Got rejected today

Doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would
We're still friends, so it's not a total loss, I expected her to cut me off or something

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Give details, damn it.
I want to know what I'm in for...

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I told her I had feelings for her and I asked her if she was interested in me as well. She said no and I guess it helped that I expected that answer. I wasn't hurt and she wanted to make sure I wasn't hurt and I reassured her I'm not. She then asked if we could remain friends and of course I said yes.
Atleast I can go on the rest of my life knowing that I didn't waste my shot. It's going to be okay, user. The hardest part was asking the question.

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>Atleast I can go on the rest of my life knowing that I didn't waste my shot.

I know that feel, bro. It hurts now, but it's better to regret trying than not trying. For one brief, glorious moment, I had forgotten that I have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Fucking gay. Have some self respect.

Are you ok user? Surely you've been in the same situation

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Pretty much the same thing happened to me. We are still friends almost a year later. She is inviting me to dinner for her upcoming birthday along with other people and her boyfriend. I guess its not the worst thing in the world, right?

Well if you continue to hit on her and she doesn't get repulsed or cut you out it means there's hope. If she ever has a boyfriend and keeps you in her life and tolerates your flirting and how you hug her tight, it means you are semi-cucking him
If you have a big cock, you should show her. However im guessing you dont or you wouldnt go the emotional route of being her friend first

>getting rejected by girl who you've been orbiting since time immemorial
>implicitly told that you're too ugly and boring for her to ever consider dating you
>willing to remain friends with this person
You exposed your willy, she laughed, now grow some balls and never see her again.

You know how things work too well user

Never seeing her again is a bit harsh and childish and won't work considering my small town.

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now go hit on 100 more. seriously, once you just start playing the numbers and treating women like literal NPC's that respawn every 10 minutes, the whole getting laid thing becomes much easier.

>I told her I had feelings for her

never ever admit this. you have to make them drag this out of you if you want them to respect you.

But when I finally get there won't I be jaded and bitter from all the grinding, feeling only hollow resentment where I should feel loving pride.

no. so here's the counter intuitive thing. once you truly stop giving a shit about women and what they think and feel, they will suddenly become interested in you and start seeking you out. its totally weird.

at least that's what happened to me.

>care about women liking me
>they don't like me
>I'm sad

>don't care about women liking me
>they start liking me
> I don't care, I feel nothing.

What the fuck is the point?

There isn't so die a virgin

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Just don't go to birthday she have a boyfriend sometime just be a friend not a puppy who what attention. all need to say is this happy birthday and say i can't make.

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the point is getting satisfaction outside of women and recognizing their approval as something tertiary. look inward. focus on building wealth, tangible skills, and your physical body.

I don't care about any of that shit

user, dont friendzone yourself if you got feelings for her still, take some time away from her to clear your head and focus on you

In a similar situation. Me and her had some autistic moments over summer. Long story short, she's with another guy. But she's pretty unhappy being with him. Don't know why she hangs around him. Not saying I could make her happy. But I could at least make her feel batter than this current dude. Still hang out with her from time to time. Women are just way to confusing for someone like me. Such a waste of time really.

At least you kno user. Keep on trying to find someone better 4 u :)

bec "chad" tht why

why did you say your feelings were not hurt if they actually were

i know you don't. its because you got that pussy juice on the brain, boy. you can't care about anything besides how thirsty you are. thats why you need to get out there and just start hitting on every woman you see. fat, old, young, hot, ugly. doesn't matter, its just XP to get you out of your noob levels.