Does this look like a loli, will mummy know

Im getting mummy to laminate all my posters for me.
I have 30+ posters of all different sizes and some of them are loli ones like
>pic related is one of the loli posters

Will mummy think im a pedo? she already has asked if im attracted to children because she seen my loli wall scroll and I said woman look like trannies.

Attached: loli love.jpg (550x800, 92K)

More than likely user, your mistake was not doing it yourself. It cant be that hard, and if you do it yourself all shame is gone.

here is proof of poster.

Attached: pic related.jpg (1920x2560, 1.21M)

>, your mistake was not doing it yourself
I cant go outside im hikikomori

Attached: hikki3.png (589x734, 85K)


user, I...

Imma be frank with you user, I kinda feel bad for your mum. Imagine being a parent that has to look at them, hold them, and carry the posters in public where anyone can see. Imagine having to explain to a stranger that it's your son's posters of sexy children.

I feel reallu bad for his mom as I feel bad for him
Its a fucking clown world we live in

A real question would be why user would have such risque posters in his room. Almost any normie who'd walk in there would assume it's the lair of some pedo. I bet his parents try to not walk in there.

well she only has to take them to a shop to get laminated.
actually, im deemed literally disabled because mental illness.
my mum and dads fault and my sick brains fault im like this anyway.
>Its a fucking clown world we live in
your on R9K
>A real question would be why user would have such risque posters in his room
because its my room.
>Almost any normie who'd walk in there would assume it's the lair of some pedo.
why would anyone walk into my room
> I bet his parents try to not walk in there.
I keep my door locked, I already have art on my walls and mummy has seen my Waifu dakki

Attached: im-ten.png (1200x675, 811K)

why do you need your mum to do such a thing? cant you do it yourself?

I think you're based and you should keep doing what you do, nice posters btw

It literally has the word loli on it so yes. I dont think it looks like a loli though
>disgusting birthing hips
Its clearly a hag pretending to be a loli and you are obviously a hebephile under the illusion youre a lolicon. Not that it makes a difference to your parents but if youre going to blame them for 'making you this way' anyway why would you care if they know youre into younger fake girls?

Attached: 1516587679672.png (185x185, 41K)

>why do you need your mum to do such a thing? cant you do it yourself?
because I cant go outside my man, I explained it already.
shes a cute loli pffffft

I agree, Rika is very cute.

Attached: 1524226272817.png (185x185, 43K)

Could be worse. He could be a girl, and his mum would have to raise a daughter.

Imagine if he were born a girl, but still turned out like this.

You should do it you neet. Just because you have no shame dosn't mean you mother can't feel embarrassed. It's better to do non sexual ones.

Attached: 1482338852509.png (969x1253, 1.45M)

Are you that user who makes all those daki threads in here? Asking because you call it "dakki" too and I've only ever heard that from those threads.

Pig discutling and yes, that is a child and you are a pedo

>getting mother to laminate your posters
>she gets seen doing it, not you
That's an issue in itself

The fact that it fucking says loli life on it might be a problem

Yeah I dunno who these people are on here who have [other] normals always going into their rooms. No one ever comes into mine, my parents respect my space and since I am not a total normgroid theres no reason for anyone else to come in here and see my shit.

It's your room, your shit, anyone who blunders their way in and complains should have kept their fucking noses out of your business. You're based OP.

Who cares if she knows, you're to based for it to matter.
Megumin is lame though t. man with a body pillow of her.

i want to get drunk and blackout with rika

...Im a girl and I turned out like this too

show us your weeb merch user

>Megumin is lame though t. man with a body pillow of her.
She is my Waifu
i cant be fucked but ill post one of my dakki then... well no because taht is personal.
I spent $700 on posters...

ill show my wall scroll..

Attached: wall scroll.jpg (1920x2560, 1.4M)

If she doesn't know it's because she just doesn't want to acknowledge your pedophilia. Just try to look somewhat normal until you move out then do your weird shit

Your waifu a shit, a shit HAG!!!
This is that discord owner dude though right? I've talked to you a lot, very unique posting style.
Keep us updated on your life.

Stop posting this shit everywhere

Attached: 1399873873620.png (232x228, 10K)

I honestly don't know if ur joking or not but god damn
>has loli AF body
>says 'loli life' on it

The megumeme dakki user is my favorite poster on reddit9k.

nobody cares what a spider thinks

fuck. I have pretty severe arachniphobia too. How am I going to live as myself?

Attached: 1538089755501.png (728x691, 112K)

who are (you)?
calling peoples Waifu shit,hmmm I may have an idea who you are.
addicted to opiates yet kek

I wish, I'm too poor for that.
You have no idea who I am but don't get so triggered about my opinion, I was just poking fun at you.

Considering how retarded Australia is when it comes to lolis, I'd be worried that your mother gets reported if she's seen with that poster. Then again, she's a woman, so maybe it's fine.

sorry man, just thought you may be a recent person who has started to hate me...sorry fren
meh its my mum.
its not nude who cares, its a cute loli.

Why are you lamenting posters to begin with?
I never understand the need to surround yourself with materialistic stuff, though maybe I'm just a minimalist.

>Why are you lamenting posters to begin with?
>buy $700 of posters
>dont laminate them.

I cant have my Waifu getting dirty, and I want to make sure they are clean.