Is there anything more pathetic than yellow fever fags? They look like insect children.
Is there anything more pathetic than yellow fever fags? They look like insect children
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>tfw no qt insect child gf
I like their normal non make-up look. I'm not ashamed to say, I like average looking people who don't hide behind things. Make-up is just coping with self-satisfaction issues. Same with fancy clothes and cars. If you work that hard for nice things, have you worked truly on the person inside of you at all?
>insect child gf
How about one that actually doesn't look retarded? Reminder that Asian ""women"" will never look like pic related
this thread will stay up for 300+ replies, because jannies are niggers/nigger lovers. and my comment will get deleted
>Reminder that Asian ""women"" will never look like pic related
That's the best part about Asian women.
I am above yellow Fever for you see i have taken the Mediterraneanpill
Tell that Stacy to wipe the Cheetos dust off her face
asian women have more features in common with black women than they do anime characters. i find asians,blacks, and latinas prettier than white women. however i do find it funny that if asians were not asian they would be called ugly for having some weird face shapes and flat noses.
>their normal non make-up look
There are ugly and bad people in both European and Oriental races.
There are examples of good mixes between virtuous people from both races, and there are examples of bad mixes between non-virtuous people of both races. There are pure Europeans that are bad. There are pure Orientals that are bad. There are pure Europeans that are good. There are pure Orientals that are good.
Stop being ignorant and dumb.
Why are you so racist, man? Is that your whole gimmick or something?
Yeah I saw one of your comments that got deleted
Well duh everyone knows anime characters are white
I'm surprised you didn't cherry pick harder. They look fine to me. Very cute.
average asian>average white all of the day bro.
me? but this thread and others arent racist. or im more racist than others because i say NIGGER but its perfectly fine to say every other slur.
niggers are coddled babies.
Why are niggers so dumb is that their whole gimmick or something?
you seem like a case of u dont care about looks as long as she is asian. if those girls were a dif race you would find them ugly.
and of course this thread wasnt made by niggers, nope. those niggers want Whites and asians to fight so they can henpeck at Whites.
its nigger disgusting
Pic related is the average white woman versus the average Asian insect
why is food censored?
she's propping her eye open too, it's not just makeup? How do they do that
Japanese meme.
if asian women are insects can we at least agree white women are cattle?
i think they use tape on their eyes
Those white girls aren't average dum dum
watch, there will be a pro nigger woman thread pop up within the hour after this.
circle contact lenses. Lots of women use them, not just asian.
This is your average white girl not slathered in makeup user.
Don't you have some threads on Jow Forums to make
its a nigger bitch posting hate on Whites and asians
Asian women lost a lot of their charm for me when I realized that 90 percent of them are using a lot of cosmetic surgery, they have contacts that make their eyes bigger, and using a shit ton of makeup.
>there's an asian girl reading this thread right now
>she'll never reach the level of beauty like in pic related
Why don't you show Asia women with out their make up and plastic surgery
but she would be much closer than a nigger woman, nigger females are walking apes.
Where did white women lose their way? Why did they get dethroned by asian women and why? I'm genuinely curious.
same nigger woman. niggers always hate and stay hateful.
nig nog nigger
You first user.
jesus christ, I don't know what to believe anymore.
I agree white women have lost their way but what the fuck are you taking about dethroned your standers of beauty are universal
nigger samefag. hes probably the nigger janny.
This isn't how this works nigga the burden of proof is yours
>dethroned by asian women
It's just a bunch of losers who have to settle for Asian ""women"" because white women won't touch them
Don't be fooled user. All women are disgusting creatures hiding behind makeup.
I'm just asking what changed? What makes asian women more desireable to people nowadays? I don't get the hype personally. They're just more cute than white girls but they aren't as strong and beautiful imo.
>tfw hapa female and look full asian
neither. mixed, latina, middle eastern girls are so much hotter than white or asian.
Baltica-chan is very cute.
you will always be a hideous nigger. thats why you seek the destruction of those who are more beautiful. just like an ugly nigger.
they still have traditionalist values compared to americanized/westernized europe and america
Asian women spend their entire lives trying to look white. They want white skin, big eyes and tall noses. They even dye their hair and wear contact lenses to have anything other than soulless black hair and black eyes. Why settle for something fake? Have some self-respect.
Med chan cutest of all
>continues to post women with surgery and makeup
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?
All the women you have been posting have make up on why are you such a hypocrite
>They want white skin
Yeah since before even making contact with white people you dolt. Pale skin is a sign of wealth and royalty from not toiling in the fields.
>big eyes
only 50% of asians have double eyelids in the first place
>tall noses
japs have cute button noses, they don't want long snouts like whites have, it's actually a running joke.
Any questions?
Stop white knighting you fucking faggot. Everyone looks better with proper makeup. It's an undeniable fact.
agree. people who say they prefer girls without makeup just feel threatened by girls who put effort into their appearance
Not a single good looking gook in that webm
She looks way better one the left one.
On the right one she just looks like a typical plastic bimbo.
unironically looks better without it
It's not white knighting. I don't like fake things. I don't want to be dating a girl who only wears makeup to grab my attention physically. I want their to be a mutual respect for each other. All this shallow makeup garbage, is just that. It's garbage. It's what the rich people did way back when our ancestors first had a surplus. So we keep doing it today. Look better than you actually are. I detest the notion. I want a girl who enjoys the outdoors, who has a natural beauty.
pic on the left is true patrician taste, pic on the right is for people who have a weird clown fetish
That picture aint proving your point, friend.
you retards realize shes still wearing eyeliner on the left side, right?
>I don't like fake things
So you never watch film, read books, or play games? Or use a computer?
Med women have the shittiest personalities.
>stuck up even though they were raised poor
>basically all act BPD
>extroverted but not charismatic, just loud and annoying
There's a reason the med region has the lowest birthrates in Europe; their women are awful.
>with photoshop even a man can look like a blurry woman!
>it's all makeup
Really? I had heard they were a lot more traditional than other European women
Asian men and women have very different standards. The white guys who do best with Asian women aren't just complete losers but rather successful, tall, quiet, skinny guys. Being successful and tall isn't enough for white women these days you have to also be an extroverted Chad so they lose out on some of the mid level hard working normal guys who are treated like gods by Asian women. That said not all white guys score easily with Asians and I've heard a lot of white guys bemoan that it's not actually that easy to score with Asian girls. Most of them being loserish, loud, alcoholic types with a poor sense of style.
Why do white women hate asian women so much? If you like any other race in the world like latina, black, etc they don't screech at you. But they have a special disdain for asian women like they want to violently murder them out of jealousy. I think white women hate asians more than Jow Forums hates niggers or jews.
>white women don't make these threads
Sure, the other day I saw someone say it was "misogynistic" and "racist" then getting visibly upset but it's men saying it?
hello my fellow nigger. how do you do, nigger?
I honestly dont believe its just white women, its obvious that most of these race baiting threads are created by asian guys themselves.
It's not only white women making these threads. It's incel asian and white men, and also white women. Probably no other demographic is pathetic enough. But the important question I'm asking, why do white women hate asian women so much?
People say the same about RUSSIAN women. RUSSIAN. Lmao. The women who are most likely to literally get AIDS sharing heroin needles.
Top tier women are nice conservative protties from NW European countries and they've always been the best.
>why do white women hate asian women so much?
White women don't give a fuck about gook women. Gooks, on the other hand, spend all their time wishing they were white.
I don't have the money to go to Europe or the social class to get a high born conservative gf maybe i should just get a castizo gf
>implying you can get any girl at all
Keep jerking yourself off for the rest of your life.
Top middle one is 10/10 without makeup
Asian women never make threads about white girls but white women do for asian women.
why would gooks make these threads? they know Whites are the prettiest.
niggers, on the other hand, are pure evil.
>the absolute state of yellow fever fags
Yeah I guess that's a 10/10 for an Asian lmao
>asian women have never cared if asian men go for white women
>white women literally screech and cry at white men for liking asian women
I could get a gf if i tried i'm not ugly at least not on the outside in fact i'm kinda decent looking
>Asian women never make threads about white girls
Spotted the newfag
no, its niggers. nigger dad is here to slap the nigger back into these niggers.
they dont you retard
White women are the most beautiful thing God created.
but you posted a mutt nigger
Even black women are better than Asians
How as a tall white guy do I obtain a cute asian gf like this? I live in a place with none.
>tfw asian oneitis found a white guy
Its not fair spicbots.
You'd have to be willing to do long distance or move. Or move in the future. I got an asian fembot gf and it's worth it for me to do ldr for a while because her personality is unbelievable.
Ok, you were already pushing your luck by saying white women were better but now you're baiting too hard.
You stupid faggots, here's the truth:
Ugly/fat people have a special disdain for good looking people out of jealousy/being threatened by them. This is usually regardless of race/sex, but it is often a factor for the especially shitty genetic trash, like they want to group an exceptional human specimen with the worst of their ilk. Sometimes nice/cool uggos are okay with good looking folk, but usually they're not.
stick with your superior kind
That's true. My intuition says most white women who browse r9k are repulsively ugly. I've even seen a white "woman" claim to despise asians and she turned out to be a tranny.
>stick with your superior kind
this. race-mixing, especially with a gook, is the devil
I'd choose an insect child over a RUDEposter anyday.