Lets talk about yu-gi-oh! Jow Forums. Post decks, anime, nostalgia and other yu-gi-oh! stuff. No duel links.
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Dueling book is an in browser sim to play the game without automation.
Or if you prefer automation ygopro Percy is a downloadable sim through the discord invite you can easily search. Again no duel links.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Thread
>No duel links
I play on Percy. Been testing out Raidraptors now that their Link is out. It's been fun and am glad the deck is functional again.
Orcusts are my true love though.
Anti-heal decks. Love those. Salt mines. Can still play against all that new generation shit.
Duel links is a blight
Very annoying strategy. Got a deck list? Here is my paleozoic frog deck. (I know 2 impermanence isn't ideal, but a third was too expensive, and it's searchable).
On a phone at work now. Basically its this nurse monster, gift cards and this otjer coin flipping card that gives heal.to enemy and some stall mobs, more draw card cars and thats all i remember atm. Havent played it in a year.. Its all pre synchro.
Oh user you are like a little babe. Hanewata ends your strategy (:
im not very good at yugioh, but the deck i have is mainly focused blocking summons and clearing the field.
trying to build an unbral horror deck next
Here's my current PK Orcust build. Going to replace DAD soon, he's just been a brick in my hand too often.
I'm still experimenting on a TCG version to take to locals. Can't afford the Borrels right now so that kind of sucks.
Unbral horror? I'm not sure what you're looking for, but this deck of mine is centered around summoning the Entities (cards based on HP Lovecraft's mythos) for OTK. Why grepher over Arma Knight? I don't know much about Orcusts.
Here's my ritual blue-eyes for any nostalgia friends that want to make the OG dragon boss work.
I kind of stopped playing like six months ago back when Sky Strikers were the hottest thing. Has the meta changed?
I like to play decks centralized around powerful boss monsters instead of swarming, could I get some relevant recommendations?
Also, post your favorite card.
Some dinosaur fun if you like UNGA BUNGA
Trickstar Sky Strikers is dead. Altergeists, Gouki, and pure Sky Strikers are the current meta. Thunder Dragons (I'll post my build) are also coming onto the scene in the TCG.
Invoked Thunder Dragon fun. The pure build is better desu, but it's still fun to use the invoked engine, and caliga is something a lot of people don't expect.
>Why grepher over Arma Knight? I don't know much about Orcusts.
Because if you summon AK and get Ashed or negated by a handtrap like Impermanence, you have no other play to make unless you open with Return or some other way to discard. Same thing happens to Grepher, he discards as cost so you'll get some GY set up at the very least to do more than NS AK and pass.
My geist build. I prefer Frogs to Geists, but they're very good in the meta if you like trap decks. Oh and for I forgot that Danger! Darkworld FTK is running around. Any anons that like cryptids can give Danger! a try, but preferably not the FTK build.
I would have kept playing irl and online if duel links never came out. Yugioh was the only thing that got me outside. I got top 3 at a ycs in 2014 amd 2015. Now i dont leave my home. I have nothing for my tism to be good at.
Cool, thanks user. I like 'purer' decks with single archetypes and minimal outside support so this all sounds good.
How do i sell my cards online eithout getting scammed.
Here is a pure build of Thunder Dragons.
I've had no trouble doing it on ebay.
And last with Thunder Dinos. I've got more decks in mind to build, but that's all I have on ygopro right now.
Is that risk really so high that it makes the discard effect better than the free foolish Arma has?
It is imo with handtraps growing more and more common. Discarding also isn't really a downside in PK or Orcust. You want your monsters in the GY.
Also user, since you like trap decks so much, do you have a Traptrick build with the new Link? I'm curious about it but I've never built Traptricks so I'd like a good basis to start with.
I have not built traptricks. I am not a fan of waifus, or pedobait decks. Trap trick will be good for my froggy friends but that is about it. Paleozoic link that summons a lv 2 aqua monster from the deck and negates its effects when?
*frog link
A paleo link ought to set traps from the deck and let you summon a Paleozoic trap as a monster without the need for a trap to chain to
Could help me to choose is i build a shiranui or a mayakashi, and i should get the zombie structure to build one of this two decks?
can't believe this hasn't been posted yet
I used to drop so much snot to this little whore
>Photon Sanctuary
>which keeps you from summoning the rituals, the entire goal of the deck
No porn derail please
Probably better as a side deck card. Been testing it after a rec on /dng/ for making hip hoshinigen if you have to go first. Opens up zones for things like number 90, and number 38
Wow. I am very grateful I opened arcanine today. I never see yugioh threads anywhere, and one here? Thats a rare site.
I am an old player. I picked it up in when it first took off in 2002 when I was in high school. I kept with it until about 2011. At first I did not like synchro summoning, but I very quickly turned and loved it as I was able to curb stomp anyone who hadnt moved with the meta.
The irony is I am in the same boat now. I stopped playing after about 2011/2012 for no reason other than I got a soul crushing call centre job and abandoned all my hobbies except lurking.
I have gone out and bought a few of the nostalgia packs that have come out, it has inspired me to get into the game properly, as I am a little bored with the old format. Even GOAT seems a little stale. So I am excited to learn pendulum, XYZ, link summoning, and I am sure there is another mechanic I have missed.
Given I have zero real life friends to play with, what is the best way to learn these new mechanics? Is there an online program that I can use to battle a low level AI?
Ygo pro The Dawn of a New Era has AI but is malware. You can use Percy to host a game and open a second window of it to play yourself for combo practice. Youtube has good combo tutorials, and archetype overviews as well.
it's not porn she's just a kyewT3.14
i used to play Ghostrick but i tried to be aggressive with them. they probably suck even more with the switch to extra deck summoning
Decks I have IRL:
Dragunity, red eyes, subterror, metaphys, ancient gear.
I hate metacucks.
>REEEE muh meta
Pretty meme tier. Metaphys is pretty cool and pet decks are fun. I typically dislike meta too. Prefer rogue strategies.
I used to take meme decks to local tournaments way back when. I'd pick an archtype and build a deck around it, just to see how it did. Stupid stuff like Morphtronics, Genex, Malefics. I managed to make top 4 in a big local tournament with a Fabled deck, probably my best achievement. That deck was actually pretty based and became my main for a while.
Is there any hope for someone who hasn't played competitively for around 7 years to get back into the game? Some of the new stuff looks stupidly complicated.
There is absolutely hope to get into things. There are plenty of budget rogue strategies like Dinos or Frog Paleozoic if you dislike the meta. All you gotta do is test out cards and maybe watch some tutorials on YouTube. Watch Cvit on youtubes fluffal guide.
They are dead. Links cant be put face down so they ruin the deck
For anons that are trying to get back into the game, I recommend Odd-Eyes as a learning tool. It's a deck that uses every Extra Deck type and Pendulums to help you understand how they work, it's really fun to play, has multiple build options and different win cons, and can take wins off meta decks occasionally.
Dont run venom dragon
It was the only Odd-Eyes pic I had on my PC.
You should get more. They look pretty aesthetic
Here is a trap tricks deck list from /dng/
This is Aoi Zaizen from Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains. She is the best Ygo girl and also my cute wife.
Get the Zombie Structure. Shiranui are hot garbage even after the new support in SAST and Mayakashi are somehow worse. Doomking Baldroch alone makes ZW the best zombie variant currently.
Trickcancer needs to die and the players feel every burn theyve inflicted on their cocks for eternity.
Post your Ace Monster
I posted him in the OP
Pic related.
Aoifag, you're better off posting in the waifu thread. You're just going to get shitposting from people who hate Trickstars in this thread.
I don't like competitive trickstars though. I just really like Aoi.
People will still do it because everyone associates Trickstars with Aoi. If you want to talk about your waifu, the waifu thread is the best place for it. It's super comfy.
Don't tell me you virgins actually play a children's card game. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I loved my Hieratic/Ritual Deck if i were to start playing it'd deinately be the deck i use.
Impcantations make rituals very consistent
Updated ritual blue-eyes
Non-ritual build. Photon sanctuary works far better in it.
is this for IRL? If not then you should max out on the SAST impcantations as they're amazing
I dont ever build for the OCG or weird mixed formats ygopro has.
Danger Sekka Mermail build I've been testing recently -- never really brick and can consistently gumblar+moulinglacia going 1st or set up U link
>Firewall Dragon
You degenerate whore. Other than that interesting deck user.
Prankids for when Rock comes out. They are super cute and can plus like mad with weather and bowwow.
I feel bad for playing solitaire with it irl, but mostly I just playtest vs myself in LAN mode lol
user you must be punished for firewall's sins
How consistent are they?
It depends on if you can open IF/Prankids prank/fusion spell + 1-2 prankids. If you can then its smooth sailing but if you can't you fall flat on your face. People like to run the scorpion engine but thats in builds that don't run rock.
Bump yuges
Card game died in 2013
Shitters that whine about white/black/pendulum/link cards leave
I think my main gripe with pendulums is that the card design just looks.. so ugly
cant imagine ruining deck aesthetics with a pendulum card
Isn't the new top deck Altergeist?
Sky Strikers (pure) and Gouki are jostling for the most tops currently. Altergeist is third best.
If you run pendulums basically the entire deck will be pendulums with maybe a handful of spells thrown in because they need to have the deck built around them. You generally dont just toss one in a deck as an engine or staple.
Altergeist is the only deck i can't beat the bot in on Ygopro
Gozen Match
Not really a fan of links, but I thought, Rokket looks cool. Of course Komoney has to make all their boss monsters generic top tier meta cards so budget players get fucked again. Why can't they just make busted cards for the top decks and leave the low tier decks alone? I'm tired of this shit
Borreload is only $16
r4nk toolbox is pretty cheap too