two inches and you make the cutoff, wear lifts and nobody will give a shit
That's nothing for a girl
You can still get a 6'5+ Chad bf
Sad manlet is a sad manlet, Could be worse you could be female.
That's perfect height for a girl. Post feet.
A perfectly fine height, what is the problem?
>19 y
>10+ girls fucked
>currently taken
Hurt durr need 6" to get puss hurrr
FACT: the reason you are alone is because you think your height is the reason you're alone
Or perhaps he is a sad cunt who posts crybaby threads about his height every fucking week. Wait for the suicide links next...
>10+ girls fucked
>currently taken
fuck you and I hope you burn in hell chad. Get the fuck off my board and never come back
You're taller than me and I'm a man.
But I don't think height is the reason, and i'm still alone. What gives?
are you still upset about this? there were like a handful of people in the last thread who were shorter than you.
babe i am 4'11. date me and i will make you feel tall.
Six foot three inches girl (female) here go kill yourself
You're black at least... right?
>Tiny midget roastie. Awww
Nope, Korean/Norwegian mix.
Does hoovering all day hurt your back?
how tf is that short in any way for a girl you tower over me
Would you hug a short 5'4 guy?
Who doesnt love a tall girl? If yall werent obsessed with dating a guy taller than you youd have easy pickings.