Piss Jugs

Does anyone else have piss jugs? Have your parents ever found them? How do you feel about them? Do you want to stop?
I feel like this is a really bad addiction and I want to stop, but I can't be assed to care. It doesn't really affect me that much, but I just can't help feeling a little pathetic every time I look at them. It's a reminder of how much of a failure I am.

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Is it a fetish thing?

No. I stay in bed all day, so it's more convenient for me to just sit up and piss in a container. I also don't want to leave my room.
So it's just a laziness/convenience thing.

Nigga do you have to walk across to street to take a piss? Get a fucking grip, man

No, but I have to walk across the hallway and leave my room. Why would I do that if I could just piss in a container to get the same result with a lot less work?

you say you want to stop but i dont believe you

The only reason I want to stop is because they are a physical reminder of how retarded I am. I'm conflicted because I honestly don't see anything wrong with it, it's just that they have negative connotations. I don't have the effort to stop.

might as well use diapers then user, won't even have to get up

I have shit shelves.

Just make saltpeter out of your urea and you're good to go!

I've thought about it but those will be a pain in the ass to clean up and my room would smell like shit. Also I have a smudge of self respect. It may not seem like it, but it is there.

so do the piss jugs not smell?

It's fucking gross. you're literally living in your own filt, you breath piss air and you probably smell of piss constantly.
This is fucking gross, holy fuck no wonder no one fucks you if my son did this I fucking hang him then hang myself.

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They do, but it's tolerable and over time I don't even notice it anymore. Feces is a different story.


i didn't say shit in the diapers

I don't go outside, if I had the energy to step outside I'd have the energy to go to the bathroom.

Oh, sorry, I just assumed so. Having my pubic area wet for an extended period of time and having piss potentially leak onto my bed is just an uncomfortable thought. This method works fine and I'm comfortable with it.

I do, its just more convienient. I also poopsock sometimes.

If you can't manage to walk your tard ass across the house then holy fuck dude. KYS

I can manage it, I just don't want to or see a reason to.

reason > to not be a disgusting pig

I piss in the empty coffee mugs in my room, there are always some from all the coffee I drink daily. From time to time they get moldy and a hard crust develops. I just soap them and put them in the dishwasher. Mommy and daddy are oblivious to all of this.

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How do they get moldy? For me, my average piss fills up a lot more than just a coffee mug. Also if you accidentally spill it...

Where do you poop OP??

Im just lazy and sometimes leave them for days / weeks. Normally I just put them in the dishwasher the next day. I also have pissbottles but I find the mug method easier and less work.

I also piss in the sinks if I'm close.

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I foten wanted to have a piss bottle, especially when playing, its really annoying playing high level fps games when you want to piss.

I go to the bathroom for that. I think going to the bathroom to shit is worth it. It's only like once every other day.

Everytime I don't feel like leaving my room and have an empty bottle I think about pissing in it, and then I remember fuckers like you and I stop myself before I reach a new level of degeneracy.

I have never spilled one, but twice have I sipped piss mistaking the mug for the one filled with coffee. Bad but not hellish.

Funnily enough, piss mugs are much easier to conceal than pissbottles. I leave them on the side of my desk, and the reason the're never seen is because my parents dont think I'm capable of doing that. The only one reason for the green light for my doings is that my parents cannot make that mental image. Funny how we work, this must happen at all levels of society as well.

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I'm just wondering how a mug can get moldy. Are you talking about something like pic related? My average piss fills up way more than this and I've never heard of piss crusting.

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i migrated from reddit to Jow Forums a few months ago, i thought it was better but seeing threads like these i want to go back to god awful reddit.
you guys are fucking hopeless

whats up with this yugioh card? Why is it so big?

Piss mixed with the deposits from coffee with milk will get moldy after days or weeks. I have to use a piss bottle or just go to the bathroom next door (to piss in the sink) if I'm really pissing myself. I use pissmugs to aleviate the small evacuations that happen when you sit on the computer and drink coffee all day.

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Good to know, normalfag. Go back, you don't belong here.

Lurk more faggot originolio

>reverse search
>0 results
>my original face when

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Then leave, normalfaggot. No one want you here anyways.

Oh, that makes sense. Thanks for replying.

I just piss out my bedroom window. My neighbor caught me one time, but I don't give a fuck. I waved at him and continued to piss.

What ever happened to Jizzus from /b/? Haven't heard any updates in a few years

What do you do about food and water?

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Maybe he recycles.

>not making a 10:1 solution of water and your piss jug piss to fertilise your lawn

used to use piss bottles when i lived with my mom because:
>not 21 yet
>like to drink a lot of beer
>have to piss all the time from all the beer
>one bathroom
>have to walk down really creaky stairs to get there
>she hear and know why i'm pissing all night
>piss bottles!

I dont need excuses or reasons. I do it because I will it.

sounds to me like you are me in some way i was the exact like you faggot because that shit they played at night
>I'm just saying I can feel it slipping away now slowly so be warned ignore the shit I say for a while

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im more a less a normalfag but seeing everyone disgusted by this makes me question what ever happened to when this type of shit was celebrated

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This. Fuck your gay toilet anxiety OP, answer the important questions

i piss is bottles half the time.
I really want to get that sediment out and dry it out but I am lazy

Dont even trip dog.
I have piss bottles in my room and I openly joke about it with family and friends....
If i wanna piss in a bottle ill do it...
Idgaf about if you think its ew...

Lots of people have been cucked into their own parcels inside their head it seems. I want I get, or I try. How anyone is cucked beyond not giving a fuck what people say if they want to piss on a bottle is beyond me. What happened?

I use a half gallon milk jug. Saves water, good for the environment, and helps me be a bit more of a lazy fuck.
>doesn't shatter
>perfect capacity, balanced between small enough to need emptying before the piss goes rancid and big enough that you're not emptying it all the time
>decent sized opening
>cheap, easily recyclable
>if it gets smelly, you can rinse it out and air it out outside and it will eventually smell not horrible

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If you're hoarding that many large piss jugs without emptying or discarding them, then yeah, that's bad. See my post above, it's good if you empty them at least once everyday/when they get full since it helps save water n shit, but if they get nasty then you're a fucking faggot.

I had a gatorade pissbottle for over a year and it turned into a whiskey color with sediment at the bottom. I didn't dare open it, I've opened old pissbottles before to dump them in the garden "for fertilizer" and it is pretty gross. Nowadays I just have one pissbottle that gets emptied everyday/when it gets full.

disgusting, but a true robot thread indeed

I have a sink in the mini-kitchen attached to my bedroom, I just piss in a cup and dump it down the sink.