Post in this thread, and you will be granted a bf/gf during the next month

Post in this thread, and you will be granted a bf/gf during the next month.

They will not be your ideal partner, but they will be close enough so that you don't find any red flags in them, and so that you two are compatible.

All you have to do is post, and believe.

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I hope it's a cute sissy trap.

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You know what? I'll bite. Have a (you)

I'm so fucking lonely that I'm still going to post even if I don't think this will work...

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God I'm desperate orig

Might as well try, I guess. Hopefully it can't make anything worse.

Less do this origamundo

I want a girl I've known for several months. She isn't 'ideal', but she's cute and I want to steal her from her nu male fiance.

how do I believe the unbelievable?

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We'll rise from those fucking burn lads, we'll bloody make it.

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>still wanting an s/o

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That implies I even know what my ideal partner is. Nothing seems ideal.

lying to people isnt right

thank u doll

believing is not knowing
u must put a little effort and sanity to maintain a relationship with anyone

Sure, we shall see.

I want to believe pls sweet babby Jesus

i just want any type of relationship which can keep me getting up in the morning, don't care if a gf or a friend

Well fuck Ive tried everything else (other than actually growing the balls to approaching a femoid) might as well post

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Death to the nonbelievers desu

I'm not getting shit

What is the point in trying

>close enough so that you don't find any red flags in them
good enough

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Here I go hoping for a better tomorrow once again, hopefully this works out

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>She's just mad, she was just mad, she was really hoping you were gonna say her name. You would be mad too...

>They will not be your ideal partner, but they will be close enough so that you don't find any red flags in them
I do not know what you mean by "close enough"

What do I have to lose? I'll play along

Pls grant me gf my last one turned out to be a lesbian

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nothing to lose. So here i am.

I want a girl just like this one please.

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false hope is still hope

We will all get her someday

I want a soft sissy top

Lets go fuckers

I hope it's the dude I got my eyes on or at least someone that resembles a human being and has a half-decent personality
I know that won't happen but I'm counting on your magic, user

I believe in the power of meme magic.

Based apu at it again

I'm desperate so I'm posting and I'm believing

i can only wish
just somebody end this hell

It could actually happen so post