Millions of people die from hunger

>millions of people die from hunger
>millions of people die from diseases
>nearly half of human population lives in poverty

>you are living in comfort and you're considering suicide cuz you have no girlfriend

imagine actually being this pathetic

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Survival & Reproduction are the only thing that matters.

Guy playing Paulie was actually in previous career real mobster and excon.

Just little something.

>>millions of people die from hunger
most of them have sex regularly
>>millions of people die from diseases
most of them have sex regularly
>>nearly half of human population lives in poverty
most of them have sex regularly
>>you are living in comfort and you're considering suicide cuz you have no girlfriend
I've never had sex

sex is only a short term getaway from the horrors of every day life to these people, they gotta cope somehow like you do

This. They may be dying from hunger, but at least they are loved

The crazy thing is those people living in poverty and disease are still getting pussy and multiplying like rats

yeah this is legit
I can't go into detail with my situation due to be called out online but i live a cozy life and i'm mainly left alone by other people and not abused
i have a complex about it

suffering is subjective because it's way too easy for people to end your life or abuse you for fun

i do appreciate i'm alive but it feels shallow because it's still too easy to have ones life rhijed

>its convoluted

you mother fuckers are so delusional it's unbelievable, how does sex compensate for extremely poor living conditions? it's fucking nothing, they do it cuz that's all what they can do to make their shitty lives less miserable

Happiness is relative. How does a bunch of people dying on the other side of the world affect me? It can always be worse. Do you also tell starving people in africa that their sadness isn't real because they have it so much better than the guy that's in their situation, but with a missing arm, a missing leg, and a nasty infection. This line of thinking is ridiculous.

basic human needs are always above anything else in life you retard, that shit is taught at school

they might act happy because they have a huge chance of dying any day, it's called coping mechanism

People kill themselves from loneliness and depression, not hunger op. A normal human would rather starve than feel lonely and unloved, we're social creatures

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You're either a hypocrite or a massive retard.

What I'm saying is that some people dying on the other side of the world doesn't invalidate anyone's sadness.

lmao, you fucking emo faggot, nobody cares, you're living life in ez mode and you still fail at it, haha, how pathetic

You're either a hypocrite or a massive retard

If you look it up it's been proven people in shitty 3rd world countries are happier. So fuck off.

No one said anything about Africa, user.

Man does not live on bread alone.

exactly this
exactly this
eat shit OP

why don't move there you fuckwit? you'll kill yourself after one day without internet

>be third world
>barely above dying from hunger
>debilitating physical and mental health
>barely above poverty
>not living in comfort, not considering suicide at the moment
>still no gf
You first world fags sitting in front of your 2000 dollars Jow Forums machine and neetbux complaining about life...

Fucking show me one person who is depressed because of fucking hunger or disease, show me one you dumb retard

If there is no food you'll get depressed cause you can't feed your family, not because of yourself. Our happiness is COMPLETELY bound to other people, it's more reasonable to be depressed over a break up or dead family member or smth than being depressed over food. Unironically ask any psychologist you know pretentious dumbfag

this. and most of africa has a birth rate of 5-6 kids so they def have sex

Don't want kids or gf. First world living brings first world contemplation on life

>be third world
>never receive education
>village wise man thinks disease can be cured by poisoning a chicken and seeing if it dies or not
>family IQ of 60
>don't know what a wheel is
>still smarter than this guy

>Fucking show me one person who is depressed
how the fuck is depression worse than a constant fear of dying? lmao, you're so retarded

I'm not comparing what's worse you literal autist, I'm saying people in the third world have very low suicide rates while people in the first world very high. You know why? Because depression has nothing to do with things like food and health, or maybe a little. Depression is mostly about loneliness and feeling unloved, that's what makes people to kill themselves. If you personally prefer a life without love or friends but with wealth from a loving life with people that love you but without wealth, then that's just because you're a shallow retard, but the majority people in the world disagree with you and that's why they're killing themselves

>I'm not comparing what's worse you literal autist
>proceeds to do so

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