tripfags can fuck right off edition
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I dannae like fags, they make me cough.
first for not replying and filtering tripfags
/ourgirl/ without her tar cum make up lads.
Timothy James Byrne
Rented flat
alright, that is enough shit posting for the night.
Come on lads. Tell me your dreams so I can interpret them.
the radio is fucking NORMIES wanking each other off, they speak of nothing but disdain for actual /britfeel/
its all shit. my mum does tarrot card readings and the rest of them. all the new age shite is for lazy cunts that cba getting into a proper religion
You alright psychic lad?
Had a dream that I got completely dominated by a cute lass. Wanna interpret that?
>no views
Erm... Why are you posting here?
Has anyone else experienced hair loss from SSRI antidepressants?
Fluoextine has made me lose quite a lot of hair. It's become a lot thinner and started to recede. I'm definitely stopping this shit
y'alright, mate? Have a nice snack on me.
The only radio worth listening to is BBC Radio 4. And Infowars if you enjoy a good laugh as long as there is a way to listen to it without all the damn water filter ads.
I'm terrible at remembering dreams. How do I achieve lucidity
could you please stop posting here again? i forgot how annoying you are
Not enjoying watching stories about pregnant transmen?
fucking bigot
Funnily enough lad I had a dream last night. it was a dream that was a carry on from two previous dreams.
First dream about 4 months ago. I killed and buried somebody in my mums back garden in the house I grew up in. Second time I was worried about being investigated by the police.
Last nights dream the police were investigating me and I was worried about the body in the garden. Telling my mum not to let old bill in without a warrant and the neighbours were saying whats that buried in the garden.
Very uncomfy.
I mean, you could really drag her in and ask her if you can
>talk to her about real shit and make some bullshit up
Lead up to wanting to gf her flatmate etc, even if you don't. I'm sure she'll end up eating out of the palm of your hand eventually.
I'm going to bum every single tripfag in this thread.
Anyone here never have a sex drive but want kids one day?
I was the first view on /ourgirl/. Think it takes a while to update.
As a young child, I used to have quite vivid recurring nightmares, and for a while these were the only dreams I was having. Then they just stopped.
They were always from a small set which included
>being in a dark, old house chased by something and sometimes hiding in a chest
>being in some kind of dungeon while my aunt chokes me to death remotely like Darth Vader (I didn't have any dislike towards her, might have just been because she smoked lots)
>being in a shopping centre looking for my mother while security tried to throw me out for some reason (I think once I managed to find her and she was getting a massage or something)
>probably a few others I've forgotten
There was also a common theme in my dreams of people being at higher places than me and being unable to find a way up there.
Further to that, it's been years since I've had a nightmare, that is to say one with scary imagery, and the ones I have now play on some kind of some kind of secret I don't want getting out.
Any ideas as to why I had them in the first place, what they maybe meant to me, and why they stopped so suddenly?
I know tarot is all shit, its just for fun pal.
>Had a dream that I got completely dominated by a cute lass. Wanna interpret that?
Sure. Please tell me any more details you remember.
Did you know the woman?
How was she dressed?
Was it sexual domination or a verbal run down?
What emotional state were you in the moment you woke up?
In a dream last night I murdered somebody. It didn't actually dream about the murder or who it was that I murdered. The dream itself was about me being on the run. It all felt so real that I actually felt relieved when I woke up.
>How do I achieve lucidity
Not sure. When I smoked weed I could never remember my dreams but they are clearer now. Unfortunately I usually still forget them within a few days.
Funnily enough, I forgot how gay this place is.
Makeup and women are disgusting.
You're such a kid mate. It shows in your posts. it shows in your voice. Shows in everything.
Get back to /b/ lad
I know the woman yes, was a fit lass I knew in highschool.
Wasn't dressed.
It was both.
I had a wank.
Thoughts on High Wycombe
The girl I am obsessed with was on whatsapp at 9.50, 10.30, and 11.38.
Still doesn't reply to my message. Clearly talking to somebody else.
Really hurts lads.
I have tried giving you the benefit of the doubt and you don't even engage in conversations.
Shite modern architecture.
Nothing good has been built in this country for decades.
oh no, not /b/, what kind of a normoid would go there?
Mate, you need to get over the obsession ASAP, she isn't interested so move on.
Honestly kinda creepy keeping tabs like that. As a general rule women are less likely to date you the longer they know you so your better off finding someone else.
Stop being bent and move on lad
At least the brutalist meme did not last too long, though its legacy was powerful. Modern architecture is mostly shit but not overly depressing.
OH no, no I don't necessarily want to gf the flatmate, I just want to shag it. I'm not a
>mfw no alchy divorcee gf
user, I just need to mount it a couple of times.
And I can see how I might be coming off as a bit of a cunt by my willingness to shit off a just-shy-of-a-decades long friendship (however one sided) just to get my end away but at this stage I dunno that I care, how often to 6+/10 people show an interest in me? You know?
She was interested. We dated in Taiwan. We fucked loads and I am sad to say goodbye. I drunkenly told her I slept with somebody else and some other lie. Now she isn't talking to me.
I know normie reee reee. But I am really upset.
It's not that easy is it really.
Just woke up. I'm a useless sack of shit
It literally is. Uninstall Whatsapp, don't reinstall.
Block her everywhere.
>First dream about 4 months ago. I killed and buried somebody in my mums back garden in the house I grew up in.
>Second time I was worried about being investigated by the police.
>Last nights dream the police were investigating me and I was worried about the body in the garden. Telling my mum not to let old bill in without a warrant and the neighbours were saying whats that buried in the garden.
It suggests to me that your subconscious is processing feelings of uncertainty. You desire to move on from the past, leave your childhood behind and enter into the unknown that lays ahead. You feel guilt about leaving your mother behind and worry about how others perceive you. It could also suggest existential crisis about immoral behaviour.
Npt him. How come that is a rule? Because they have already decided that they don't find you attractive? Literally the only reason I won't go for a girl I have known for a long time is because she is ugly, in an ideal world I would much prefer to know someone for a little while before dating them.
>I told her I slept with somebody else
You done fucked up. Imagine if the girl you fell for told you that when you leave she goes to the local bar to get railed by some black guy. Either fall on your knees and beg for forgiveness or accept your fuck up. Personally I would never forgive you or trust you again after that even if it was a lie.
Why didn't you interpret my dream lad, bloody bastard
>It could also suggest existential crisis about immoral behaviour.
I did think this myself. Other than that I am 28 and it's not too relevant. Probably the uncertainty. But I live with my mum but she moved council house to a proper shit hole.
I think the existential crisis about my immoral behaviour sounds about right though.
Had a dream I was trapped in an endless underground train station. Bunch of others there too. And I could fly at one point.
Most women like when a man takes charge. Or atleast shows to be decisive. If you don't ask me out after knowing me for a month or two then you either think i'm not pretty enough or are too indecisive for me to consider as anything more than a friend.
Also It's much harder to date friends in general. It becomes a huge mess if you were to break up because suddenly your ex-boyfriend is also friends with your friends and everyone starts picking sides.
This means that you have untapped ability to fly - and the endless underground train station symbolises your repressed homosexuality.
taking a shit in my disgusting toilet.
still can't figure out how to reduce images below 2mb on this Samsung phone. so sad .
I had a dream once where i was pissing and i pissed myself irl
yeah I know. I think I was trying to ruin it before it got to the point where she told me. but I regret it now. probably in the long run it's a benefit. was just a holiday romance and better to let go.
Same lad, had a dream I went to the corner shop and just whacked my willy out and pissed like a sprinkler everywhere
*changes your nappy*
Whenever I post about my life or how I'm feeling I get no (you)s
I hate the British, why don't those fucks use their own internet.
Teeth crumbling in my mouth like chalk
Eating chewy sweets or chewing gum and it sticking into my teeth and me having to pull it off slowly and feeling my fillings or teeth start to give way
One of my teeth falling out while talking to someone and having to try and slide it back into the socket, getting it the wrong way around, it feeling weird
All my teeth falling out and having to push them back in and them feeling loose
Finding a small eyeball on my arm and prodding it and it falling out and leaving a ball shaped cavity in my arm
Having a small hole where my neck meets my shoulder leading into a apple sized cavity where a small bone was rattling around in it
Well, you've got one now 'non.
Are we getting to the point where not having social media altogether could potentially affect your employment prospects?
I hope your feeling happy today user
I have ones like this. My teeth just fucking disintegrate and it feels so incredibly real.
Why don't YOU get YOUR own internet m8, fuckin wanker.
Yours Sincerely
jazz it up mate because some anonmongs love taking bait
>Most women like when a man takes charge
suppose it depends on the girl. Some people like to remain friends for a while before dating. But i agree that what you are saying is probably true with the majority.
my dating life is a mess though. I only meet woman online because i am a shut in and most of them i end up ghosting as they want to meet up after talking for a few days and my anxiety is too bad for that.
Not gonna lie, had to dash to the bathroom multiple times to check them after waking up from this shit. Sometimes dream I've woken up and it happens, then I wake up for real.
I messaged her after he being online 3 times.
>why don't you reply anymore? :'(
Pretend to me a chad. Just a fucking mug. reee
Wish you'd put a trip on so I can filter you out, sad cunt.
That's a shame user. If your socially aware enough to actually convince someone to meet with you online then your already doing better than most people here. Just remember that she will most likely will be feeling just as anxious as you if not even more so. I'd suggest meeting in like a cafe in the city centre so both of you feel safe and nobody has to worry about their kidneys being stolen.
I can't remember how many threads ago Ziggeh was posted in but it's well past my bed time. Nah'night 'nons.
>>being in a dark, old house chased by something and sometimes hiding in a chest
Common childhood fears of confinement and the unknown.
>>being in some kind of dungeon while my aunt chokes me to death remotely like Darth Vader (I didn't have any dislike towards her, might have just been because she smoked lots)
Similar to the first. Could also be your subconscious trying to contextualise the impact of the influence of others on your developing mind.
>>being in a shopping centre looking for my mother while security tried to throw me out for some reason (I think once I managed to find her and she was getting a massage or something)
Being lost in a crowd and removed from your mother are quite common nightmares for children. I think it has to do with finding your feet and leaving the nest. Becoming self-aware. The security guard implies a fear of authority outside the nest. Not sure exactly what the massage aspect could mean, I think i'd need more details which understandably would be difficult to remember. >There was also a common theme in my dreams of people being at higher places than me and being unable to find a way up there.
Feelings of inadequacy. A perfectly normal emotion for a young person.
>Further to that, it's been years since I've had a nightmare, that is to say one with scary imagery, and the ones I have now play on some kind of some kind of secret I don't want getting out.
Probably just that. Secrets bring us shame and are a heavy toll on our being so our minds subconscious needs a way to process the burden.
>Any ideas as to why I had them in the first place, what they maybe meant to me, and why they stopped so suddenly?
Its a normal function of all mammals to dream. Even dogs dream. I generally understand dreams to be our subconscious dealing with things, often but not necessarily traumatic events. As we grow older it becomes easier for our mind to process and filter our day to day lives thus the reduced frequency of dreams.
Do not fuckin call me a nonce lad
Just kill me mate.
Running general represents a desire for change. Putting things behind us.
Wish I could sometimes, stop replying to her fuck sake.
She told me she was just sleeping! But she was signed in 3 times. Fucking roastie cunt. waaa waaa why do I like her so much
Mate, doesn't matter if she's a roastie or not really. You're the mug for liking a roastie. Everybody knows they're bad news.
Worst dream I've ever had and I've had twice, I'll spoiler it in case anyone is eating
I go to the bathroom and I really struggle to shit, and it feels like there's something stuck so I get some tp and reach down and grab and it's noodles, really long noodles. And I'm panicking and pulling them out and out and they're covered in blood and then my insides fall out and I collapse on the floor and start throwing up blood
Both times it happened was on days my ibs was really stressing me out
The aspect of a lass from high school suggests to me that it relates to your past. The woman being naked is undoubtably significant, clearly its a manifest of your inner desires. Submission and release. Obviously you were horny which suggests lack of sexual gratification.
I expect it represents a coping mechanism for your feelings being dominated by the past as well as a desire for the firm embrace of a self assured woman.
What do you lads think of this song?
Cheers lad, honestly not a bad interpretation I reckon
Maybe you have worms.
>If your socially aware enough to actually convince someone to meet with you online then your already doing better than most people here.
Probably mostly because i am alright looking and most other lads online are deano/normies mongs that fuck it up with the girl by sending a dick pic or trying to talk dirty, while i will actually talk about things. The girls probably create a great fictitious idea of me in their head because i happen to be a bit different, not taking into account that i could actually be a weirdo. I don't really convince them either, they are usually the one's to suggest it, last two girls i ghosted kept mentioning it.
Its not like i am any good irl. The few girls i did manage to meet up with dumped me after a few dates, likely because i was a weird sperg. realistically most girl won't bother with me because of my eating disorder and shyness, girls want funny confident lads with good banter, not quiet shut in mongs.
Sorry if I missed it but it takes time to interpret dreams. I looked back and can't see your post. Please tag me it again and i'll do my best user.
I'm pleased my interpretation seems to have had some aspects of accuracy. Thanks for sharing your dream user.
Dunno but it felt real and then when I realised it wasn't I felt disgusted and had to do a fast.
hello britfeel
any of you here made new friends from scratch? I'm sick of mine
Told her I needed to stop speaking to her. Going to try and sleep because of an interview in the morning. Night lads.
No. I have to be forced into a situation in which I have no other choice but to get along with people. Last time it happened for a summer a few years ago, and it dissipated quickly afterwards.
This answer isnt from me and I dont appreciate him taking the piss.
In my opinion the endless underground suggests that you feel trapped, probably emotionally such as a relationship (not necessarily with a gf, could be family or friendships). It could also be feeling trapped about your living situation or other circumstances like neetdom, work or your job. The relevance of it being a train station means you want make an advancement or change in your life. Flying suggest to me that you know the solution and are mentally preparing yourself to take it.
good luck at the interview mate
i live in a student area and go to pub quizzes and join teams who look like they dont know each other that well it's not that hard
Had a little cry on the drive home from work lads.
No idea I've only managed to get online friends via gaming.
I had a dream that someone got possessed by the devil and he chased me. What does that mean? i am not religious. i cant remember what the guy possessed looked like but i do remember he made any room he entered red
this but i have to stop speaking to him and my interview is in two weeks
The teeth stuff suggests to me that your mind is processing the physical deterioration of time on our bodies, manifested by your gums which are a surprisingly sensitive part of the body. The stuff about the eyeball and the hole in the body is harder to interpret. It could be something similar relating to the natural ageing process and how your mind acknowledges the devastating effects of time and our own mortality. Could relate to the earth itself and the impact humanity has on the planet. Perhaps a kind of subconscious distress about your surroundings. Sorry user thats really a really difficult nightmare to understand.
Found a washing machine to scrap and a dryer that works. Can't ask for much more on a Monday night
I rarely remember dreams but I remember I was going somewhere with friends. We had to pick something up from a warehouse or something. Walking towards me was a girl I used to be friends with and crush on in college, I said hello but she just smirked, avoided eye contact and walked past.
The rest of the dream consisted of letting other people drive my car
You need to calm the fuck down lad this isn't english lit where you have to make up bullshit about bullshit.
Its probably intestines which appear as noodles because its hard for someone who hasnt dissected a cadaver to visualise intestines in their minds eye. That combined with collapsing and throwing up blood most likely relates to mortality and fear of death. Definitely consider making adjustments to your diet because its likely a subconscious acknowledgment that its not as healthy as it ought to be in a humans natural state.