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Osrs 2: the bank sitting
im woodcutting right now
nice stats virgin
no wonder u dont have gf xD
er ok?
havent played in a long time so here's my stats from RS3 when it was RS2
it was great but I don't think I care enough to pay a subscription, and you lose so much as f2p, especially with higher stats. I started again in OSRS more recently, but left it for a while.
Anyone else know any good MMORPGs that I could get into that are either f2p or buy once and forget about it?
>tfw playing rs and eating pizza
I'm such a loser
aberoth is fun
just started playing again after a long break
just checked it out sounds interesting
i'll get it and cry on the reviews when i lose all my gear wish me good luck
Played for a while but quit when I realized rs gold literally translated to real money because of how overpriced everything is once you pass fucking 40 combat. It becomes a job to afford anything and the grind for it bored me. Never under any circumstances paying for videogame money.
>tfw 120 all skills RS3
>tfw rs3 sucks
osrs is good shit just got my first 99 today feelsgoodman
The whole point of the game is to grind retard
The grind is the game you dummy.
I haven't played in 2 years, but I've really been thinking about picking it up again. Are all of my member bank items still there? Do they just not let you access the extra bank when you're f2p?
>tfw you missed afk magic training, because you thought it would be around forever.
who /gold premiere/ here??
All your stuff is there but your bank is effectively worthless because you cant use or deposit anything because its full. You also cant sell or transfer any members items until you renew.
Ok, cool. I was gonna renew, but wouldn't have bothered if my shit was gone.
try to switch realms when you get tired of being pked, remember to engrave your stuff
Holy fucking shit, membership is expensive as hell now. Also, I can't buy a membership for just osrs so that they can justify it. Greedy fuckers.
I wish I could go onto osrs and roleplay again.
I miss the really big massive roleplays with like 40+ people involved. I roleplayed as a customs officer in one case and then again as a guy who delivers bread.
>roleplay as a bread delivery guy
We had a massive RP about Romans and stuff with something like 60 odd people involved by the end.
Everyone could have all sorts of jobs once all the combat roles were taken and for a while I was the Bread delivery guy. It was kind of cozy roleplaying as a member of a town who everyone knows while I deliver them their bread
in one of the rp stories the tale was that Edgeville got sacked by barbarians and that was where I'd made my character "live" so I fled south to Falador and was taken in by one of the nobles with whom I started ERP-ing in the attic of those tall fally houses
You can buy membership once and make money for an hour and have enough for your bond and extra leftover.
how much do bonds cost?
>trying to find an empty room in varrock to erp with your rs gf
Never had enough money to buy a gf but some of the stories my old clan chat use to tell
around 3.2m
i never managed to make 1m
Bonds are 3.5m but once you get that membership there are a lot of ways of making money so one will stick to you
its nice so far kinda reminds me of MUDs the way you interact w/ NPCs
bonds arent worth it in f2p. You should buy a single month of membership (or get the free trial) and work something out in members.
You dont even need a phone just use Bluestacks and a credit card for a seven day free trail. Remember to cancel the membership after you start.
gz niggy
gz hot stuff
Pretty much stopped playing when theater of blood came out. Lost the motivation to continue. I don't really care about the game enough. Sick of updates and new things.