>be slut
>dress like thot
>get raped
>go to court
>commit suicide
Be slut
Other urls found in this thread:
Justice has been served. In times like these, even a sliver of hope like this means so much. Thanks for posting, OP. Hope you have a good day.
if her drawers show slit you must acquit
your lack of empathy towards women also repels you from them
Where was his lack of empathy for women? All I see is complaining about the lack of empathy for men.
women have no empathy for men or for anyone besides themselves. women are inherently hypocritical sociopaths
now go git killed you stupid roastie whore
>wearing a thong
>not asking for it
Based lawfags
If something like this happened to a man the media would treat it like a joke
roasties not getting away with their thottery or being believed when they claim theyve been raped is always literal justice. makes me pretty happy. glad she killed herself
>I can hold my underwear up to chad and say it is a statement!
How to bait women 101, crafty.
I mean I could buy it if it was like a Walmart thong, but it was a full blown expensive frilly lace thong that was meant to be seen. She was obviously trying to get some and regretted it.
I don't understand the outrage about all this, as the defense attorney your job is to do whatever possible to help your client go free.
Don't you get it? Women can never be wrong. Dressing like a slut and begging for sex doesn't mean you actually want sex. Are you a stupid MAN or something?
I really hope that most of these post are trolling and/or trying to fit in here, but even ironically saying shit like that really does alienate people from normal society.
Maybe not as a joke, but yeah, most likely ignored. Still, I'm fairly sure that being incredibly bitter at best, evil at worst is not a good answer.
In a way, you are right, but it really shouldn't have worked. By this logic the accused could have been made to show his cock in court to prove that he was obviously not worthy of consensual sex, therefore he is a rapist. I have a very hard time taking either scenario seriously as evidence.
Also, I'm not really following this shit, was the underwear really the reason she lost the case? Kind of sounds like a shitshow of a trial
>evil at worst
you are flamboyantly female. fuck off whore
she claimed they were ripped off of her by the defendant and the defense was that they were not literally ripped so her story was a lie
Can someone tl;dr what happened?
Damn that's a toasty roasty
>a stranger who i didn't meet on tinder fucked me oh no i might aswell kill myself
its okay me and my friends plan on starting a group where we fuck guys and then call the police and say we were raped
>le edgy teenager response xD
>le i'm not supposed to make light of rape and suicide but i am le very edgy and making light of these things xD
>le xDDDD
Apart from the fact that I'm a man, do you honestly not see what I'm talking about? I didn't even say that she was raped or not, I don't know shit about the case. I simply stated that this kind of rabid reaction to other people is incredibly offputting and can cause problems in one's social life. Would you describe yourselves as content and well-adjusted people? I'm not saying it's impossible, but I kind of doubt it. And yes, being happy that a random teenager in fucking Ireland offed herself is pretty much the definition of evil.
If so, that's factually untrue and yeah, shit for her case. Isn't this something that should have come up during the investigation? Ripped off can be an euphemism for forcefully removing I suppose, but yeah, does not look very good.
Sounds like every female before a party, what is new there?
>w-watch your social credit guiz!
You are the worst kind of faggot
Lots of girls are pressured to wear thongs and dress slutty by their friends, they just want to look pretty. How does wearing frilly underwear excuse someone forcing themselves on you? Why didn't he stop when she asked or looked scared?
Because she was fucking lying. She killed herself because her lies were exposed in court and she was proven to be a stupid slut the end
>commonly used idioms aren't factual
well it's a pretty retarded angle to work but I think it paid off
But the court hearing never proved the rape false.
It literally says that in the article OP linked. lol
Let me guess, she claimed that she was """Raped""" so bad her underwear had blood stains. Thus they were evidence, and she had to show them in court, where they didn't have blood on them.
Bitch I'm married. Project somewhere else, Anyone can post on this board.
The thing is, she didn't lose the case. The offender was sentenced to 4 years in juvie and will be listed as a sex offender for the rest of his life. He might get probation, but she didn't "lose" the case by any means. He was convicted of rape, so she killed herself over...what? Showing her underwear to the court? Wtf?
"On Wednesday, the boy who raped Lindsay was sentenced to four years detention. He will be put under supervision for a further three years and will be placed on the sex offenders' register."
The normies are just mad she was hot and killed herself. No one here actually gives a shit
Never forget, they are sorry for how they treat us. If they are single after 40. That is when you dick and dash.
> Being sexually assaulted is a traumatic event
Who'd have thunk, huh?
What is the worst kind of faggot, in your mind? I'm really unsure you can hurt my feelings over the internet, but you are welcome to try, if you must.
At this point in time it's widely accepted that social media is a poor substitute for offline companionship, therefore some degree of social acceptability is beneficial for almost everybody.
Sorry, I'm stupid, are you talking about the defense attorney or the girl trying to explain it away? I would imagine attacking this kind of shit is not unheard of in criminal trials. It's more surprising that they were not prepared for it.
Pretty sad all around, one side wants to castrate every male, the other wants to lynch every female pretty much.
>adult women are now photographing their underwear and tweeting about it
the parents alleged she was re-traumatized during the trial by the defense attorney claiming that since the drawers were not literally ripped that her accusing the suspect of ripping them off of her was a lie.
she very well could have offed herself either way, but it's fuel in the don't treat rape victims like criminals can
But on the other hand, trying shit like this is the literal job of the defense attorney, isn't it? Not getting the client off the hook becaues it would traumatise the victim is simply a job poorly done. Maybe it's my ignorance showing, but shouldn't the judge intervene in situations like that, if the attorney crosses a line?
>be pretty girl
>friends take you shopping and suggest you wear a thong
>fall in love with cute guy
>want to makeout and cuddle
>forces himself on you and then bounces
>accuse him of rape and win the case.
>kill yourself because he didn't get a life long sentence or publicly executed
No death penalty in Europe, remember. Except possibly Belarus.
it's somewhat like Peterson blathering on endlessly and then if someone addresses the topic he's discussing making them define the words they're using or replying to. I don't know what the judge's job is but pretending you don't understand english to try and misrepresent a story is pretty unimpressive semantics
So this means all the girls who posted their underwear on twitter are going to kill themselves too.
one of my ex's was infinitely more aggressive against thots and hoes than I was. She even tried to make me harass a girl that got "drunk raped", one of the reasons we broke up.
Why would you break up with a crazy girl? She sounds like fun and I'd love to get lost in some insane romantic world with her.
My father sold lingerie for some time, he sold thongs and shit.
Once he was trying to convince a certain girl to buy a thong
And her answer to him was: " I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND"
So, yes, she was asking for it.
She wasn't crazy she was just like a traditional male muslim(religious). She was extremely over controlling, caused me to become a shut in and caused a long of issues for me. Wanted me to sit in a hole until she finished school(she was becoming a doctor, that's 5-8 years of schooling.) and then eventually become a house husband. Still recovering from that shit.
>social acceptability
That is flatout promoting being a good lil animal in the herd, so yeah you ARE unironically stupid.
Also you are dissing socmedia as a bad replacement while claiming you should be required to act on it like in RL. What is it now?
>yandere gf in doctor school who wants a househusband
Damn, some get all the chances with good ones
>she literally ruined his life all for nothing
>she didnt even stay alive for the sociopathic roastie satisfaction
women are truly subhuman.
It wasn't really yandere...
Just imagine the mind a stereotypical muslim extremist(normal muslim) inside the body of a girl.
Not to "murder all girls that look at you"tier (yet), but seemed to be a controlling af girl who wanted to keep you for herself, no?
What a shit thread.
I know nothing about what happened from the bit you cropped, there's no link and it sure as fuck isn't intriguing enough for me to look it up.
Good riddance. One less roastie to suffer in this world.
The fucking jurors didn't and the barrister who brought up her knickers was a woman
>seemed to be a controlling af girl who wanted to keep you for herself, no?
she was that AND
>"murder all girls that look at you"tier
AND a normie muslim type person. It's hard to explain some one on this level and years long situation.
Maybe not the best word for it, but I consider Jow Forums as social media as well. The point is, even if people get some degree of satisfaction from participating in the online hatefest, be it left or right wing, after a point it really fucking poisons their mind.
I'm not saying that you have to parrott everything that the left tells you to. I can see the shift in Western culture as well, and I'm not particularly happy about it. But for fuck's sake, trolling about tradwives while jerking it to loli porn in this godforsaken shitty place is so fucking contraproductive, it makes me genuinely angry.
The same goes for being happy that some stupid girl killed herself in a case most of us know fuck all about. Being jaded and cynical and angry is not cool, not woke, not alpha, not redpilled, it's just sad and lonely.
Good on you for getting out, this kind of shit almost never stays at this level. At first it's fucking whores eyeing her man, but after a while it's like you got something to hide. And after that it's being beaten with a fucking saucepan because she had a bad day.
God... this is so weird, like I said trying to describe this situation is really difficult.. I was never a push over, and any time I did even the slightest thing to show dissatisfaction she would start crying uncontrollably. So even if she did start to hit me with a wooden spoon over having a bad day all I would need to due to make her collapse into a crying mess is say "hey I don't like that".
She also held herself to these standards, I literally had to talk to a college professor for her because she refused to talk to him because he was a male. I had to lie about getting my haircut by a girl. If she was a more interesting person I probably would have been able to stick it out but it was just a really dull relationship and situation. Also the freak outs and impossible standards.
Huh, at least she seems to be fair about it. Maybe I'm wrong, obviously it's you who knows her, but tears and shit are a pretty good tool of manipulation. I mean you did have to tiptoe around her convictions, and as you said, in the long run, the only option was to conform. So it's not like you being forced to do things her way bothered her that much.
Or maybe I'm just paranoid these days, fuck if I know.
Aside from the muslim specialties, still rather tempting. Anyway you didn't like it and KNOW I am weird for wanting something like it as I can steer her too, at the same time. But enough derailing
wow you sound really upset that im raping so many german women. did a muslim touch you (with a condom i hope because europe = stds)
oh they didn't mention that little detail.
Nope, actually been thinking about converting to Islam. The only thing I hate more than mudslimes are liberals. Doesn't mean stereotypes stop existing or are inaccurate. You do realize it's a common fantasy for your women to have a blue eye blond hair white guy to come and save them from the life they live, right?
To be honest, rape isn't really ever okay. It can be worse or not as bad depending on the situation, but overall you can't not blame the person who committed the rape.
The answer is really just making women cover up, if they don't want to be sexually harassed. Proceed from there.
why do you think making women cover up is either a realistic solution or even solves anything in the first place? the decrease would probably not be big enough to consider enforcing new clothing laws.
that's fine. no one has any empathy for me. they never did. i'm just another white male.
i think that's actually caused by your autism not your skin colour+sex
Womens bodies are just sinful and often disgusting. :)
this. women want constant empathy but wont show any.
and my lack of empathy for some roastie is because of her cock addiction. not because she's a female
They dress like that for a reason dude, it gets attention
Because despite men having it worse on every way we apparently don't need empathy as much
this. we just gotta man up, stop complaining, and deal with our problems ourselves.
ahh that's the good stuff
>still responds
huh... well... THAT sure is interesting
What a gay NPC response
You talk like a fag or a valley girl
Do the people who make these kind of posts actually think we are anything like how we talk on here irl?
>inb4 people can somehow sense it or "just tell"
no, they can't and you're a fucking idiot