Posts calling to murder people and diddle kids left alone

>posts calling to murder people and diddle kids left alone
>posts talking shit on homos get deleted


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Other urls found in this thread:|r9k||


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and you're making all of them

yes, we know

it's the CIA niggers trying to turn this board gay, god damn sodomites

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of course I am, it all makes sense now

fucking false flagging idiot

There is an obvious satanic agenda going on here. Is r9k being used as a recruitment forum for sacrifices to moloch? Why are the fags so coddled by the administration on this board?
Im beginning to think there is more than what meets the eye here

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Im a faggot trap but im not okay with your posts getting deleted so bump

I absolutely do believe that you'd go on a shitposting rampage because you're mad about your posts getting deleted

why don't you go back to twitter and get another fifty alts banned

just keep hiding the threads thats all we can do, jsut sit there and hide the threads while the gays wiggle their dicks in our faces

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based post originally for sure

Actually, you're probably doing some sort of retarded "acceleration" thing where you're posting that other stuff to try and make us get sick of it, or so you tell yourself.

my posts didn't even get deleted, I was in the bumplocked thread this morning where no one said anything remotely close to calling for violence but it's apparently ok to talk about rape and child fiddling if it's not insulting homosexuals


it's a battle for our minds. the government was testing out some cringey psychological weapon campaign trying to turn us into fags lol. every *blam*post is another 30 minutes of paperwork for a undercover CIA nigger transsexual.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night you brain dead cocksmoker, jesus.

FUCK the trannyjanny

I found this on the "other" site, so take it with a grain of salt, but I think it's worth a read.

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why do they do this to us fren

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yeah like you're so much better at running a site, with your dozen spinoffs that all hate each other, and your "situational" homosexuality. they brought back W and you immediately decided you hated it, despite it being exactly the same shit as before. now you're taking out your rage on us, because you don't think anyone cares. fuck you.

I include here the "based" spinoff on 8pol that metronomes from sickly-earnest "culture" shit to irony poisoned spassing. those people couldn't even be bothered to set up a domain and a copy of fucking vichan

trannies spammed first what the fuck

you've positioned yourselves as elder arbiters of ancient Jow Forums internet bullshit and elite posting quality, and you still don't know what the fuck a meme is

did you even read the thread or are dicks literally stuffed in your eyes? homosexual intolerance is not tantamount to or worse than advocating fucking sexual predators. oh wait, there is so much overlap there that it's impossible not to fix the problem without exposing them.

coming from the guy with the "noble grace" banner on his hangout, that's pretty rich

what the fuck are you talking about you strawmanning damage controlling diseased anused freak?

thanks for nothing, ironykid

wow someone is a crack baby

good work riding tr*v's coattails for half a decade

don't know who that is, dumb homo strawmanner

half the time your sites are down because your admins hate you even more than you do

this isn't a raid, larper. this is someone pointing out that this board is moderated by someone who thinks murder and rape and paedophilia is ok as long as no one whispers a word about faggots.

>this isn't a raid
then you should probably stop raiding. why the fuck do you even care about Jow Forums, you spend most of your time on discord and twitter just like every other faggot here. you don't even use your own fucking sites, why do you care about ours

you are making up shit in your head,again. schizophrenic retard pedo apologist

sorry, am i the one with a gig of touhou hentai? i got us mixed up

fucking shivering crytpto jew baby eater, lmfao

you're not hard to own and you only think you are because you picked up the trick of hiding behind sociopathically overconfident retardation whenever anyone calls you on anything

i don't hate you but i hate that you're raiding the board and shitting all over it. your dumb garbage makes the janitors look necessary and gives everyone else an incentive to shitpost to spite you. if you're just in it to le epic cause chaos!! you're fucking up even at that.

all I want is for them to stop giving lgbt special treatment while doing fuck all about anything else, it's really not complicated though

i can't imagine you holding a sincere position on anything but if it's the case that you actually give a fuck about what young, sexually retarded men do with their anuses on this anime imageboard and environs, you should probably just find a new website, because no one's ever going to agree to stop doing this stuff. it's what the website is for. it's what it always was for. it's what imageboards have been for, stretching back into fucking '99. it is arguably what the web itself is for. if you don't like that, go use a mailing list or something

and if you're mad that janitors delete your loli and "shitein on me nan" memes, perhaps don't antagonize them as much

I don't post loli, that's the stuff janitors let go, they want the board filled with trap and pedo threads. You can't even follow simple conversation.

there hasn't been "simple conversation" since '10. not that i'm investing anything in this persona you're doing, but users are not an infinite fungible resource. there is no vast queue of potential 4channers lining up to fill the site as soon as the idiots are kicked off, and there hasn't been for years, maybe ever. that's just wasting your time trying to evict the people who actually do use the place because you think a magic ghost will replace them with people you like as soon as they're gone, and 1. you don't really like anyone 2. that's not going to happen, ever

your walls of text strawman arguments are atrocious to read, keep shitposting with people who don't like what you like. you are sickeningly full of shit and your defensiveness betrays you.

I feel enlightened. Wasn't Jow Forums some all-powerful unit the internet feared because of our power? All the trolls we did, missions we set up in the outside world, our influence. What happened to it all? My personal belief is HiroshiMoot. Ever since he's come along all threads remotely suggesting at calls of formation have been taken down for 'raids' and 'doxxing.' We can't do anything outside of us anymore. The smart people that organize things like this have left or been silenced. We are basically left to fight amongst ourselves. But I think we have hope. Though you could just call it a meme and of course it'd catch on, the *BANG* *BANG* thing has been our most participating attempt at taking it back. I doubt it'll actually do much and the odds are against us from jannies to the overwhelming population of fags, I hope we one day reform. And I call to you, the Jow Forums plebians, to take a stand. How we do it? I don't know, maybe we can formulate a plan. Godspeed, soldiers.

The bangposters are from Twitter.
Good work taking Jow Forums back. You know, for Twitter. Another website, that's not Jow Forums, was never Jow Forums, and is in fact diametrically opposed to Jow Forums in most ways.

We're making Jow Forums great again by turning it into an appendage of a shitposting clique on a SMS site that's the opposite of what Jow Forums has ever been, and we're doing it by killing the oldfag "trap" meme.

That's what you're saying.

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Well, nevermind then. I was unaware that they were from Twitter. They are fighting against the same cause we are so I don't see the problem in it anyway. Also, what do you mean 'oldfag "trap" meme'? I'm decently newfag (been here a couple years) and it's kinda hard to learn Jow Forums culture since no one is willing to share it. Also, even if it was an oldfag meme, who cares? I doubt the average Jow Forums user back then would want to see tranny threads with dicks up the ass (literally) constantly. If anything that's a bad part of the culture you'd want to get rid of not keep.

twitterfags are most certainly better than trannyfags, I fail to see your logic here

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>They are fighting against the same cause we are
What, Jow Forums culture? Go make your own website instead of trying to cut our traps' nuts off, dickwad.

Go orbit another e-celeb namefag, twitcancer.

>They are fighting against the same cause we are so I don't see the problem in it anyway.
imagine someone saying that about reddit

Keep it up lads. Jannies losing their minds right now. For free too.

Especially when you post this link & pic.|r9k||

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>helping other people evade bans in order to spam
>"the traps are the real cancer"

i miss Terry. poor fellow....

not just helping people evade bans to shit up the board with a blogging site's forced meme crap, but also getting them to hassle their ISPs

cancer? what cancer?

Spam what? Anything that isn't little anime boys molesting each other?

Pedophile trannies & their jannie enablers thet let them prey on children here always are.

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Ok, I think I see now. You're just a tranny fag. You won't listen to any argument I make. I don't believe that trap shit is a very cherished part of Jow Forums culture. Of course, I'm pulling this out of my ass since I haven't asked any old fags myself. Like I said in my previous post, I don't think it's something we would want to keep. Obviously, you're just one of them so there's no point in reasoning with you if you don't listen. I have absolutely no problem with people like you on Jow Forums it's just the board you're doing it on. Jow Forums culture and board culture are two completely different things. You have a whole board dedicated to stuff like that, use it. I don't mind /r9gay/ because they, for the most part, keep to themselves and are arguably robots because of homophobic people (which isn't really an issue any more than way back when.)

This is different than Jow Forums talking about dashing the heads of Jewish babies open on rocks (it's not)

actually it is because telling your fellow teenagers to eat midol is less bad than bursting infants open

Negroids be like

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You cannot reason with the tranny faggot. It only wants to prey on children, & spam this site.

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fight back faggot

There's a most obvious line between making horrific jokes and not actually doing it and changing people lives (mentally and physically) and society for some sick wet dream of yours

>I haven't asked any old fags myself

So, you're a newfag. You admit this. You're attempting to crush existing, ancient oldfag culture with fucking NORMIE BLOGSITE MEMES. You haven't asked anyone, because you "don't think" they mind.

You are fucking cancer. This is what cancer IS.

Look at these anons. This is the side the jannies have chosen.

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Well, that's good, because Aero didn't actually do shit. However, I can totally name a Jow Forums discord that actually fucking killed a man. I'd prefer not to, because they namesearch themselves, but I can.

>I totally know of this other discord server that did something really bad. But I'm just making everything up, & have no proof, So I'm just going to damage control...

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Yeah, Atom.

Yes, I see these twelve-year-olds shitposting to each other that you've screencapped. I can find worse every morning on /b/. You're an idiot.

I'm not actually sure if you read my post. I can cancel out what you just said by copy-pasting things from what you replied to. Your welcome for the (You)s, I thought I could possibly talk to one of you guys and we could come to an understanding but I see that is not the case. I'll be going to sleep now since I have wage slaving tomorrow. Oh and since this just came to mind I will add that traps might be apart of the culture but they are not the ENTIRE culture. You're acting as it shall only be traps and anyone who disagrees is a reddit normer who wants to ruin Jow Forums when that statement is quite hypocritical. Good day/night and I hope that one day you may come to interpret what I was saying, but possibly still not agree.

I don't get it. He's talking about doing the same shit you're doing right the fuck now.

Except it's not. Aero- IF he did anything, and I lurk this board eight hours at a time, so I should fucking know- IF he did anything, the extent of it was about four anemic sissy threads per day, most of which were rapidly deleted by our janitors.
You, on the other hand, have drawn in legions of retards from a fucking blog site, taught them how to evade bans, and told them it's okay to spam your stupid forced memes everywhere.

You're worse than him, by your own standards.

So why can'r it stay on /b/? Why does it have to be here too? Why does it have to be everywhere?

Nice change of tactic. You've deftly avoided being called out on your hypocrisy.

>Nice change of tactic. You've deftly avoided being called out on your hypocrisy.

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I wasn't the person you replied to, jesus christ you're stupid. Answer the question, why do lgbt only get special treatment when they get shit on but talking about fucking killing people and fucking children is fine?

Protip: if you want to do an adhom, at least make sure your adhom's fucking correct. There's loads of shit you can call me on without making yourself look more retarded than I am spergy by trying to pretend/triple-reverse-irony anti-pretend that I'm your boogeyman-of-the-day.

>I can cancel out what you just said by copy-pasting things from what you replied to.
No, you can't.
> I thought I could possibly talk to one of you guys
Who the fuck do you think I am? I don't use Discord. I use Jow Forums. I'm too argumentative to be part of any social group that uses names.
And what fucking understanding? Here's an understanding: stop tracking fucking Twitter in here. Post on your own. Don't call in reinforcements. Do you see me doing that? HEY BROS COME HELP ME FORCE MY STUPID MEME!! No, fuck that.
>I'll be going to sleep now since I have wage slaving tomorrow.
So I'm wasting my time? I don't give a shit, however.
>traps might be apart of the culture but they are not the ENTIRE culture.
They are the part of the culture that's under attack, in part by another website, another shitty, horrible, fucking worst-of-the-worst website, so they're what I'm defending, just like I defended Jow Forums back when everyone wanted to remove it. That was sure smart of me, huh?
>You're acting as it shall only be traps and anyone who disagrees is a reddit normer
A twitter normer, because this meme is from twitter. And no, I'm not. I'm yelling (to no constructive end) at people who are trying to force a classic thread off the site. I'll lose, of course, because normalfags always win. That said, however

Literally what the trannies do and they are the only ones who are allowed

Protip: use lube next time you assblasted tranny pedofag.

>tfw transfats actually believe this.

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The effect of you calling everyone a pedo whether they are or not (I'm not) will be that the insult ceases to mean anything. Your bullshit will do the opposite of what you want, unless what you want is for no one to care that you're a pedo, in which case, you've got everything under control.

No, because there's no sanity checking there. You have to ask yourself "in what way could this content be presented that I wouldn't consider it as having been forced". Is there any?

Yes, I know, there are a lot of sissy threads on Jow Forums, and some of them seem to have been made for the purpose of enraging you (although it's incredibly easy to get that wrong, and I've made that mistake, I've gone after people who really, honestly weren't trying to fuck with me at all), but what you're doing is still stupid.
Bombing peoples' threads doesn't make them go away, it hardens them and makes them fucking stay, because all 4channers are stubborn as shit. You won't make the fucking sissyfags go away by bombing their threads with shit, you'll make them post twenty threads an hour, because that's exactly what YOU'D do if someone bombed YOUR threads.
So, tacticall, this is a mistake.
Semantically, it's also a mistake, because now ALL faggy threads are your enemy, whether they've been made to annoy you or not. This means that, in addition to slapfighting with your enemies using tactics that cannot possibly work, you're also dragging a bunch of people into the battle, on THEIR side. And I guess your strategy for dealing with this is to drag in a bunch of bottom-of-the-barrel scumfuck losers from Twitter, the worst website on earth, to compensate for this awful strategy, which will just result in our culture being eroded by a bunch of idiots.

Post will be continued. This part is just to hold your attention.


Assblasted tranny janny tries treir best to convince us to give up & let the pedophile faggot win.

For free.

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I don't bomb their threads. I hide them. Yet I know they are there and treated like hallmarks of "Jow Forums culture" that no one can say anything bad about yet in some other thread people are posting literal illegal shit that belongs on /b/ if anywhere.

Also butthurt aologist: please stop posting, no one ITT agrees with you and you're dumb as a brick, it's clear as day you're a self centered fetishist asshole


Continuing the post:

So, what can you do? Well, maybe you're some kind of genius, and you have a strategy I don't. But if that's not the case, then the answer is: not much.

There's a phrase in Japanese: "Shikata ga nai". It means, "it can't be helped". There are many things like this in the world. You can't fix them. Anything you could do to change them will make them worse. For example, dragging a bunch of twitter morons into our site with your epic hashtag, so that we'll never be rid of them.

The problem is not that people are saying bad things about them, it's that they're doing it with spam. It could be said that there's a continuum of spam to not spam, but endless gun noises are pretty solidly on the spam end. I think that's why those posts are getting deleted. As for illegal shit, I don't know, I only care about trapshit. Loli isn't illegal in the states, as far as I know.

So, what? You think you can just call in a bunch of reinforcements from a shitty normie blogging site and no one will have a problem with it? You want to do what you want to do, and no one gets to argue with you? Is that what you're saying? Doesn't that make YOU the self-centered one?

No, the "spam" is people making real complaints about the special treatment lgbt gets on this board in particular. The thread that got bumplocked did not call for violence against trannies. It's clear the only thing they give a shit about is whether or not trannies get badmouthed.

You're out of your fucking mind bro. I wasn't part of this "spam" until I noticed this today, it's worth mentioning because it's true mods only care about fags.

>I only care about trapshit
Straight from the horse's mouth

>you have a strategy I don't.

We do.


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This will strike you as a shit sandwich, what I'm about to say, but here goes:

You know how you perceive tranny shit as an invasion (if you don't, just act like I'm talking about someone who does)? Well, that's how the mods perceive Jow Forums. They're only human. They're just as retarded as us. Sure, that thread might not have been "Jow Forums", but sissy shit isn't Establishment Academic Feminism Trans Culture (in fact, it's widely despised in that set). However, if you're outside of either context, you'll see it that way, and you'll react however you typically react to it.

These tards think there's a tranny SJW invasion because trannies get "special treatment", but trannies only get special treatment because modtards think there's a Jow Forums invasion. Everyone's trying to maneuver against their own largely imaginary enemies.

Imagine working for free.


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Maybe if mods weren't so obsessed with whiteknighting pedophiles and fags they could do their jobs. But lets be honest, all they fucking give a shit about is whiteknighting traps.