What do you robots think of my guitar playing? I try to play psychedelic jazz and listen to a lot of Coltrane...

What do you robots think of my guitar playing? I try to play psychedelic jazz and listen to a lot of Coltrane, Indian raga music, Hendrixy bullshit,etc. been playing for over. Decade now.


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boring as shit u need to sing over top of it

u need better influence s

Attached: 1492966768154.jpg (1500x1500, 149K)

Yeah. But my voice is shit. I write songs and stuff but they are pretty mediocre because I suck at singing.

This is something im working on that is more of a composition than improvised.
Like who? As a teen I was really into j Mascis and John frusciante. Now I like weirder stuff. I got pretty into jazz once I realized what it really is. Aside from all that I really like 80s punk and 60s psychedelic music. Inde music is still pretty cool to me. Stuff like pavement and all that. And most recently Ive been getting into electronic music like mgmt and darker bands like the birthday party and souxsie and the banshees.

First one was kind of a snoozefest. Just sounds like someone noodleing away after a while. Second one is better though. The technical skill is definitely there in both recordings but I agree with the first reply that you need some lyrics to go with it. Singing can be practiced if you can't/don't want to look for bandmates


This is a song I made a while ago after watching Groundhog Day. I think its a good song but it is mixed poorly and the singing kinda sucks. But hey youll get the picture. I would suggest headphones because it is mixed so the bass fills out the sound but that didnt really work like I thought it would over normal speakers. Also there is a 15 second pause before it starts because I had to have time to get to the drums. Once you hear a sneeze and a fire alarm beeping it should only be a second.

on the point of lyrics are mine any good?

Soon cocoon
You will be something
Very different
You couldnt guess

Floating up there
Youre always changing
A pirate ship
White silhouette

All along
You thought you knew
Youd stay the same
But things can change
they always do

Between your numbers
Lines to measure
The only thing
That always is

Spinning certain
The best reminder
For all the things
I would forget

All along
You thought you knew
Youd stay the same
But things can change they always do

Yeah, this is boring and generic as hell, dude. You sound just like every other jazz loving, guitar playing hipster I've ever heard. That chord progression is also annoying as fuck. Play something else for Christ's sake. The leads have no personality either.
One thing you certainly have is technique, but that's all I got from listening to this snorefest.

>but that didnt really work like I thought it would over normal speakers
Good tip for mixing stuff is to always listen to your mix from as many sources as possible. And take numerous breaks from mixing to let your ears rest. That's about as much as I can tell you about mixing.

And the singin ain't even bad if you ask me. Your voice has character to it. The music itself isn't exactly my style but it sounds pretty decent

You are not wrong Id just like to explain the circumstance. So I have a guitar delay pedal that loops but it can only loop 7 second clips so I usually just have one static chord playing to give rhythym and harmony. And Im playing over a weird chord and constantly substituting similar chords over it while making unusual leaps trying to make the sound unresolved and slightly confusing. I wasnt really trying to showcase my ability to move around and make pleasing lines, more the way that I interpret chords and the strange sounds I can get out of essentially an f over Bb chord. I dont want to sound unreceptive but I feel like if you dont like free jazz in the first place you are not likely to enjoy what I have done. What kind of guitarists do you like?

>And Im playing over a weird chord and constantly substituting similar chords over it while making unusual leaps trying to make the sound unresolved and slightly confusing.
Don't flatter yourself, my dude. That 6 minutes I wasted listening to your song was a very predictable 6 minutes. I've listened to free jazz before and it's not "predictable lead playing over 6 minutes of the same chord progression".

Your soloing lacks musicality i.e. dynamics, melody and phrasing. It's just sterile jazz runs. It's not interesting. You're technique is alright.

Yeah. I have headphones and decent speakers but I always forget to listen on my plain tv or something. Ive made some stuff that sounds really cool on headphones but then you listen to it on the phone and its just a mess.

I think maybe I could be a decent singer but im super pitchy you know? I mostly just write songs and stuff for me because I love it but it would be cool if I could share this stuff without feeling embarrassed.

This is exactly what I thought, learn some more advanced theory and then learn how to play the music YOU WANT to hear. Like this user said, your leads lack personality. If I had to guess why I'd say it's because your mimicking the playing of others too much. It came off kinda like "hendrixy bullshit," which is fun and fine but it's not as invigorating as truly original and expressive music.

basically smoke DMT nigga lol, you need to tap in

>but then you listen to it on the phone and its just a mess.
Well, I don't think phones speakers are a real indicator of a good mix. Most phones sound like hot trash regardless of the mix.

>I think maybe I could be a decent singer but im super pitchy you know?
And for that I would recommed singing lessons. Either proper ones in person or try some on Youtube

>but it would be cool if I could share this stuff without feeling embarrassed.
If you're anything like me you'll always feel a little bit emberrassed of it. But sharing it with the faceless masses isn't really a problem once you do it a few times. Though I personally haven't shared anything I made with people I know

Sorry but it sounds pretty boring. You have skill though. Your loop is insanely dull and annoying to listen to. However in your defense I don't listen to jazz. Closest thing for me is probably Stevie Ray Vaughan. You should try his style instead :^)

It wasnt really a song. Its not something Im working on. it was literally I just made a one chord loop and did a solo until I got bored. I am mostly curious about if anyone can tell me specifically why my phrasing sucks or something. Ive been stuck in a rut for a while now where it all kinda sounds the same no matter what notes I pick. I can do different styles but its like my phrasing is nearly identical after a while. And no matter what I have tried it always comes out the same way. I know I am an absurdly unbalanced guitar player. I accept your criticism of my predicable lead im just saying critiquing the chord progression is kind of pointless because I could very easily change that.
So I should be focusing more on melody? I think I have gotten like autistically obsessed with harmony to the point that I can get weird interesting sounds but they have little context or something like that. Thank you for being more specific.

Okay so in order to rule out the backing track Ive made a loop that isnt just reharmonizng one chord. If this still sucks I guess I just have to go back to the beginning or something. If anyone could be specific with their criticism I would really appreciate it. I know Im not David Gilmour. If Im bad thata what it is but I want to be as good as I can so if you want to beat me down be precise.

Anyway heres my much shorter hopefully more interesting jam. I turned on some pedals at some point but I think that was a mistake.

Bump so I can listen to this and give you feedback

Well, first up I agree that turning the pedals on was a mistake but otherwise I think it sounded fine to the mostly intrained ear. Not much of a fan of music where the guitar takes the centre stage though. Could've maybe used a little more "breathing room" if you get where I'm coming from. Give the listener a little more time to take in one part of the lead before jumping to the next part. Post in the next /creative/ thread if you want more feedback from people that might have a little more expertise

I enjoyed it. I can't give much criticism since you're undoubtedly better than me but personally I think the most important is that enjoying what you play comes first.

Thanks. Im doing some stuff right now but ill post more in a bit if the thread is still up.
Yeah I think I need to think dynamically with the density of my notes. Like knowing when to cool off for a bit. As well as not constantly covering a wide range of notes. That should be dynamic too. Sometimes just two notes sometimes two octaves.
I like getting in a trance when I play and slowly getting weirder and weirder. Like if you listen to raga music at first its just tasty notes and then after a while it is like crazy bebop almost. The whole time over one chord just teasing out different spaces. I guess that is not very cool to most people though. Maybe im just being stubborn. To me melody can almost sometimes take away from the trance. Like that makes it too conscious you know? What pulls me in is just exposing different palletes and mixing them up to make a mystical sound.