Is it that time of the month fembots?

is it that time of the month fembots?

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No such thing as fembots, fagoot.

fembots don't into existence

are diapers a suitable substitute to pads?

She looks cuter on the right though

Return to your true nature, child.

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It's probably going to hit me on Thanksgiving. I hope I don't get blood in the pies.

am I the only one who has a constant butt period? fembot (male) here. Not blood, just shitty discharge

Women are pathetic beasts.

Mine just ended.

>recently tried reusable towels for the first time
>tfw they were actually pretty comfy and cleaning them didn't feel gross at all

How did you clean them, user. Did you have to remove the clumps by hand?

for me not yet
you see when i cock it give me diarrhea
but is worth it
btw man

I just leave it in my hedgehogs cage for the night and machine wash the next day. Little feller takes care of most of the dirty work for me.

this bitch obviously crazy

>tfw no weak and sad gf to hold in my arms

I ran it under warm water until I could no longer see blood then threw it in the washing machine with the rest of my laundry.

wow 5 pounds, I literally weigh 40 times that

any of you have experience with menstural cups? i have one but it hurts like hell to try and put it in

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nigga have you even HEARD of the crystal cafe?

very convenient for a quick shot glass of period blood

This comic is transphobic.

Wake up
Wake up
Wake up
Its the first of the moooooonth

I'm the "Period Days" girl every day of my cycle.

So un comfi
I used them when i was thru hiking the was horrible and I will never use them again.
I wld have rather had tampons and just burry them

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jesus, i remember when this was state-of-the-art

Tehehe Look how cute and quirky and alternative I am in these hipster comics I draw of myself te he he

Anyone else get the urge to cheat on their boyfriend during your period? I heard we are more attracted to alpha males during this time. I can't stop thinking about my boss right now. Fuck. I hate him and love my boyfriend though
Why am I such a whore?

ITT: men pretending to have periods

all'o'y'all're gonna be *g*a*s*s*e*d*

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one more week kms

Do femanons like being monmy tier? Like of a guy cried in your arms would you think less of him for it?

Ugh, yes I know exactly what you're talking about. All of a sudden I get so many overwhelming intrusive thoughts about tall muscular men and I don't even want to be a shallow bitch because I really do love my bf I just hope I don't end up in a situation where it's hard to resist doing something I'll regret

Fembots use contraceptives(despite being sexually inactive) and other drugs that upset their cycle and damage their biology. They don't get a period like a normal female should.

jesus christ, at least get it right, that usually happens when women are ovulating you stupid fuck

Oh well next time.

No one cares about your subhuman problems, go watch lifetime or something.

Yes it is. I get really hungry and at the same time try to eat as little as I can.

Wow cock on the brain huh? Typing cock so much it pretty much just Auto corrects every word to cock on your pink Galaxy S8? What a shocker.

Welcome to the state of every female ever.

No I would like it desu

Nice larp, that supposedly happens during ovulation.
I do feel more horny though.

Always wanted to know this too user

I mean, you could wear them, I'm assuming. But pads are already uncomfortable as hell.

You gave me some hope. Thank you femanon.

I'm in the same boat dude, I think I might have Crohn's disease. I have a relatively good diet but I only shit once a week, and it's always a bloody fuckin mess. I get constant migraines and I always feel too bloated and constipated to do anything. I've been telling myself to go see a doctor, but I'm pretty much ready to just die so it's whatever.

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Never trust a woman, especially when it comes to if being a sap if a turn off or not
Pro tip: it is. Sorry but it dries them right the fuck up and makes them fantasize about Chad. We can never reveal our weakness to a girl we wanna fuck or be with

No but close.

Does this happen to anyone else?:

About 10 days before my period I get almost uncontrollably horny. Every single day until my period comes and sometimes throughout the thing.

Are there pills I can take to stop it?

maybe you're constipated or have hemorrhoids
i had the same thing but found out it was because of hemorrhoids

its called the creep pill. just surf around on Jow Forums for a while and we'll creep you out so much that your vagina will shut down

Hope you have cancer or something :D

>We can never reveal our weakness
Yeah, have fun trying to make that work out in the long run.

pretending to be a girl has got to be the strangest ploy for attention

>bitches complaining about some cramps and headaches
Meanwhile I have IBS and constant head pain except on perfectly clear days due to an atmospheric pressure sensitivity. Harden the fuck up.

I have one, and it's the under 30, pre childbirth size but no matter what I do I can't get it in. I'm a virgin and can use tampons no problem but I can't penetrate myself while masturbating either so I might have vaginismus or something.

but don't trans girrrrrrls also have period symptoms user? ~

I have severe chronic health problems unrelated to my reproductive system, and I still fucking hate getting my period. Your discomfort isn't special, dicklet.

>Your discomfort isn't special, dicklet.
based fembot with the bants

Stop larping autismos.

Gas yourself and suck Hitler's dick in hell.

Fucking hell
How did you know?
Started mine today. Didn't know I was going to and bled on my panties.
I just wanted to relax this week but then this had to happen.

Hehe not anymore Im on birth control :)

>I have severe chronic health problems unrelated to my reproductive system, and I still fucking hate getting my period.
Then you're just as much of a pussy as I initially thought.

I still think that HL2, DMC4 and Most Wanted are new games with top-level graphics.

> I've been telling myself to go see a doctor
Go see a doctor. Here, one more person just told you that.

I want to eat a fembots ass. Originally

why not just get impregnated instead?



Maybe were not fembots but we are beta girls that get easy attention here and lots of easy ammo to keep us hating ourselves so we'll never leave unless u break that cycle and u won't break it cuz ur all beta too. Just admit that we need each other and ask us our bra size u fags.

so like do you have hairy nips

why do all females think that the particular discomfort gives them an excuses to be cunts, but with all other life problems, you shouldn't take out your anger on innocent people.?

would you be happy if you had a set amount of time every month where you bled out of your asshole? no? yea shut up pig

No! Theyre pink and cute.

it's a mixture of our hormones going all over the place and being extra tired. When I was younger I didn't get why girls complained so much cuz I just cried easily from PMS but now a day or two before and a day or two after starting my period I get so irritable at random things I want to yell. Guys are huge babies when they get sick and can be huge cunts at work when they feel emasculated so we're probably all assholes and men are just assholes more often so u don't think about it. It's diff for every girl anyway. I know you wrote all females but I know you don't mean that literally and it's just an expression of anger and/or bait.

Are periods really that bad? You just bleed a little whats the big deal?

I'm wearing one for my period now. Diapers work but you don't also want to use them for peeing in also or it gets gross. making them an expensive and wasteful option as you often would have to keep removing the tapes. Although cheaper cloth brands you can pull down like normal underwear or just change without being too worried about cost.

They don't exactly absorb blood to the same extent but you don't get leaks. I like pull-ups these days as you can just skip them on and go

hi wanna be my e-gf

It is caused by hormonal fluctuations, and these have fucktons of other effects.

Yeah this. I didn't used to feel much from my hormones but it's fucking horrible to genuinely have so little control over your emotions these days. I just shut myself away from people. Dudes will never understand

actually i have a bloody shit at least once a week, and stomach cramps almost every other day from ibs.
fuck off with your shitty excuses

We all know you are a gay man. Post a timestamp, doesn't even need to include your body. I just want you fags to stop pretending to be women. But plz post a timestamp or kys

awww you have bloody poopies does mommy wipe you too awwww how cute

Its likely just because you're a virgin. I thought I had vaginismus too when I had a few misguided attempts to take my own virginity. Couldn't even get a tampon in without extreme pain. But I'm fine now. It's just hard to do to yourself I think.

Its diff for everyone and like diff at diff times in your life but my mom had to get blood when i was little bcuz she was bleeding so heavy and was in the hospital for a few days was kinda scary and sometimes her periods were so painful she would throw up from the pain and be stuck in bed all day but idk how or why but she started having normal periods again and then no big deal. I got some cramps so bad they kind of put me out of commission but thats only happened a few times but then im only 19 so idk

*naked body. You will have to at least show us your hand, bro

maybe your mom was an alcoholic and she was lying that it was her period causing all that

ironic coming from some roastie whining over a little blood

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its not rly the blood that makes my periods so miserable its the emotional stuff and the pain making me tired the blood is just the gross messy part

i'm tired and feel like shit all day every day
what's a few days out of each month?

ITT: boys tell girls what its like to have a period

you mean im doing the same thing youre doing darn you caught me

You're telling me instead of fucking some cute young twink that has a great body and doesn't go apeshit once a month, I should go for the chick because, uh, why?
If I want a kid I'll just adopt. That's really their only use. Anything else a male does better 100% of the time.
This is under the assumption youre a sub 8 male like all of r9k and the only chicks you can get are dried up roasties that want your betabux. Chad gets the girls you say "you just need to look theres some good girls out there" about

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No noones telling u that and I think u should go for the twink if that makes u happy. If u only want a girl for their "use I think u prolly just don't like girls and that's ok!

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Dont listen to that faggot just post the cleavage, faggot.

alcohol doesn't do this moron

im blowing you the fuck out
you're just blowing up fattie

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I spent weeks in the hospital once and it was worse than the DMV. I'd rather just die man, shit's fucked. I live in a chimp city and have zero health insurance, going to the free hospital is the closest thing to prison. The doctors are just spooks in labcoats, and you're surrounded by feral, sick niggers. I once did 2 weeks for a bad injury and it was the worst experience of my life. Afterwards, I spent two years going back 1-2 times a week for treatment/scans/checkups, all while being barely coherent from the injury.

I would rather just die.

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i've heard that they're actually quite comfortable, then again could be just a diaperfag thing
yeah, i was planning to use diapers purely to make sure there are no leaks, so seems like pull-ups are the best option

Death upon women

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not fembot but femanon
I can exercise just fine when I'm on my period, I just take one ibuprofen as soon as I start bleeding and it's fine
And no I'm not on my period and I feel ok with it

>I have severe chronic health problems unrelated to my reproductive system, and I still fucking hate getting my period.
Maybe you should work on those health problems rather than calling people dicklets, healthlet.

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STUPID fucking bitch won't even be my e-gf... i didn't wanna be your e-bf anyway BITCH

Thank you pepe. You are always there for me

I didn't understand the entire last half of that tangent you made

What the hell how did you know it was that time

Yes, diapers are the superior feminine hygiene product.

You won't die from crohns though, just be in immense pain. Better to go get it sorted now rather than having to deal with a worse version later