>reddit has no meaningful pos-
Reddit has no meaningful pos-
Can someone translate that into a greentext? I'm not reading a block of text.
there are plenty of good subreddits, but they get quarantined once the admins go ballistic about being politically correct
If you strip away my job, purchases, and food, I've still got friends, family, bird watching, programming, music, etc.
Idiot redditor thinks he's smart for assuming humans do nothing but work 9-to-5 jobs.
>I'm unhappy because people somewhere are richer than me
lots of people succeed and progress through life
this is the sour grapes of a loser who either because of inability or inaction can't make more than 25K a year
>we live in a "society"
Basically it.
bros just dropping by to let you know if I didn't have subway submarine sandwiches and a 9 to 5 job I would be a barbaric murderer
and I already don't have a 9 to 5 job
>and I already don't have a 9 to 5 job
we truly do live in a society...baka..
I too used to believe this when I was in school
don't worry bro the rumour around town is that they are opening a second subway over in the wal-mart
>some basic bitch shit every single high schooler that wasn't a total mouth breather already figured out
lol, he's still an idiot too.
Society is a social construct. What do you expect? We would kill and cannibalize each other within a generation if the government lost control. People aren't bad, but they aren't good, either. They will kill you and eat you if they are hungry. This is all humanity deserves.
>If you remove water from the ocean what is left is something else
O i am enlightened
>redditor stating the obvious and the same repeated empty rhetoric that everyone else figured out years ago
so profound!
He's right tho
>tfw culture (the 9-5 office/retail/fast food thing (and much, much more than that)) is just a collective coping mechanism to deal with the fear of death
>tfw all life forms are selfish and self-serving by nature, and that when pushed to the limit man is indeed capable of savagery beyond its own imagination
>tfw normalfag society makes you believe that at all it takes is to be optimistic to "succeed"(which equals to chasing a carrot on a stick forever) and if you fail it was always your own fault because no matter what you simply didn't try hard enough
>tfw people indeed are just facades of kindness and it shows in how vapid and backstabbing they are with each other (not to mention how they literally kill each other when pushed to the brink
>tfw the people in power are all psychopaths that do pull the strings of our lives and grow powerful and richer at the cost of the suffering of millions
>tfw when you rant about your disapproval of this whole "human existence" scheme you are either "edgy" or "depressed"
He's just a fedora tipping 15 year old, and he probably doesn't know it, but he's got it right: he licked the real black pill.
most people figured this out by the time they were like 14
nothing in your post is new or inspiring
Wow, he is so smart for figuring something out even high schoolers can easily see. Truly one of the most enlightened intellectuals of his generation.
>Religion still exists
>People still care about politics
>The overwhelming majority of people go on with their lives trying to achieve inane goals
>When asked about dying, most people talks about how they will "leave the world a better place", are planning to have children, "want to leave a mark on the planet"
>Most people figured this out
I think you're a dumbass queer.
wow, the fact you point out that this is not new shows how enlightened you are
thank you for showing us that you are so smart
>be redditor
>say some basic ass shit
>post it on 4chins to show how smart you are
>people are unimpressed
>now doing damage control
whatever, kid
ooooooh he just said 'whatever, KID'
oh you got him goooood WOOOOW
fucking based. In fact, this comment is much smarter than that unit of text I wasted a minute of my life reading
>oh you got him goooood WOOOOW
whatever, kid
is this from the Late Stage Capitalism sub? waiting for the invalid's with "depression" to start whining about able-ism
Just say "Capitalism". Literally everything that person in the post is complaining about is caused by it.
For hundreds of thousands of years humans lived together in nomadic communal tribes. The idea that everyone is out for themselves is false. Humans are naturally social creatures, and many other animals have social systems vaguely similar to our own.
Realizing the ills of capitalism isn't depression either.
I wanna read that book
>TMT is derived from anthropologist Ernest Becker's 1973 Pulitzer Prize-winning work of nonfiction The Denial of Death, in which Becker argues most human action is taken to ignore or avoid the inevitability of death. The terror of absolute annihilation creates such a profound - albeit subconscious - anxiety in people that they spend their lives attempting to make sense of it. On large scales, societies build symbols: laws, religious meaning systems, cultures, and belief systems to explain the significance of life, define what makes certain characteristics, skills, and talents extraordinary, reward others whom they find exemplify certain attributes, and punish or kill others who do not adhere to their cultural worldview. On an individual level, self-esteem provides a buffer against death-related anxiety.
Probably Jow Forumsdepresison
Lmao at this butthurt. Do it again.
>Lmao at this butthurt. Do it again.
whatever, kid
Keker Neker over 9k
Thanks for the laugh even though it's most likely bait
>Keker Neker over 9k
>Thanks for the laugh even though it's most likely bait
whatever, kid
you guys are in love now
Goddamit, this was short enough for me to read it. It was trash. Fuck you
>he actually did it again
fucking kek.
Cringe. looks like 11 year old me wrote that.
can make 25k a year you stupid fucking faggot
listen at night you will hear them playing the cock music I can almost guarantee, or maybe you shouldn't then you would HAVE to find the machine you stupid gtfo
kek of the utmost highest degree
just sounds like an edgy jaded guy. nothing of note here.
Even if he's right about that, the "solutions" he and his ilk always present are pants-on-head retarded.
>dude working for the man 8 hours a day sucks
>we should be a communist society, and I will be entitled to a basic income allowing me to smoke weed and jerk off all day, that society would actually work
but its liiiike what else is there you know, humans dont have some grand purpose for living so a distraction from that nihilistic thread of thought is good
biiig cock music
black music time
thomas a dorsey
He said to just work as much as you need to live comfortably. That's the most you can hope to achieve in capitalism. Even if you make 7 figures it doesn't matter if you're blowing it off and getting into debt.
cock music! learn it!
I don't get it. How can you say that and still believe the system is bad? I thank society for not having been killed by Chad and his tribe.
oh shit, wagies are waking up. what do we do NEETS? if wagies stop working, then we'll have to work
8 hours a day is too much, we should work 6 hours a day 3 days a week. Why shouldn't we have more free time than work time? As long as the work gets done.
Why are you so against communism though. There never seems to be any underlying set of values that people who sperg at communism have. The argument is always "lol itz dum"
I'd be all for it if people weren't the murderous barbarians OP's pic describes. It would work if we were decent, but for barbarian creatures, barbarian practices work best. Hence, "if you don't work you die".
Communism gives psychopaths even more advantages than capitalism.
You know i agree with you. I used to be a communist and believe that everyone deserves basic human rights and a chance at a good life. But after seeing people argue tooth and nail against communism and the idea of sharing wealth to give everyone a chance at a good life, i realized that most people are garbage and dont deserve it.
because it never works and causes so much damage
look at eastern europe and russia you dumb fuck
Thats the problem of those people who implemented it. Its not the fault of the economic model of communism that a bunch of retards fucked everything up.
National socialism is the perfect ideology
>communism would work if not for retards
it can never work in this species
>look at eastern europe and russia you dumb fuck
But communism in Russia was slowly decaying and the country was in huge debt. It wasn't because of socialism
what's the game in the background?
With that mentality we cant do anything ever at all. It can work just fine, it just needs good people executing it.
>With that mentality
You think it's just me? Look at fucking demographics, nigger.
Some random middle-class faggots believing in it won't change millions.
Only living in extremely rich areas would let you think such optimist bullshit.
Sadly, good people don't exist. You give any man power over hundreds of people and they will abuse it
>Some random middle-class faggots believing in it won't change millions.
>Only living in extremely rich areas would let you think such optimist bullshit.
So which one is it? Middle class faggots or people living in extremely rich areas?
If i said i was poor you'd say "kek you're just a jealous poorfag". Its always the same with you people. It doesnt matter what finanical class you come from, you will find a way to discredit someones opinion based on their financial class, and you have one of these memes for every single financial class
You're poor? You're just a jealous poorfag
You're middle class? You're a spoiled sheltered larper
You're rich? You're a bourgeoisie who doesnt even understand the working class
Its all the same
We can have representative democracy with communist elements.
You missed the point real bad dumbass.
>We can have representative democracy with communist elements.
Good thing human militaries never support Communism, only sub-humans do.
>Stage 1:"gommuniz stoobid"
>Stage 2:"gommuniz bad"
>Stage 3:"gommuniz not work"
>Stage 4:"...uhhhh.... gommunizd nod hooman"
There we go again lads. The stages of arguing with an anti communist
what would you need to hear to actually believe what im saying because im almost about to give up on believing the bullshit Im being fed here
the cock music will drip into your psyche and grow into a prosperous root system of cock thought and cock brain implementation you watch
I'm the middle-class (who would believe)
you're the rich bitch
there's no contradiction, nigger
regardless, I'd hate communism no matter where I came from, because the "communist elements" you want are already fucking with my country. Subsidies literally make people stop working or seeking oportunities.
>Just say "Capitalism". Literally everything that person in the post is complaining about is caused by it.
Capitalism =! Consumerism
Also, those tribes you're pining for still exist
If you want to see where, look for the most successful people in society
>The terror of absolute annihilation creates such a profound - albeit subconscious - anxiety in people that they spend their lives attempting to make sense of it.
Why do amerifats try to pretend to understand actual history?
>militaries never support Communism
Do you think communist revolutions happen because some left-wing politicians ask politely?
I'm listening to big black cock music what about the ladies
So what alternative solution are you/they proposing or are you just venting in desperation?
Do these people think society runs itself? As meaningless as all of those office jobs seem to people, they have their function and obviously they fulfill some kind of meaningful role or they wouldn't pay more than a retail job.