Now that the dust has settled and this meme is practically dead, what is the virgin's name? I nominate Bryan, I've never meet a Bryan that wasn't autistic.
ITT we give this guy a name
Also, this comment is original.
I thought it was Daniel.
Can't remember where I saw that, but I remember people calling him Daniel.
At least in my country Brians are poor people (equivalent of gangsta? Idk) that still get laid a lot.
Official or not, I agree with this one. Every Daniel I met was a total loser, fat, neckbeard, incel, unironically fedora wearing, etc.
I've met one decent Daniel before, the others are pretty dumb. My own uncle Daniel is a fucking loser who dropped out of culinary school and is probably still unemployed.
hey, im not a fat neckbeard, im under 110lbs
Class sperg at my high school was called Brian. He once got rekt in the head with a hockey ball and it made him more retarded
I also remember hearing Daniel a lot. I even have an example. If we don't go with Daniel, I'd say VirginyMcVirginface.
>under 110
how short are you?
Not that guy, but it is possible to be somewhere around that weight even with a decent height if they're underweight and already have a thin frame.
Eugene was alpha as fuck
I know a Daniel who will be a Chad.
He even has that bizarre Chad posture
virgil obviously
I know a few 6 foot anons under 110 lbs
Please excuse my autism, my jokes very rarely hit their mark.
i have always thought dean is another good substitute for chad
he canonically already has a name - eugene.
it's daniel you fuck, what the hell
sorry for the late reply, im 5'4
It's Melvin you fucking newfags.
he has never been fucking referred to as melvin in the chad/virgin cannon, what the fuck are you talking about
originalius senpaiduehs
Obviously, the only correct choice is Elliot.
11 kids in my elementary school class (5th-6th grade) were named Alex and had severe autism. So I say Alex.
Brandon, last name: Original comment
A roastie called my hair lifeless today, can anyone think of some good comebacks?
I think james seems right. It just seems right.
She probably did it to get attention. Just ignore her and she'll eventually wander to the next loser.
Any full first name that never got shortened to the nickname version would seem right. It signifies never having close friends. Daniel is a good one. I also like Jonathan
definitely melvin
only Daniel i know is a weed-smoking athletic snowboarder
What do y'all think about Kevin?
I nominate Ladle
That's me and my brothers names.
We'll call him Jeremy.
Kyle. Definitely Kyle.
fucking got me jesus
this shit is original
I be negroid
Groid Bois
Silly groid
Its Daniel you scunt
original like polio on a toad mother fucker