight, western companies will feel inclined to invest as well. These coming decades will be a test for Ethiopia, whether to achieve a nation of "Ethiopianness," or to fragment into the multitude it always was for the past thousand years. The former is my hope

Hope it works out to be honest. Although is Somaliland does get recognised then say hi to your new Somali civil war that'll absolutely end the whole country, it's better they improve Somalia and keep it a federal semi-autonomous state like puntland at this point, that place is based on clanism and abs already caused deaths before so recognising it is a huge no go.

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It was due to Gaddafis plan of making gold-backed African Dinar for the whole continent to use - African euro if you will.
That is why he started selling Libyas oil for gold, not US dollars like majority of oil sells and buyings are done.
JewSA and Europe (Franxe particularly, thank Sarcozy that quarter-Jew) saw this as a threat to their currencies, so Gaddafi had to go.
It was no surprise soon after "Libyan rebels" started popping up and suddenly everyone was against Gaddafi. You probably remember Hillary Clinto and Bengazi incident, all falseflags.
Before this nobody really cared about Gaddafi, sure he had done some shady deals but he turned backwards desert to prosperous country even surpassing South Africa in some regards. He was also the final blockade to Europe from migrant hordes, there are numerous quotes about this. Italy was good buddies with Libya due to this.

Then it came tumbling down: Gaddafi dead, Libya turned into anarchy, migrant hordes to Europe and funnily enough some Libyans turned back to their barbary pirate ways - there are slave markets that sell negroes that came from south.
So much for """"liberating""""" Libya.

who else here /ethiopia/? I was going to post an anime r63 mengistu, but he was pretty messed up, and I can't be bothered to find it. Maybe I'll post it later.


anyways lemme tell you immediately the biggest problem of Africa

Way too many ethnic groups. I have identified more than 200 languages spoken by more than 500k people

y'all need to assimilate that shit

Lmao a serb suggesting "ethnic assimilation". Ironic.

I'm Libyan

kos omak iza ma bet7eb algaddafi

>kos omak
There is no "kos" in daraji (also its a persian word that mashreqis stole from us)

Are Somali bros welcomed here?

>rape cellar
>secret harems
>raped gorillions

why do you faggots always makeup the most fantastical stories about defeated enemies?

really makes me question all the other ridiculous propaganda stories from ww1 and on

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>Are Somali bros welcomed here?
We're all fucking welcome here my guy, no matter what part of east Africa your form.

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>Warya meeshan maxa ka samaynusaa? Dadkaan khaaniis ii yaheen leekin dad fiican aa ku juro
Rate it out of 10 senpai

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Bump in a sexy original way bruh


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>who else here /ethiopia/? I was going to post an anime r63 mengistu, but he was pretty messed up, and I can't be bothered to find it. Maybe I'll post it later.

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I will soon, because you asked. Hang in there, user. I got you.

Goddamn it all we need now are Ghanaians so we can all laugh at you for doing black magic

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U MAD????

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Oh you goddamn Igbos and your weird voodoo shit. It's time to meet your end Nigerians we're the best afwicanz.

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I couldn't find it on my machine, so I just googled "mengistu anime" and found it in seconds.

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Well that looks like a nice sexy ass anime lady. Welp no idea what it has to do with old man mengitsu but it looks good.

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it's supposed to be a genderswapped mengistu or something, I dunno. The version I had saved had some text explaining it or something, if I remember correctly.